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Gunpowder Gertie

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Everything posted by Gunpowder Gertie

  1. Took me name from a legendary Canadian Pirate- from BC! Gunpowder Gertie- Pirate Queen o' the Kootenays! A bit beyond the GAoP, more from the steampunk era I be thinkin'. And totally fictional. But- seeing, as we shared the same last name, a LOT of geographical details, and some other similarities - I figured who better t' be a Gunpowder Gertie-than ME? Though lately I be findin' meself hailed a bit more as Dirty Gertie- but then, tha's from me habit of being less than well scrubbed, in me piratical persona!
  2. Well- I've just finished this book. Picked it up in the discount bin for 11 bucks. First edition to boot. Quick read. You can tell it's a first draft- but- it wasn't too bad. I mean, it kept my interest for the most part. Just needed someone to go in, beef up some details, do some character development, and provide a narrative. it was as someone else has said, a traditional pirate story. It's not like it's time I wished I had back, or anything like that. A good bedtime read..I could fall asleep and not worry too much when I picked up the book the next day.And- I wanted to pick it up the next day. I wasn't even tempted to scan ahead and read the end..always a good sign!
  3. Aye- I was a bit too clever fer me own good, and bit off more than I could chew, as 'twere. But- they're done now- and on the WAY! I have learned that the summer is perhaps not the best time fer me to participate in such endeavours- and if I do, I must be much more simplistic in my approach! All me apologies to those what I made wait..and to Pew, who was way too patient. Thankee sirrah!
  4. Aye! Happy birthday t' ya Lass! Ale and meat pies all round!
  5. still bakin body parts

  6. Aye! I am also very interested t' see yer new buckle designs! and rings! Definitely want t' see those rings.
  7. and then I'll make a blueberry pie!

  8. sooooon....ye'll be findin' out!

  9. but what am I bakin'

  10. Happy Birthday, Lass! Did I hear there's be meat pie? I mean....cake????
  11. He's a pic of Captain Phil's pirate Tat...
  12. I was just checking them out this morning. Some awesome swords there. Soon as I've got this belt out of the way for you and got me wifes bootstrap cutlass I might treat myself to the LJS sword. Ah- I'm lookin' at the 24 inch blade sabre "F" mate.... nice..nice....
  13. Almost there..... STAY ON TARGET! gotta pick up some more supplies tomorrow... STAY ON TARGET!!!
  14. yep- me too- will be done very soon and gone by this week- I PROMISE. P'raps the timin' o' this one was a bit off - what wi' NorCal, a couple o' pirate gigs fer me...a weddin' I know I know.. suck it up and get drawrin'!!! Or whatever... :lol:
  15. Pyratical endeavours to be finished ahead! Trading cards, inventory and stow pirate garb and props from last event, inventory the kid's birthday props and costumes..Oi! my aching back!

  16. I bet we see quite a few of familiar faces from the West Coast. Unfortunately, I'm too pretty to qualify. Sadly, I'm too well fed to qualify...wait..is that a meat pie???
  17. Aye- an that we did! and here's proof:
  18. NorCal music video posted to Youtube!

  19. The first cut of the NorCal video is done! Just a bit of tweaking-lip sync etc- and it'll be on Youtube!

  20. whoa- here in the port of Vancouver- it be HOT! wretchedly hot! Not that I'm complainin' mind you....

  21. Mine should be out by the end of the week.
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