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Gunpowder Gertie

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Everything posted by Gunpowder Gertie

  1. Seems he's taken a post/email from a troll, and tried to take it seriously.
  2. Me most favourite picture o' me in me new garb, Mates! Makin' it a bit more period an, a tad less Hollywood... aye?
  3. Happy birthday, Mate! Drink lots' o' rum, but not while firin' them guns o' yours!
  4. Happy birthday, Lass! Have lots' o' rum!
  5. Happy birthday, Mate! Hope ye got th' last drop o' rum- an' have a bottle hidden away fer later!
  6. Ahoy Jeff- Happy birthday Mate! Fresh rumcake when next I see ye!
  7. Oi Mate- the Pearl has also foundered, and has been consigned to Davy Jones' locker. I'm in the market, as it were. However, sadly, my NorCal adventure has been sidetracked as well. One o' these days we'll meet at NorCal mate!
  8. I believe it's available from Amazon, and will be released in July. Hopefully I'll see it before then.
  9. Happy birthday, me brother in pyracy! I'll get th' key t' the rum locker, an' we'll hoist a tankard t' ye!
  10. Ahoy Mate- don't let me be late t' th' party but.. Happy Birthday, Mate!
  11. Happy birthday Bilge! I be a bit slow in wishing me Munky pal a celebratory good time! Where's the black powder?
  12. Ahoy McCool! I found this: http://www.visitvall...x.php?event=198 it has information about 2012. I know the NorCal site isn't usually updated til a lot closer to the event. And- I'm comin' off my knee surgery- but I made sure the Doc understood I need drive to NorCal in June..that's dedication fer ye! So- I'll finally see yer ugly mug in person! Aye?
  13. Aye- that be the one produced by Johnny Depp based on the success o' Pirates o' The Caribbean- but traditional shanties served up by contemporary artists?
  14. Oi Duchess, the second part o' yer gift has yet to arrive! Don't worry, it will eventually make an appearance. And that's me attempting to acquire things at the beginning of November!!! One of the parcels that was lost in the mail, aye? I'll likely just send what I got.
  15. Aye as to a mail slowdown, I myself have had parcels go missing from Royal mail and USPS. Seems like there is a problem of some kind but it's with the postal services....
  16. Ahoy- a lovely packet washed up upon me shores a couple o' days ago- and it contained the most wonderful trinkets! Fine hair beads, loose doubloons and coins, a cockade fer me hat- and even a brand new bosun whistle! A quill, a medal- which will add mightily to the story of Gunpowder Gertie and the governor's stolen carriage - and some other fine booty that will be loved and treasured! Thankee Lady B!
  17. Aye- Happy New Year Mates- hope it's better than these poor pirates!What ran aground on New Year's Eve! http://www.dailymail...o=feeds-newsxml
  18. still awaitin the packet ship as well..
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