Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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You might have guessed that with another pirates of the Caribbean movie out that we would use it as an excuse to have a pirate party....and that we are our photos. Finally my little blond 2 year old Grand Daughter (in the blue dress) and her Mom (in the black dress) have turned to the dark side and joined us in pirate fun. Swashbucklers Party Photos Hope some of you can join us for some pirate fun if you visit St. Augustine. Best to All Joe
Last reply by King's Pyrate, -
- 0 replies
And natalie portman as a go-go girl ghost:
Last reply by Matusalem, -
- 1 reply
- 482 views Sienna Miller will replace Lindsay Lohan in a steamy film threesome with Keira Knightley. The British actress will take Lindsay's role as Caitlin - the wife of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas - in new movie 'The Best Time Of Our Lives', written by Keira's mother Sharman Macdonald. Lindsay reportedly pulled out of the project when she was unable to reach an agreement with the film's financiers. Keira is set to play Vera - a childhood friend of Dylan's who is said to have had a sexual relationship with him and Caitlin. Matthew Rhys, who will play the hard-drinking poet, said: "There will be a bit of a ménage a t…
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 3 replies
The story of one of the real Pirates of the Caribbean, Black Sam Bellamy from Plymouth, is to be told in a TV show where attempts are made to raise his treasure from the sea bed. Visit to read more
Last reply by OL Jack The Pirate, -
- 7 replies
*ahem* ARRRR! Have any of you heard/seen/recieved a recent issue of No Quarter Given? I hope they are still kicking, because I sent them money... I really cant tell if their website just has'nt been updated, or if they are gone. Thanks for any information!
Last reply by Longarm, -
- 3 replies
I'm discovering this is all over the net, but here's one of the links to the article: Geoffrey lately has been interviewed more it seems than anyone else, including Johnny. I heard he was on The View this past Monday, he was on the LA radio station KROQ the other morning and then tomorrow night he'll be on Jimmy Kimmel. Very cool indeed!
Last reply by Longarm, -
- 20 replies
- 1.4k views :) Life is GOOD for us pirates! The rest of the world is finally catchin' on.
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 1 reply
Just a little something in anticipation of the new release. It's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddd!
Last reply by Mad Matt, -
- 15 replies
When it finally comes out, which of ye good pirates is going to pick up a copy? Personally methinks that it looks like a right good game to while away the hours of free time that I have. I'm likin' the amount of customization that is offered; what I haven't heard yet is if the online play will be free or not. Though I am expecting to pay some heavy coin for far as computer games go. Cheers, good pirates,
Last reply by Phillip Black, -
- 4 replies
Here I am moderating the Pirate Pop forum and what's this I see above...A 2 movie set of POTC 1 and 2 coming out in High Definition and Blue Ray on May 22. Hmmm, I know I loved seeing the trailer in HD on my new flat I willing to buy YET AGAIN the POTC movies so I can watch it in HD on my new tv? You'll have to guess which way I answered.
Last reply by Phillip Black, -
- 2 replies
Yea ya all. I think I just spotted someone from the pub. My wife bought me a book called "Piratepedia". On page 94 they talk about "Talk like a pirate day" and "Pirates in Paradise". I belive that the picture on that page is someone from the Pub here. If that is true you have been spotted so please step forward and introduce your self. I have my own guess but don't want to spoil it.
Last reply by JohnnyTarr, -
- 20 replies
*POSSIBLE SPOILER*... but then again maybe not. Please consider I am posting just from a place of utter exhaustion. I feel I should post this simply becasue in a previous post I had said I liked this film so much. Please, do NOT misinterprut this to mean I know longer like it. THat is NOT the case... howevever the screening last night and tonight have been re edited. With this re editing I found the film to be confusing in places where it had not been before. Blame the time element, not sure what to blame but I wish they had let it lay the way it was. Once the movie is released we could talk more it you like about what was changed.... it's still a great romp but just…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 4 replies
Hector Barbossa be a good fellow, (well, out of a certain perspective ) An' Jack Sparrow be havin' a good sense o' trouble, Hector be th' perfect example fer what a pirate is and should be, Though, another tactic, a strange and senseless one, (like Jack's) can be very usefull though. Concentrate on th' treasures? Or yer social life? All together: which one would you be (or in female version o'course) 'n wy? Fer me a difficult question, but I think I'm goin' te take an example of B arbossa, a real powerfull, 'n te me likings "frightening" enough te be a big peril fer the seven seas. What's yer opinion 'bout them? Fer some this might be an unnecessary question, se…
Last reply by Christine, -
- 54 replies
As usual if this isn't "Official" then you know what to do! Found em HERE on LiveJournal
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 9 replies
What would be used for goodbye? Besides a musket ball in the head or a sword in the gut.
Last reply by Jack an Apes, -
- 2 replies
This is from the AFI Awards in 2006. Geoffrey was the host and then Johnny, dressed as Jack, tells him how he's the real Captain here. LOL! It's classic, too funny! Check it out.
Last reply by HildeKitten, -
- 6 replies
I am not sure how long this has been out, but hey I'll post the link anyway. NVBarbossa
Last reply by NVBarbossa, -
- 34 replies
I first thought the only way to attend the premiere (and I don't mean just the red carpet part) was to know someone involved in some way with the movie. But then I saw this: Of course tho, you gotta have the big bucks to do this. This would have to be chump change to you, lol!
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 7 replies
Pilfered this link from another site. They be sellin' many dvd's of ancient Disneyland stuff. Extinct Attractions Club
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 5 replies
- 463 views Disney seems to be jumping on the bandwagon of online games with this one. I'm going to give it a miss in favour of Pirates of the Burning Sea though (mainly because that's the one most of my friends are going to play) The AWE game, I'm so going to play this on on PSP. It seems to only be released in Europe on PSP though, because PSP is mentioned on the UK site, but not on the US one (should it for some reason not come out on PSP then I think I'll give it a miss, I prefer handheld consoles and I'm not a DS fan). So whom else is going to play any of these games…
Last reply by Capn_Enigma, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone! I wanted to let you all know(if you don't already), about a game I discovered about a week ago and have been addicted to ever since It's totally free to sign on and only takes a minute to create a character and start playing. You are a pirate in this game and can chat with other players, attack them for exp and even mug em for their gold. It even has games within the game and forums to help you along. It's definately worth trying it out if you are a pirate/game lover. Just click the link if you be interested= Thanks and I hope to see ya there!
Last reply by CaptBooty, -
- 7 replies
We are proud to announce the 2nd Marty Klebba fundraiser for CoDA/Little People of America! CoDA Marty Any questions you can email me at Sponsored by Pirates N' Plunder your hostesses: POTC Interactive Project.
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 30 replies
I walked Manhattan to day from Central Park to Chambers st. near Ground Zero. Everything is S3, every where you look in every direction, bilboards, posters, hats, t-shirts ( I even saw young hiphoppers wearing rhinestone T's with the spiderman mask). There is no escape. on the other hand POTC-AWE marketing is verrrrrrry subtle. That, my dear friends is a good sign. I get the impression that AWE is going to be verrrry good indeed.
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 20 replies
Now.... The BAD news is there will be less screenings during the day. The GOOD news is.... you'll get to sit there longer in your drunken, Pirate loving haze since the film has come in at 3 hours. 3 full hours! Stock up on the pop corn and limit those potty runs mates!
Last reply by HildeKitten, -
- 3 replies
- 470 views (I didn't see it mentioned, if I missed it I apologize.) A free, multiplayer, online game about the time of "wooden ships and iron men" - sounds too good to be true... :)
Last reply by JohnnyTarr,