Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 12 replies
A 12-year-old boy accidentally killed himself as he tried to imitate Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean, an inquest has heard. More here.
Last reply by Lady Seahawke, -
- 53 replies
Anyone else out there sitting around with a stack of extra cards from WizKids Pirates of the Spanish Main that they would be interested in trading? I have quite a few extras and of course some items I would like, so if anyone else wants to do a little trading to get more broad sets, let me know and I'll post my list of wants/have extras :) Diosa
Last reply by Captain Midnight, -
- 5 replies
I was playing around with my new DV camera, and learning how to edit DV... So for fun, I put together a little video/slideshow complete with soundtrack just for giggles. I can't get streaming video to work, however, so if you want to see the video, you'll have to right click the link(s) and hit "save target as" and save it to your computer to watch. If ye watchs it, lemme know what you think. I am planning a couple of short pirate and/or SCA-related films (Including at least one music video-type film for a bardic piece), and a Cannon-Firing Demo video, so this was just basically a test for future work. The Videos are in .WMV format. Iron Lotus Video (Big) Iron Lotus V…
Last reply by Captain_MacNamara, -
- 27 replies
Avast there, me mateys! I hope that ev'ryone o' you is aware of the upcoming Sept 19 "Talk Like A Pirate Day"! More information on this here website! Arrr!
Last reply by tishsparrow, -
- 0 replies
Brando: actor, recluse and now pulp-fiction author By Joseph A. Giannone Mon Sep 19, 2:51 PM ET NEW YORK (Reuters) - Actor Marlon Brando has been immortalized in film for playing a Mafia boss, a luckless boxer and a rebellious biker, but 14 months after his death he is now also an author of a swashbuckling pirate novel. ADVERTISEMENT "Fan-Tan," a pulp fiction novel authored by Brando and a longtime associate, movie director Donald Cammell, arrived on bookshelves this week after their unfinished manuscript was polished by film historian David Thomson and published by Random House imprint Alfred A. Knopf. The book offers Brando fans a rare insight into the reclusiv…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 24 replies
As I was watching VH1 this morning Gwen Stefani's newest video came on and it totally pirate themed! I love her! I just sat and watched with a grin on my face.
Last reply by Pew, -
- 4 replies
Was it just me or did anyone else really enjoy this movie? Definately not by the book but I loved the way they portrayed john silver.
Last reply by Capt. Lazarus Gage, -
- 7 replies
did anyone notice part of the soundtrack to cutthroat island was being played in some of the trailers for the brothers grimm??????
Last reply by Archipirata_Felis, -
- 38 replies
Aaar! 'Tis true, ye scurvy rat! Check out yon banner below fer orderin' information! It be in June Previews, Page 232! Order #: JUN05 2763 If yer havin' any questions, please send yer mail here: Thank ye fer lookin' :)
Last reply by lukabeast, -
- 4 replies
I just picked up and watched Captain Kidd with Charles Laughton and Randolph Scott, I found it at Walmart for 1$ and was very satisfied. For a buck it was a steal, I also saw a PIRATES! movie pack at Best Buy for 9.99 the other day but didn't pick it up, does anyone have it or know if it's worth the money????
Last reply by Capt. Morgan, -
- 0 replies
Arrr maties... In appreciation of Talk Like a Pirate Day, the Seabeaver has sailed back from diver-infested waters to bring you their latest adventure: "Beware of Diver"
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
- 0 replies
does anyone know of a good biography of william condon?
Last reply by Quirk, -
- 43 replies
I'm leaving Monday fer L.A. to work on POTC. Bahamas next month. Hopefully, I can still get through to the pub whilst I'm there. I'm gonna be pretty busy, so ya may not hear from me until my return. Iron Bess, I hope we can meet at some point, while I'm in L.A. Kindly don't be askin' fer spoilers, and I trust you shall all fare well. I'll write when I can, BB
Last reply by Capt. Lazarus Gage, -
- 2 replies
I invite Florida pirates to visit me at the Riverside Art Festival, Jacksonville on September 11. I will be me in my pirate garb at the author's tent. I'll be giving away gold dabloons and pirate cards to the kids and signing my two nautical novels...Falcon's Revenge and Pursuit of Honor...starting at 2 pm and giving a talk about the books at 4 pm. See you in Jacksonville on Sept. 11th. Fair Winds Joseph O'Steen(KP)
Last reply by King's Pyrate, -
- 17 replies
Greetings all, Well, after an afternoon of finish work, the board is finally done. Below I have posted some pictures of the finished product. Here is an overall view of the board. The whole thing consists of two main parts, the board itself, and the base with angle card holder. This shot shows the details of the island layout. Note the colors of the water. I did this to give the effect of depth and realism. Although it is not very noticeable in this shot, some of the areas around the islands have a hint of green, giving the illusion of reefs and sea plants. The base section is encircled by oak angle boards designed to hold ship cards, crew chits, etc... Fo…
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 13 replies
I just had to post this, it is far to cool not to share... My good buddy Allison, who is an amazing artist, was talked (or bullied) into drawing a series of pictures featuring various members of our "gang" as pirates. She is as good as her word, and to my immense delight, she chose to draw me as one of the first. I've been dieing to get drawn by this chick for ages, and she finally has, as a sword-toting, asskicking swashbuckler with a hook, no less! She even included my favorite hat! Anyway, check out the first two portraits of members of the crew of the Lusty Weasel. Or the Scurvy Lasses of the... Lust Weasels? We haven't been able to agree on our ship's name yet. Ca…
Last reply by tishsparrow, -
- 2 replies
This be a pirate ad I ran in the newspaper on July 13th. Thought you might enjoy me art work.
Last reply by Mad Cap Romanian, -
- 8 replies
Instead of pirating the Goddess's thread . . . Do you have any tip/ tricks/ ideas for a new gamer? Start small? Build a man-o-war? Lots of little fast ships? Build one nationality? Search and destroy?
Last reply by blackjohn, -
- 2 replies
Next time you are in the store check out the boxes of Rice Krispies and Apple Jacks. They now have a POTC skull mouse for your computer with two UPC's from the boxes plus $5.00. again another heads up for those who have not seen it.
Last reply by Diego Santana de la Vega, -
- 5 replies
This promises to get fun Barbossa fanclub days
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 3 replies
any one know any pirate games that are free and on line i only know one called yo ho ho puzzle pirates or and ive been trying to get the pirates of the caribbean seadogs game should i search potc game of seadogs 2?arr
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 16 replies
Not sure if I should post here or in Plunder, but the other day we were in Wally world and what to my wonderin eyes appears. That's right Pirates of the Caribbean Candy! Malted milkballs were called cannonballs and they had another as well but can't remember which it was. But it's on the candy aisle with all the bagged candy. It was like a dollar something a bag. The package was blue with the POTC logo on it. I had never seen those before. So If you like Cannonballs go to wally World.
Last reply by tishsparrow, -
- 1 reply
This might be interesting :)
Last reply by Charity, -
- 9 replies
MD&F Pirates of Caribbean 2 Premiere Party Passes MPTF Good luck.
Last reply by Charity, -
- 1 reply
Good advice for any musician, but the image makes especially pertinent to pirates
Last reply by Captain Jacob Badger,