Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 16 replies
Hahha oh man, you guys see this? Funny stuff, check it out. SNL PIRATE MOVIE Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Last reply by Bloody_Mary_Bonney, -
- 9 replies
Attention Weapons Masters, Casting is currently under way in Los Angeles CA for an as of yet untitled reality show having to deal with stage combatants. You will be working, training and competing with several of the stars of the WWF however your own body mass and size is not an issue. They are looking for qualified weapons masters. You MUST be highly skilled (not just think you are) and able to use at least three weapons such as broadsword, quarterstaff, main gauche, etc. You will at some point be required to fight in armor. This will be full contact fighting. If you have a *persona* already developed all the better however they may ask you to make adjustments or re…
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 0 replies
Is anyone in here beta testign this game? I got a beta key but not my official invitation just yet. The game looks really good so far but I was curious what others think that have actually played.
Last reply by Sam Flint, -
- 7 replies
Anyone in the SoCal area planning on going this coming Sunday? It shouldn't be crowded so I'm heading up there with friends and family. Quite a few people I've talked to said how empty the park was last Superbowl. Gotta ride Pirates as much as possible before they close it in March. I still think changes to it to be like the movies is stupid, but anyway.....Too bad Haunted Mansion is closed til March 11th. Everytime I go up there I've been missing going from Pirates to Haunted Mansion, my 2 faves.
Last reply by Christine, -
This has made my day, sorry for the new post but i thought it's too big a news flash it's finally out to put it in a long thread.. I won't say anything more then i did already..go see it for yourself! POTC2 trailer location (go for The Movie) Thanks to Mostly Mischief for finding it and allowing me to pass on the scoop
Last reply by PirateQueen, -
- 1 reply
Okay, somehow a rift is torn in the time/space continuuminum (I'll leave th' details to you Trek/SW/Dr. Who folks to work out) and Pirates of the Golden Age could download music and movies to their resulting ipods or whatever, what music and movies would they like? Would they be fans o' hip hop or metal or country? I'm thinking lots o'reggae and ska, 'specially o' the Jimmy Cliff with revolution and hayhem at its core ... and metal, just because of all the hellraisin it invokes, Public Enemy for the same reasons as the last ones .... I think they'd be fans o' westerns and war movies, too. The Dirty Dozen, The Magnificent Seven, anything with Eastwood or McQueen. Don't kn…
Last reply by Caraccioli, -
- 0 replies
- 395 views YOOHOOOOOOOO
Last reply by Charity, -
- 6 replies
Last reply by bailang, -
- 24 replies
Perhaps a little to early to be certain but I seem to notice a "Voodoo" theme in the stills and trailer of POTC 2. Anyone else have insights in this?
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 6 replies
Have any of ye seen the new wave of Pyrates? I found one tonight at the Mart of Walls. It's the Shark raft. A big Sea Marauders raft with a huge shark and 2 SM figures, and a monkey. Well a gibbon at least... Inside, the information stuff shows 2 more skull sets, these are painted gold and only have 2 figures... not 3 as previous. Also no treasure chests and only 1 skull has a cannon. I looks like the SMs have a new captain and about 6 or 8 more crew. Privateers get about 6 or so crew, and the Skeleton Crewe gets about 10 more by the look of it. But wait, there's more. The King Pyrate's map has changed, gone is the Privateer ship on it and more locations are a…
Last reply by John_Young, -
- 22 replies
Okay, life is good. And it's more then good for our stock!
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 10 replies
JAN 23 2006 Discovery and TLC Real Pirate of the Caribbean: Captain Henry Morgan More times and info here I cant wait!
Last reply by Dorian Lasseter, -
- 7 replies
I just found this article and it cracked me up........... Murder victim 'died 500 years ago' French police have worked out why they couldn't identify a murder victim - she was killed by pirates 500 years ago. Frustrated detectives had been trying to identify the woman, said to have been in her 30s, for two years without success. Her skeleton was found in December 2003 during an exceptionally low tide near the Brittany seaside town of Plouezoc'h. Police reckoned a 14 cm gash to the skull suggested she had been bludgeoned to death with a hatchet or other sharp object. Missing persons' files were consulted and DNA tests carried out to establish if the skeleton was that…
Last reply by Charity, -
- 3 replies
Yes, it's now plain that Gwen Stefani has a soft spot for pirates. We all remember her "Rich Girl" pirate video (or at least we should), but I don't think too many have noticed that she has a line of clothing out that borrows heavily from pirate style. Consider: These are just a few. To be perfectly honest, the pictures don't do them justice. In stores the piratey flare is much more distinctive (and then you can see the label, which is a foot long silk ribbon adorned with flags and ships
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 35 replies
I am laughing still at the title of the movie..not the "Privates of the Caribbean" " The curse of the..." Uhm..i know it is very "naughty" but i figure we're all adults and it truly seems like a well made movie, and not some dirty cheap flick! I have ordered it, in the Dutch discribtion it said top budget movie with beautiful three master ships, white beaches, pirates..quite obviously, and anything more you'd want to see. It also said "What you didn't see in the movie"...i can imagine ROTFLMAO Privates of the Caribbean Oh by the way, the one i ordered is said to be 115 minutes, so watch out if you want it, there may be more versions! This is an excerpt …
Last reply by portagee, -
Saw Cassanova over the weekend and I would give it 5 flagons of rum. Very fun movie!
Last reply by Jib, -
- 1 reply
just spotted the original thread sorry bout this one. dont know how to delete thread
Last reply by Duchess, -
- 3 replies
I got the PC version of SM's Pirates! for Christmas and me mate has to constantly pull me away from the computer to go to bed.... lol But I was thinking back, since I played the original back in the day... There has been no actual sequel to the game. There was the original, then Pirates Gold... which was really just and update, and now this version which is still just an update. But if they were to make a sequel, what would you like to see in it? I know, I for one like how it's an "open ended" game but I always feel guilty if I don't rescue the relatives or defeat the evil bad guy Lord Montalbaun. I wouldn't mind the ability to choose your pirates look and mode of d…
Last reply by Capt.Rummy, -
- 11 replies
If any of you want to see some incredible pictures of the new POTC 2 coming out next summer, take a look at these! I got permission from the Yahoo groups POTC Costuming to use these. I thank them greatly!
Last reply by Capt.Rummy, -
- 27 replies
Tell me I'm not crazy or that someone is pulling a trick on me. I was at TRU last night, admiring the Mega Bloks Pyrates sets. (BTW, Sam's Clubs has the 2 ships and one of the skulls for a special price) Looking at the display of the ships set up under the plastic bubble... I noticed something strange. There next to the playsets, they had little cards that had the item number and a picture of the package for each toy shown. TRU's exclusive clear treasure chest with island playset had an interesting note. Instead of saying "Pyrates" it instead read "Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest" in the official font and scroll style. So... did some smartass put a stick…
Last reply by tishsparrow, -
- 10 replies
The web site: NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) - The biggest Broadway news of the week comes from the creators of "Les Miserables" and "Miss Saigon," Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg. They have a major musical in the wings about a real-life female pirateer named Grace O'Malley, circa 1530-1606, called "The Pirate Queen." It'll world premiere in Chicago next October 3, then open in New York before the end of the 2006-07 season. This is the first Boublil-Schonberg show with an American creative and design team; Frank Galati directs, choreography is by Mark Dandy. It'll also have a cast of 40, and no casting has yet been set.
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 1 reply
After another wonderful & successful voyage thru POTC yesterday we hit the Pirate's Bazaar to check out those new action figures based on the stars of the ride, not the movie. My 4 yr. picked out the guy with the pigs. He loves pirates and he loves piggies, so it was a no brainer, though he did go back and forth for awhile between that one and the "First Mate" with the cat. These things are REALLY nice. They have quite a wide range of figures, all of which come with lots of amusing accessories. The detail is quite nice, especially the faces, and they really capture the spirit of the ride. I'm planning to go back and pick up a few for my desk at work! Each one make…
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 12 replies
I got this off the website where I found photos of the pirate ships used durign filming. If anyone wants to see the website so's ya know the dubloons are not goin' into me own pocket, send me a PM and I will send you the link. This is only fer a bit o' pyrate fun. "To benefit the The Grand Bahama Children's Home Mackenzie Crook and Lee Arenberg have signed some Bahamas souvenir tee shirts which will be sent to anyone who sends a donation of $35 or more payable to the children's home. Those who submit donations should include their name and address for the shirt to be sent to with the cheque. Make cheques payable to: THE GRAND BAHAMA CHILDREN'S HOME Mail to: Bahamas…
Last reply by Bosun Carmina, -
- 10 replies
I am looking for some pics of Dawg Brown and Google has pretty slim pickings. Anyone hook me up?
Last reply by Killian, -
- 47 replies
Check it out! Trailer for The Libertine. I've been waiting for this one for too long.
Last reply by Duchess,