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silas thatcher

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Everything posted by silas thatcher

  1. couldn't sleep last nite and felt it also... thought the kids were kicking the ceiling downstairs !! no real damage that i know of !!
  2. here's a link to all of them, and here are a few of my faves... http://s360.photobucket.com/albums/oo45/ysail2/FDC%20june%202011/?start=all
  3. pictures, pictures !! we need pictures !! mine are coming up soon
  4. the weekend went very well... the heat on friday and saturday got to most of us again !! it was good to see alot of people again and meet some new ones like mad pete and beowolf... both of them of dubious character !! the food tent idea worked out excellently except for one leaky cooler !! the shade trees made a tremendous difference as well as the extra canvas for shade... i will post a link for pics later this week.... think i got a few good ones of various people and activities ...
  5. bo, would you by chance have one of your boarding pikes ?? dunno why i think i need one other than the "coolness" factor !!
  6. bo, it goes without saying, but just in case, you and the other two are more than welcome, in fact--expected, to dine with us...if it makes things easier, just set up next to our camp... it's not like we won't be next to "non-pirates" !!! props would be good... i don't think that those attending have much as far as that goes... i might be able to borrow a few barrels, but that's about it...
  7. ben, i don't think that will be a problem.... we will have the wedge and a diamond available, but not sure how people will want to disburse the yardage of canvas between the two sites... i plan on making canvas dividers for inside the big o' wall tent, so people can kinda have a room to themselves... carol and connie will be there also, and they snore quite a bit !!
  8. right now a 4x4 shower stall is being made.... canvas and wood, with a garden sprayer for wetting ya down, and a solar shower bag thingy... capt. j is getting a medium sized wall tent for storing coolers, food prep area, etc.... just a big o' place to "hide" stuff... so, we will be taking up alot more room this time around
  9. ok, so the diamond, the wedge, the fly, and the big o' wall tent ?? i am making poles so that the diamond can be set up as a lean-to also...a larger fly is in the works, but i don't know when i will have it...
  10. me, connie and carol can plan to be there, friday morning... we can also bring our big red van which will swallow a whole encampment AND tow a boat.... we also have our big o' wall tent which can sleep up to 50 or more or stash loads of stuff in... otherwise we were just going to bring the wedge tent and maybe the fly.... we currently also have a diamond shelter which can be set up in a few different ways... let us know what we should bring...
  11. nice find !! dutch, as far as the extension cords go, plug them into a gfci pigtail ( at hardware stores ) to test them... mebbe plug in a drill and hit the trigger to give them a further test... if the gfci doesn't trip, consider the cord good... BTW you probably use the gfci pigtails at the luna construction site, or if you don't, please do !! jsut an extra safety feature :)
  12. IIRC, some had posted a few links to suppliers... usually i think people have applied the tar afterwards since working with pre-tarred line is a little sticky...MadL had posted something to that affect and did some great work... BTW... greetings and welcome !! intro yourself in "the crow's nest" :)
  13. laid on the heating pad for my neck muscles, made a bigger jig for dipping candles, tried it out before i make another, took a trip to the grocery store, and decided i am cancelling work tomorrow, did make it in today, but the job got shut down at 9:30,and right now ..... drinking dr. pepper and blackheart rum !!
  14. carl, if you decide this is a go on the rope, lemme know if you need help... always watched, yet never helped...
  15. carl, do you happen to have some sittin' around doing nothing ?? or would we have to pitch in and get some ?? the largest i can lay my hands on is about 3/4 or so...not near big enough...
  16. wow mission !! i was being nice to maddoge about his...uh.... "hobby", and there you go.......mean and all... i think if he would shave his legs....mebbe that would do...dunno... back into my drug induced stupor, now...
  17. i usually go bare foot also, but the recent event at paynetown finally did it in for my old soles... rope sandals from now on when the terrain is rocky...
  18. with all this oxen poop, ther's bound to be an oxen in here somewhere !!
  19. was on my list last year, but had other arrangements... this year will probably be a can do...
  20. only if you wear a low cut evening dress...maddogge will prolly bring a few for you to try on... heck, he looks good in them... no reason why it shouldn't be the same for you...
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