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- 7 replies
Treasure Washes Up in Florida The ARRticle above tells the story of a man who found a whole load o' Spanish treasure from the early 18th century on the beach. Hurricane Jeanne uncovered it, and this lucky sap wandered by.
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 13 replies
New Orleans be me wifes home port, and we tries ta make it down there once a year so she can visit wit relatives. If there be some pirate activities goin on down there that might be a good reason fer her ta see some kin folk, an us ta do some pirate stuff.
Last reply by Pynch, -
- 1 reply
hi, I am kind of new to the site...I have only been to one Ren Fest really and that is one that is in Knasas City because its one of the largest ones that happens in my state. But I know that there has to be more then that going on in the state of Missouri, if any of you guys know of events that go on in MO like piratey things or just small Ren Fests I would really apricate it if you gusy could inform me about them. Thank You
Last reply by Albatross Bill, -
- 7 replies
An old pirate went to a bar and ordered a grog. As he sat sipping his grog, a young wench sat down next to him. She turned to the pirate and asked, "Are you a real pirate?" He replied, "Well, I've spent my whole life on a sailing ship, herding women, plundering, and fightin' scurvy, so I guess I am." She said, "I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about women. When I shower, I think about women. Even when I eat, I think about women. Everything seems to make me think about women." The two sat sipping in silence. A short time later, a man sat down on the other side of the old pirate and asked, "Are you…
Last reply by piratelassie, -
- 1 reply
If you're in the SF Bay Area, pick up a copy of the Oakland Tribune, the Tri-Valley Herald or the San Mateo County times. I am told the article they did on us is a HUGE spread! You can read the on-line version here, I believe the print version has more photos. The on-line version has a close-up of Jeff, who always gets the most media attention cuz he's the prettiest one on the crew! CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARRRRRRRRRTICLE!
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 3 replies
Hello to everyone who may by chance remember me! It has been over a year (I'm guessing) since my last visit to this wonderful place! I hope all has been will with everyone I once knew here, and for everyone that I don't yet know. Cheers!
Last reply by Bully MacGraw, -
- 25 replies
Who do you think would emerge victorious in a fight: A dozen Pirates, or A Dozen Ninjas? And another thing: Do you think a "Pirate Ninja" Exists? None of my mates Thinks so! Onward, Professer Hootington!
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 13 replies
Tell me, if'n ye please, be ye the dominant ones in your relationships with the opposite sex? I imagine the likes of a pirate would be.... Or, perhaps ye fancy t'be? Tell me then! For the male pirates, be honest here, I don't believe ye'all are women's libbers!! Thanks!
Last reply by Pynch, -
- 21 replies
Last reply by Ichigo, -
- 7 replies
Hi everyone :) I'm fairly new but I wanted to see if anyone had yet to visit an eatery here in Savannah, Ga? It's called the Pirate House and has been around since the mid 1700's. It looks really amazing, still has the clapboard (I think that's the style?) style and just looks..piratey. You can still visit the entrance to the underground tunnels that lead to the ocean and what used to be docks....yup, pressed labor aplenty. Here's the link in case anyone wants to make plans to visit Pirate House If I'm not mistaken about which restaurant it is, I believe you can still see a skull in one of the walls. They left there when the renovators came across it. Hopefully hubb…
Last reply by El Pirata, -
by Gutterpunk13- 8 replies
Please take this poll! And tell all your friends to take it too! (and excuse the spelling, not that i care if i spelled anything wrong)
Last reply by BLACK JACK SHALAQ, -
- 21 replies
I was asked, over in the Rapier vs.Cutlass thread, why I only carry real weapons. I think that answer deserves a thread of it's own. It's something that's been kicked around before, but not recently, and we have a lot of new crew members. Simply stated, my goal is to be able to live as much as possible in a pre-1763 lifestyle. I need to have the skills, the mindset, and the equipment to be able to live as a 16th, 17th, or 18th century person. Carrying fake weapons, ones that will not do their assigned tasks, just doesn't cut it for me. If I carry a pistol, it has to be able to shoot, and I carry all the accoutrements that go with it- powder, ball, etc. If I carry a …
Last reply by Whibbles, -
- 14 replies
I can't believe that this high school student has to go thru this. Deadly Aim Teen Suspended Over Civil War Weapon Wed Oct 13, 9:46 AM ET Top Stories - AP PINE BUSH, N.Y. - A teen-age Civil War buff has been suspended from school and faces serious charges after his replica musket was found in his car trunk at school in the Orange County community of Pine Bush. Joshua Phelps had been at a re-enactment with his Civil War costume, including a musket last week. He threw the uniform and equipment into his truck and forgot about it. Yesterday a security guard at the Pine Bush High School saw it and called police. Phelps was sitting in study hall when the securi…
Last reply by Cascabel, -
Cool picture 1 2
by Toe Cutter- 30 replies
From Master and commander. I still haven't seen the movie.
Last reply by Bloody Charity Kidd, -
- 47 replies
Being new here I just got ta wonderin whats yur preferance? and why? I personally don't own a cutlass, though in a real fight I think it would fit my style, up close with lots-o-hackin n slashin! I do have 2 rapiers, I have always thought they made you look more important, kinda noble, that ways ya could sneak in and get the treasure easier. A rapier in one hand and a good boarding axe in the other and off you go!! :)
Last reply by Hawkyns, -
- 4 replies
I'm about to go for my maritime operations certificate, Three cheers for me! I'm not sure what they call it where anyone else is from, but it means I can be employed on a commercial vessel.(In my State) eh, I had to tell someone.
Last reply by El Pirata, -
- 30 replies
Just took the plunge and bought my own domain name. I had an old site called Red Flag... I change names and move the content over to Its still a work in progress but I would appreciate ANY critisism (positive or negative) Thanks in advance Greg
Last reply by Katerine_La_Rose_Noire, -
- 196 replies
Who has them. As far as pirates go, I have a pretty cowardly idea about receiving pain. But I really want to get me one. What do you have and on a scale from one to ten how bad did it hurt? Do you think some spots hurt more then others? I may do this while I'm at Pirates in Paradise. OK show me some pics.
Last reply by CaptSharky, -
- 23 replies
Near me house is a miniature golf course called Pirates cove. It opened around 1990, and I have wanted to build a house like this ever since I first saw it. I think I could do a better job at making it look real. but it still be pretty cool it be surrounded by a massive water feature with creeks, water falls and ponds Arr I would like to build a bigger one for me house with pond and everything. The ship is two story with the last holes of the two courses being on tha top deck. But I would make mine soooo much better....if I could only talk me wife into the idea.....
Last reply by Capt. Z, -
- 16 replies
I'll post more about this when I have more time. I just wanted to get everyone to start thinking about it now. Katey and I were thinking of having a pirate feast . We figure that after the new year would be the best time. Holidays over and everyone will have thier vacation time back. Anyhow.... there is a lot to discuss about this. For right now I would like to know who would be interested and to have everyone give some input on a possible location. Our home , although we would love to do it here, isn't big enough for this. So let the Capt. know if you want to do this. You have plenty of time to start working on new outfits. I'll give more info later when I have time. G…
Last reply by Sealegs Constance, -
- 4 replies
Dear Ivan: Hey, how's it going out there near Barbados? Listen, lots of us here in Southwest Florida have been talking about your scheduled visit. Now, please don't take this the wrong way. We like spectacular forces of nature as well as the next guy. We realize that Florida and hurricanes go together like country music and drunken driving. We don't want to mess with tradition. And we know you hurricanes recharge the aquifers, provide an exhilarating break in the stifling heat of late summer, and give neighbors a chance to bond. The economic boost you give to Home Depot alone is enough to make up for whatever inconvenience is to be expected. So normally yo…
Last reply by Daniela, -
- 17 replies
okay so heres the deal: I've been reading anything I could get my hands on since I was old enough, and writing for just about as long. I've been told by many people I'm rather good at it and I would love to become a publish writer some day. My problem is mechanics, which any normal writer already has ingrained in their mind. Unfortunately it was discovered when I was already an adult that I suffer from both ADD and mild dyslexia, making the learning process for me a bit harder, as concepts that come easier to others don't as much to me. My college told me that I should just shell out more money for these remedial english classes, which I can neither afford nor fit …
Last reply by Daniela, -
- 4 replies
It seems a man had a tree that got sick and needed some major trimming. His wife suggested his 2 favorite things to him be joined and made into the tree. they were fishing and women! He hired a man to carve into the tree a 30 foot high mermaid with no top on, and only legs below. See the rest of the story here.. meanwhile, I say we offer him a get in free card to Pyracy.. I did pay to get in..didn't I??? mermaid tale
Last reply by Daniela, -
- 3 replies
Ahoy! To all the fine pyrates I met this sat at the MD Ren Fair, thank ye for a grand time! That much fun shouldn't be legal... Not that that would stop us. Arrr! So to all my new friends, here's to you I hope to see you all again real soon. Til that day, may your tankards be full and your journies be safe! A special thanks to IndigoJack and Jim for the invite. Was a grand time!
Last reply by Daniela, -
- 30 replies
ok so it hapened a couple of months ago rite im walking down the street im wearing a jolly rodger t-shirt a shirt over it some baggy beige trowsers and my tricorn hat and some scruff from across the street shouts over "why ya dressed like a mong ya freeeeek" it has hapened about everyday ever since he ether shouts that or calls me a freak or a "mosha" ive been thinking of a comeback but i avnt fort of owt yet any help? i cud just slit his throat but i dont think little 4ft5 me could stand up to his 8 foot brother
Last reply by Capt. Z,