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Royaliste Holloween Ghost Cruise..

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Aye Maytee's!...'Tis time to start preparin' for the 'Tallship Halloween Eve',... We'll be all Pyrated out, loaner gear available for those who aren't up on their plunderin', and 10 years old to sixty'll 'ave a 'Jolly" good time!..RR!..Spooks offa the yardarms, and we'll listen to any low cost ideas (seawater ain't real good on props)....If'n ye 'aven't signed the articles, step on up, and sign on in blood!...........Aaarrrgh!......... :lol:

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Ya know, you ought to put a tape recorder or some audio thing that says "dead men tell no tales" whenever he is touched.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Quite a bonnie idea, Pirata!..Aye'll work on that for next season!..Would be a shocker to those who pass 'ole Jeff inna dark!..Might even increase his already heavy wench load....Hmm, 'O.K.,... 'Let's be givin' up that "black book" now, Jeffie Boy!'.......... :lol:


ARRR!! I be lookin' forward ter the cruise. T'will be nice ter be aboard a ship that ain't landlocked like the poor SeaGhost down in Los Gatos...


...Incidentally, I might be able ter help ye with riggin' Jeff with the proper digital equipment, bein' a haunting nut mesself.


YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"


Since ye're a wee too far to drive to after work (eh... maybe 8 hours...) I'll just suffice ter suggest ye better be takin' some pic's to post. Are you going to have movable ghosties on invisible filament so the ghosties jump up at people? That's always a bit o' fun at halloween... Have you any of those 'spooky noises' cd's to set off when someone touches somethin' that triggers em? (We used to have the front so scary that no one would approach our door :) )

Hope ye' have a great sail... Ooooo, hey - instead of regular flavored lights, are ye' going ta use 'death lites'? (Sort of greeny/blue flavored?)



'NEWS FLASH!'....Avast ye!...'Ere be the skinny so far on the Halloween Ghost Cruise!...Just finished up wif' the fine folks at San Francisco's own South Beach Harbor, http://www.SouthBeachHarbor.com After a bit 'o a parlee, we've reached an accord..The Tallship Royaliste will be doing the evening on the Downtown Embarcadero, smack dab in the middle 'o the Waterfront!...Ye might wanna get ahold 'o me or the 'Quill early on this one now, as it donna get much more 'Prime' than this!...I'm gonna keep Her at the guest dock all nite, so, be careful Downtown, thar be pyrates in the waters an' streets!...Right behind the Giants stadium, an' the whole street to Fisherman's Wharf!..Pretty sure this'll be one 'o the best ever! and, if'n ye be one 'o me regulars, and aren't coming, now you dont hafta worry 'bout those DUI's!..just slide on down to your 'Home' at South Beach!...More to Follow later!.......RR!....... B)


Aye Cap'n!

I wish I could be there in th' flesh...

Yer just gonna hafta settle fer me being there in 'Spirit'.....



D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins



I'm wishin' I be there too. White tulle, wig stand with some wooden dowels make a pretty nice ghost. All ya need to do is shine a black light on it to make it glow.....



Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"

  TalesOfTheSevenSeas said:
Wenches, We'll be bringing our most handsome pirate..... Jeff!!!


Isn't that the actor....Jeff Doubloon?


(Rising sun burns fog away from the Pyrate's 'ead)...or, Bloody Flamin' 'Eck!...'Tis All Hallows Eve, just jump on the kickstarter 'o one a them period broomsticks, an' haul ass on up!....Begins lookin' skyward....... :(



Just remembered.

I have a week to put pants on the Unded Jack Sparrow puppet. And reglue his leg. And all that stuff I didn't do after Ojai.

Shouldn't take long.

He was so popular at Ojai I couldn't leave him behind for this trip.

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-

  TalesOfTheSevenSeas said:
And he might be easier to haul along on an SF cable car than a full-sized dead pirate!!

You're not refering to Jeff are you?

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

  Lucky Penny Hawkings said:
I have a week to put pants on the Unded Jack Sparrow puppet.

Ah, now, lass...what HAVE ye been doin' with puir Jack that deprives him of his breeches, an all, not to mention loosening his leg? That were some exercise ye put him through, make no mistake. :ph34r:

  Cracked Carrie said:
  Lucky Penny Hawkings said:
I have a week to put pants on the Unded Jack Sparrow puppet.

Ah, now, lass...what HAVE ye been doin' with puir Jack that deprives him of his breeches, an all, not to mention loosening his leg? That were some exercise ye put him through, make no mistake. :P


I should really explain meself before anyone gets th' wrong idear...

Let's start with Cap'n Jack's pants. When I initially put him together, it was on a whim and somewhat late in th' evenin'. I made wee Jack's vest, his shirt, gave him a sash an hair an' all..even a wee bandage on his hand...but no pants. Just was too lazy!

Now....as for 'is leg...well, that started up at Ojai. For some reason, poor Jack's leg didn' wanna stay attached t' his body, an' kept fallin' out at random intervals. It made for some funny moments, though...

All goes well, the wee Cap'n should be ready to terrorize SF formally at th' end of the week. M'deliberatin' makin' 'im a wee coat an' tricorn...

As for Royaliste's thought o' givin' im a hook hand....hrmmm...

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-

:o NEWS FLASH! :huh: The crew 'o the Lady Washington just left me deck, an' as usual, Aye've struck an accord!...For those 'o you who choose to hang wif' the Tallship the 'morning after',... 'Tis a Sea Battle in the offing, to the best 'o my knowlege, two period rigged , period painted, square-riggers goin' nose to nose, gun's a blazin'...(Told ye it would be the best ever!)...POTC be damned! ..The Tallship's slug it out Saturday, on the San Francisco Bay!....... :o

:) Aye, 'Quill!, It'll be a bit more 'n a BANG!,,,Weather reports are changing, and it looks as though we are going to lose this nice pattern, and enter; the 'Northerly's'... Please pay close attention to the forecasts, as the night and following morning might become somewhat inhospitable....(Nods)."Thanke ye!"....... B)

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