Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 5 replies
Ever Read Pirates! by Celia Rees???
Last reply by piratelassie, -
- 1 reply
A movie (that probably some of you liked as a kid and some did not) that my kids watched the other day, and I had not seen in YEEEEEARS was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I totally forgot that movie had Pirates in it. Wouldn't call it a "pirate movie" per-say but they certainly gave Dick VanDyke a good chase.
Last reply by Christian Berek, -
- 26 replies
Aye, that be true, mateys! And if yer wanting to check it out, please direct yer attention here: It's called DEADMEN Tell No Tales, a 12 issue limited series coming soon to a comic book shop near you!
Last reply by blackbeards_ghost, -
- 9 replies
Aye, me own favorite pirate from Survivor: Pearl Islands once again lost Survivor: All Stars. But Rupert fans don't fret! Run over to and vote for him to win the million dollar runner up prize! Let a pirate win for a chance!
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 2 replies
Showing my support for me ghoulish Undead mates. y!pp (
Last reply by Merridian, -
- 6 replies
Today on me plunders, I comes across this DVD. It is from the TV Serial Classics. The Advenctures of Long John Silver. 13 episodes, almost 5 1/2 hours long fer $5.99. Had to buy. These are the episodes: The Necklace Pieces of Eight The Orphan's Christmas The Execution Dock The Eviction The Pink Pearl The Tale of the Tooth Ship of Dead Sword of Vengance Turnabout Miss Purity's Birthday Dead Reckoning Devils Stew I havent watched any yet, But its all Robert Newton. Oh ya the most important thing... i got the in a two DVD box set at Best Buy.
Last reply by Redd Oktober, -
- 50 replies
That's right mates. The Free Men of the Sea was filmed by the History Channel for a piece on Captain William Kidd. It airs Monday May 3rd at 1015. So please watch and see Scupper, Evil Tiny, Capt William Kidd and others play out the trial, and execution of one of our favorite brothers. All critics will be keelhauled. All positive supporters will have free run of me liquior cabinet. Scupper
Last reply by Red Maria, -
- 0 replies
Any good pirate MUDS? I've been out of the MUD addict loop for some time and my brother is interested in a pirate version. I showed him Pirate Wars 2, but he was looking for a proper one. BTW, like Bilgemunky said, check it out! Fun so far, and the upgrades are a laugh riot! Drake
Last reply by Thadius Drake, -
- 12 replies
What is the name of the island Captain Jack Sparrow was "stranded" on? I think I've had too much to drink! Yarrrrr!!
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 4 replies
We just updated our guest gallery over at at the guest gallery! Lots of new pieces!! Please take a second to check it out. Thank ye.
Last reply by blackbeards_ghost, -
- 8 replies
Morning family, Okay, the TV pilot shooting in L.A. is now also looking for local belly dancers, Renaissance Faire entertainers and costumed folk for back grounds. Bright costumes a plus. Both SAG and non SAG will be considered and will be paid per contract at sale of pilot. If you're interested, email me and I'll get you in touch with the right people.
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
I rented the movie POC with john depp. Interesting spin on the pirate. Depps caracter was off base but the fellow that played barbossa actually true to his word in all manners and was a better actor. they( depp and barbossa) even had an accord at the end which depp broke. So whats the attraction to such a miscrete as depp? I must be missing something. Seems to me barbossa was a composition of several pirates.
Last reply by robert, -
- 2 replies
He will be if Johnny gets 'is way. From Depp Wants Richards to Appear in 'Pirates' Sequel Johnny Depp reportedly wants Rolling Stones rocker Keith Richards to appear in the Pirates Of The Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl sequel - as his father. The hunky star famously based his character Jack Sparrow on the aged rocker in the celebrated film, and wants to pay tribute to Richards by landing him a role in the follow-up. A source says, "Johnny was slightly embarrassed by all the praise for Pirates because he was really just being Keith. A good way of thanking Keith would be to get him to do a walk-on in the sequel."
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 0 replies
Just stumbled across this yesterday - Pirate Wars 2. I'm just starting to try it out, so can't say much. What I do know is you build a crew with skills such as parrot-handling, and you can improve your ship's speed by adding frilly-sails or a monkey row crew. Sounds fun AND historically accurate! Check it out
Last reply by Bilgemunky, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone! I'm a newbie to these boards as you can see. I'm currently working on a pirate comic, and I thought I should post this preview here to get some comments. I hope you like it and can give me some tips... please comment on the text if you think it could be written better, I'm from a non-english-speaking-country so I'm having some difficulties with the language As you can probably see, I've been inspired by the Monkey Island games
Last reply by Sjöröveren, -
- 4 replies
Do you think I'm a little obsessed with POTC?
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 7 replies
Now afore some o'ye lads and lassies what knows this Disney movie gets yer undergarments in a bunch, this is related to piracy. In the books by Russell Thorndike, Dr. Syn were a pirate fer a time by the name of Captain Clegg. Sos it be a fine pirate movie in me own opinion. Plus the fact that it ain't been available on video since the mid-1980s. The release date fer the DVD be in August. I will definitely be pre-ordering it since Patrick McGoohan be one o'me favorite actors and I LOVE this movie.
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 24 replies
Recently read that the DVD 'twil be releesed on April 20th. Thar twill be a single 'n double disc set onna shelves fer yer plund'ring pleeeeeesure. Yer be ask'd te toss $29.99 onna count'r fer the double. Yer'll be tossing 'bout $17.99 - 19.99 fer the single. Shop around....many places run specials as done wif POTC 'n ye kin prolly pick up M&C fer a little cheep'r. (I lukked 'round but dinna see a thread on M&C. Iffen thar be one alla reedy, perdon this 'ere dupleeekatshun.)
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 11 replies
Picked up this shirt today at HT....gotta love ol' Lucky 13 brand! :)
Last reply by Nigel, -
- 5 replies
So I just finished an extensive redesign of Apart from the obviously different layout you'll also find a few new bells & whistles, along with what I hope is a much more navigatable and faster downloading layout. Check it out, share your thoughts! Yarrr!
Last reply by KW Pirate, -
- 5 replies
This new forum design is EXCELLENT! What a nice surprise to log in and fine this much more professional, mature look. Thumbs way up to NQG!
Last reply by Zorg, -
- 25 replies
Morning all you swarthy types. There is a TV Pilot that will be filming here in L.A. in the next few months with a vetern actor in the lead, that is looking for 5-6 guys that KNOW how to be the nasty sort. Sword work is a big plus if you already have some know how but you will be trained in the bargain as well. Renaissance costumes of your own is also a plus. This is a defered payment contract which means you get paid if the Pilot sells. You will be well fed of course and have some fun for a few days work. If there is any interest, please contact me off this site at my email address and I will put you in touch with the producer. Thanks lads!
Last reply by Red Maria, -
- 3 replies
Ahoy! This is my first post on this forum...just discovered it a few days ago. Besides being a big pirate fan, I also have a hobby of making replicas of maps from of my favorite achievements being my replica of the treasure map from "The Goonies". Now, after seeing "Cutthroat Island" again the other night, I'm dying to try to make that one, too.....if you remember, it's in three parts: pigskin, parchment paper and barrel bottom piece. I have a couple of decent screenshots of the map pieces I found on another website...but not quite clear enough to see all the images or get all the info from the map. Would there by any chance be someone out there who…
Last reply by Ramsey, -
- 3 replies
Wow! I just picked up the 2 Muppets they have so far from this line brought to us by Palisades Toys. First up they released Sam the Eagle as Mr Arrow. He is huge, and pretty hefty. His garb is detailed and he comes with a tricorn hat (with magnet to keep it on his head), a key, a Bible (with secret compartment to hold treasure map) and a real telescoping telescope. The accuracy and detail on every piece is phenominal. The second piece that was just released is Kermit as Captain Abraham Smollett. He is every inch the muppet / ship's captain that we know and love. He comes with a rapier w/scabbard, a magnetic tricorn hat, and the evil pirate Polly Lobster. The deta…
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 13 replies
I have a cable 'net connection, and it took me about three minutes to download this ... so if you have the time and the ability to unzip files, have a go at this, if you would. It's a bit of a PotC music video, set to the tune of (what else?) the Steve Miller Band's "Jungle Love" ... took me about three months of working on it in very sporatic bursts, but it's been done for awhile now -- jest took me awhile to figure out how to upload it to the 'net. This is, like, THE most creative computer thingy I have ever done ... hope ye enjoy. One word of advice -- the quality is decent, but could be better, so be sure to turn up the Brightness on your computer monitor as high as…
Last reply by Katarina Leigh,