Crafting Kit
Fabricate your Kit, Clothes, Props, & Related Items.
425 topics in this forum
- 36 replies
made a serving mallet...havent tried it out are some pics
Last reply by adam cyphers, -
- 3 replies
major booty of awesome cashmere winter coats....for mega cheap!!! wonder if anyone has done/ attempted this before... i gather that they will be quite a bit bulkier than regular stays.... but i see tremendous advantage as far as sewing trim in, i plan on just whip/ button hole stitching around the tabs for finishing.... and tis pure glory to sew thru wool/ cashmere... using silk thread of course!!! TIA for all comments/suggestions/advice
Last reply by Aquazoo, -
- 4 replies
I have all the canvas I need to make a period style vendor booth but I am unsure about construction. I want something that will work for areas where I can use ropes and stakes but also be able to set it up at events where I'm on concrete. I also still need to finish making a tent for myself and my son (that's right, our own little autistic powder monkey is finally going to make an appearance or two) so was toying with the idea of making something multipurpose. Does anyone have any plans or patterns for a project like this (budget is small to almost non existent at tbe moment) or have a link they can share with the info? Hoping to have it done before my show the second we…
Last reply by peglegstrick, -
- 41 replies
Started making 'em and selling 'em off myself, and while I have no delusions of grandeur I'm happy that I recouped my investment on each one! Obviously they are all from the late 18th century, the first one is rabbit felt and the others are canvas covered wool felt, all the cockades were made by yours truly, and everything was hand-stiched (The Blisters! Arrgghh!). The last one I'm almost done with, the person who is buying it wants it to look like Aubrey's hat from <i>Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World. </i>I think I've got most of the details right, just have to figure out a way to make it shiny now, anyone have any ideas?<br><br>…
Last reply by Dread Pyrate Greyhound, -
- 16 replies
lookey lookey what i ran over leaving work. yup, got onto the interstate and saw this sitting upside down on the side of the road. So I turned myself around at the next "authorized use only" median and went back to fetch it. Well it came up so quickly that I ran it over on the recovery lap. Still in good shaped- its a townsend. Now, to leave it or modify?
Last reply by silas thatcher, -
- 3 replies
Hello all, I love the projects I have seen here - lots of talent! Can anyone point me towards a good source of tarred marline and seine twine - besides American Rope and Tar, they are a little expensive.
Last reply by marlinspike, -
- 17 replies
Well I have finally finished Mr William Redwake's sea chest. All 1" thick, wide pine boards, with poplar runners. The finish is milk paint. I just wish I could do better beckets. Now to figure out how to ship it.....
Last reply by Bos'n Cross, -
I know it's the wrong way around to have an idea and then try to find info to back it up. But i am gona ask it anyhowe... I do have books with Spanish uniform drawings one of them shows a militia uniform from around 1774 having green piping around the button holes with thoos clover shapes. This made me wandering if theres any evidence for this practise earlyer in the 18th century?? Learning from my enbroiderybook it is clear that the technique of sowing thicker thread on to the curface of clothing was done in combination with other enboidery techniques. But as a stand alone idea I don't know... Then again many officer uniforms have the edges, button holes, buttons an…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 9 replies
This almost complete work Was done by Darrel Morris , An Artist who approached me at Escondido Ren Fair last year. Back then he was making naked images of Women and has since switched to pirates. Eye Know Scrimshaw was more popular during the Whaling years..but Eye wonder if it was a practice during GAOP?
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
- 12 replies
So after much deliberation and study I've bound me own logbooks. I figured I'd post the pic and info here. The Books are 11"x 17", hand bound in leather with wheat paste and linen thread. Enjoy!
Last reply by Jack Roberts, -
- 5 replies
Stumbled over this by accident, didn't know where to put it, so I thought here would be best. It's the best photo I've ever come across of the outfit, doesn't look half bad.…
Last reply by Captain McCool, -
- 11 replies
On a lot of drawings of officers from the beginning of the 18th century and on, I see Epaulets on the right shoulder. Is there anyone wo can point me to a pattern and/or construction illustrations, or ideas of these??
Last reply by Korisios, -
- 41 replies
Where does one go t' find fine lace? Preferably 'leaf' or other pattern (Not flowers!) and preferably linen or silk (even cotton will do). I know where t' find Cravats but no one seems to know where t' find lace more then 6 inches long, I need at Lease 10 inch or better yet 15 inch! (and NO, pirates did NOT make their own lace - They Plundered It!!!)
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 7 replies
I would like to have some one do some (a lot) 1700 emboidery in the future. She now a day's does verry good and fine traditional Roemeniën things, so i asked here if se could also do something like this: to be honest it scared here of a bit, and she wanted to know more about the techique. So I wondered what more is there to say and know about this style of embroidery..? So are there (online) explinations about how to approache this kind of work and what technigues to use?? Thanks!
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 7 replies
I have a white and cream waistcoat that is in desperate need of repair. The buttons are almost all gone and the trim I used is fraying badly. I almost tossed it out a few days ago but decided to hold on to it. Looking for someone to fix it up for trade. I do a lot of pirate jewelry and replica coins and hat pins. Any takers?
Last reply by peglegstrick, -
- 5 replies
just finished a new wesket,waistcoat,long vest and ready to start another for Searles raid but wasn't thinking ahead enough now i'm having a hard time finding a good 16/17th century shank buttons,in the USA .like an acorn shape or anything close .Oh yes and 28 per vest =60 buttons.
Last reply by willie wobble, -
- 1 reply
have pillaged many wool coats from good will.... and i am wondering and perusing old paintings ( in books) to see if i can get an idea what one would see--- but i know since we are pirates we can have a mix of rich and then humble blankets... i know from reading the calamitous 14th century, that blankets and pillows and such things were found many times in property lists and wills.. they existed.... but not always spoken in great detail unless it was a wealthy perrson.... anyone cite a few source?? anecdotes from other reading???
Last reply by lady constance, -
- 10 replies
So im learning how to leather work. Going to be making belts,sheaths,bracelets, and a bunch of other things. I was wondering if there are tutorials or what tools are good to be starting with. Tools i have - Rubber mallet Paint Scraper sharpened to do tracing Etching Knife Beveler Trying to go the cheap route just to start before i sell any thing.
Last reply by Capt. Bo of the WTF co., -
- 43 replies
I got a gift card to Tandy leather as an early Christmas present and will be attempting my first leather scabbard. Any one have suggestions on any how to guides or reference materials?
Last reply by captscurvy_nc, -
- 28 replies
over the winter, this is what i hope to accomplish.... wanna do some earlier garb ( 1660's) , need to make a few chairs, an extra table, maybe a few stools, and something like a side table... need to get some tent canvas, make a sod cloth for the wedge tent ( sucks in a cold wind !! ) make a few bags for cooking stuff...make a few more sea bags to hide stuff in...make covers for stuff like the water container set up the diamond shelter we just got, make a pole or two, and learn how to set it up correctly....may try making my own tent stakes, bought 10 of them for $2 each...but i need alot more !! gotta redo my tent ropes, the toggles i made slip too much ( too b…
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
- 1 reply
The Museum of Leathercraft
Last reply by michaelsbagley, -
- 0 replies
check out great prices
- 6 replies
(Side note: it's 6am, I just realized I made the topic header "new" when I meant to say "Need"....HA) Hey all, so one thing my garb has always been lacking is shoes (not boots but I won't get into that right now) and Halloween is right around the corner and I don't have the coin to be buying already made shoes. And it's getting to cold to even think about wearing rope sandals. It's Halloween, I just want it to look somewhat better then those velvet cheep things you see in costume stores. However I was looking at these old brown leather work shoes I have, and some leather. I was thinking I could cover the laces up and put a big gold buckle on there but I don't know how…
Last reply by Cannibal Chrispy, -
- 4 replies
Spent the day yesterday trawling through the Victoria and Albert Museum online collection database and heres a few links to late 17th / early 18th century clothing that I thought might be of interest. http://collections.v...t-and-breeches/ http://collections.v...ding-suit-coat/ http://collections.v...ormal-ensemble/ http://collections.v...8782/waistcoat/ http://collections.v...3541/waistcoat/
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 5 replies
pic of the short jacket i made using a ladies wool sweater :)
Last reply by bo'sun Carl,