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Hawk the QM

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Everything posted by Hawk the QM

  1. I like the "Hey hey hey hey!" crabs more. Did I say I like crabs? It's ok, they're harmless. If they get near you just hit 'em with the shampoo.
  2. lol touché lass.
  3. Yes but if I shoot the CPT when no one is looking, that makes me the boss.
  4. Haha. Yes you can shut the hell up now. (I'm such a bastard for this)
  5. Keep going. You'll know when.
  6. Hahaha great responses.
  7. 1. Boone's Fuzzy Navel. Why are you guys looking at me like that?
  8. Merry Christmas to all and to all shut the hell up.
  9. .
  10. They do but I believe they are called Black Water now. hehe No seriously though, that's how business gets done in today's world. Let some one else do the killin' so you don't take the blame.
  11. If'n I was the gov, I would hire mercenaries. Mostly because dead mercs cost nothing. 3rd party would be the way to go.
  12. I hear ya Rumba. I'm a sucker for the dirtiest English accent possible. I like a girl with a mouth on her. Take that anyway you like hehe.
  13. Still my favorite villain from the cartoon series. Even if she wasn't all that villainous. Awesome costume.
  14. Gandalf casts plastic bottle to increase cell phone range. =)
  15. Uuuuuuh.. I'm sorry did you say something?
  16. Now I know those are bubbles.... but it looks like you have crazy sonar like Aquaman!
  17. Yaaar as much as I want them to work.. I think I'd rather not have a butter knife recoiled into my stomach.
  18. he threw up
  19. (whats with me and double posts today)
  20. Yaaaar I hope it's just me but that link didn't work. =( edit: http://www.museumreplicas.com/p-502-flintl...rk-gun-set.aspx If this is it then those look pretty damn spiffy. Cute cuz they have little triggers and everything.
  21. Yaaaar thanx for the reply mate. I think in clear water I would be fine. There's something about this murky green ocean we got on the pacific that bothers me the most.
  22. Closest I ever got to the Pearl was in Ensenada, on a 3 day cruise. Was docked at a private port so we couldn't get any closer to it. :angry:
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