Captain Tito Posted January 5, 2006 Posted January 5, 2006 Quote hehe. That's funny. What did your family think of you salsa-ing like that? Or was no one around Oh they were all kinda partying their own way, or watching me and getting a kick out of it. Speaking of Salsa lass, ye would love the latest issue of Latin Beat Magazine. Its devoted to the new World Salsa Dance competition that will be held in Las Vegas sometime soon. The cover shows a couple that looks like anyone ye see on the dance competition shows or in the movies we've talked about. This new competition has just been announced. Tis no surprise with all the "East" and "West" Salsa congresses they've been having over the past few years. :) <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 5, 2006 Author Posted January 5, 2006 Sounds great. Dancing isn't that popular here yet. But we had Dancing with the Stars recently and it was a big hit. We even had a New Year edition with new celebs. I do think it helped make dance more popular. I might start taking fencing lessons soon. I'm discussing it with my parents. A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
Captain Tito Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 Now that's one I wish I could partake of. Can't say if'n I would know close by where to go for lessons. I know of some places a good spell away. Hope ye get to go for it lass! <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 6, 2006 Author Posted January 6, 2006 The thing is, it's pretty expensive and I'm not sure if we can afford it. I'll have to pay some of it I think. They're at work now but we'll talk about it later. I'm also planning to go to the UK next month. A week holiday with my best friend. I'm buying the plane tickets today. A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
Captain Tito Posted January 6, 2006 Posted January 6, 2006 Wow that sounds way kewl. I just booked my ticket for NYC the other day to go to the 116th St. Festival again (in June, but tix sell out early so I had no choice ) Good luck with convincing your folks. <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 7, 2006 Author Posted January 7, 2006 I've never heard someone your age say kewl. Not that you're old of course! But someone older than 25. If I get that job I told you about in my PM, I'll be able to pay for my own fencing lessons. Which is good. Otherwise, I won't be able to go at all. A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
Captain Tito Posted January 8, 2006 Posted January 8, 2006 Quote I've never heard someone your age say kewl. Not that you're old of course! But someone older than 25. Lets just say I'm not one to be set in my ways. I mean why do people have to only practice what they knew alone in their first decades of life? Yes there are things that are "my generation", and today many of those things seem to be KEWL again because of the whole marketing retro kick (disco, 70s and 80s style clothing, 70s and 80s style hair style etc..) Its a bit funny to me that so much from when I was a child is back because it seemed like when, especially the 70s, went "out", nobody wanted ANYTHING to do with it. There was no fond looking back. But I don't see those times as "the only time" the way so many who get older, only hold their time as all there ever was (and get cranky about the way things are now). I'm sure you will find that job lass because I am sure they will be thrilled to hire ye! :) <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 8, 2006 Author Posted January 8, 2006 I like that disco music/clothing stuff. I like to dress like a hippie/gypsy. Flower power! That's the 60s though, isn't it? Oh well, cool nevertheless. Even I can get cranky about the way things are compared to 10 or 8 years ago. And I'm not even 20 yet. The world is changing every day. And I don't like most of the changes I see. Sometimes, I wish I lived a few centuries ago when men were still well-mannered. Most are so rude nowadays. And all they care about is partying and drinking beer. I mean young men of course. It sure wasn't like that back then. It wouldn't have been considered respectable. Or perhaps I've seen too many historical romance films. But yes, men are horrible nowadays. I've been called a whore once in traffic! I was upset all day long. A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
Merrydeath Posted January 9, 2006 Posted January 9, 2006 lass, I'm older than Tito but I say kewl too. If your behavior doesn't hurt anyone, then I say caca on them.. I've seen some pretty teeny outfits out in public, and at festivals. While I would be careful what image you project, for the most part.... let em hang! good luck, lass! Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES BLAST BREAST CANCER! GET A MAMMOGRAM AND SAVE YOUR TREASURED CHEST: http://www.myspace.c...iratesthinkpink http://www.myspace.c...oolsgoldpirates CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 9, 2006 Author Posted January 9, 2006 Teeny outfits? You mean sexy tops and mini skirts? I'm not that kind of girl. My clothing style is a bit more classical. I'm too modest to show a lot of skin. I wore a bikini once. Never felt that uncomfortable in my life. A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
Captain Tito Posted January 10, 2006 Posted January 10, 2006 Quote e seen some pretty teeny outfits out in public, and at festivals Aye she probably be talkin about some of the outfits at festivals bein pretty revealin too, as well as the everyday stuff. I agree with ye Merry that many can wear teeny well. Its the ones that project the wrong image with it that make it all look bad. Yah Lady, I've seen little, subtle changes over the years that don't please me either. I try to roll with change as best I can, but I catch meself shakin me head once in a while. But I also remember that every era has had its good and bad. Always remember the Billy Joel song: We Didn't Start The Fire Sometimes I forget that its not still the 90s (and hasn't been for quite sometime ) <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 13, 2006 Author Posted January 13, 2006 The 90s was a long time ago. It's a different world now it seems. Or maybe that's just me. hehe A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
Captain Tito Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 Quote The 90s was a long time ago. It's a different world now it seems. Oh you're not kidding lass! I saw a movie the other day I thought was so awesome when it was out, Planes Trains and Automobiles, with Steve Martin and John Candy. I was like, "why don't they just get on their cellphones" and then I realized OMG, they didn't have that stuff yet!! How did we ever manage back then??? (it was a late 80s/early 90s flick) <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 13, 2006 Author Posted January 13, 2006 Yesterday I was watching Sex and the City I think. And Carrie got on her cell phone and it was huge! I was like, that thing is ancient! Things sure have changed. Just watch an old film of like the 60's, 70's. The actors all sound the same, the sound is bad, the films are blurry, bad special effects, etc. A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
callenish gunner Posted January 13, 2006 Posted January 13, 2006 where does that put me i remember seeing television for the first tyme .... and cell phones were science fiction ...i remember watching star trek when it was a new show and thinkin' what a cool idea it would be to be able to just flip a little packet out of m'pocket and talk to m' mates .... and fast food what whatever was leftover from last nights dinner eaten cold believe me it's all relative the incredible advances that have been made in the past 50-100 years just imagine what your kids will be sayin' about you and "your generation"
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 14, 2006 Author Posted January 14, 2006 Hilarious post, callenish gunner. Very true. I remember, when I was little, we had a computer with DOS. And till 2 years ago, I didn't know a thing about smiley's. Whenever my boyfriend used in e-mails, I'd be like: huh? What is that thing? Only years later, when we got DSL and I started using MSN, I understood. A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
Captain Tito Posted January 15, 2006 Posted January 15, 2006 Yeah like my first computer (A Commodore Vic-20) had a TAPE RECORDER and one of those old floppy disc drives where the discs were like 5 inches in diameter, and REALLY floppy!! You could only operate it by typing in BASIC. <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 15, 2006 Author Posted January 15, 2006 I still use floppy's sometimes. I'm old-fashioned. I remember me and my sis would record our own ''radio show'' with one of those kiddy recording thingies. We still have one of those tapes somewhere. Hilarious. A few years ago we started using the computer for that. We'd change our voices so we sounded like -thinks-. Chippendales. You know that cartoon? A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
Captain Tito Posted January 17, 2006 Posted January 17, 2006 Quote I remember me and my sis would record our own ''radio show'' with one of those kiddy recording thingies. OMG lass! I used to do that too, and so did my wife when she was young!! Yeah I know what ye meaneth with the Chipn'Dale cartoon from Disney. I used to love them when they would mess with Donald Duck. Now when I mean there was a tape player with the computer though, I'm talkin back in the early 80s, they had tapes with programs and games on them (like discs and cdroms do today) and you commanded the game to run, the tape player would start playing, thus loading in the game. Tape games were cheaper than discs, and you had to buy tape players and disc drives seperate too. They didn't all come attached till a few years later, unless you got a real expensive system, which back then was mostly for the adults in offices. The graphics on games back then were VERY archaic compared to now. A very popular bunch of games(and I had a pirate one :) ) were those ones that had no graphics, but you played it by finding your way around with 2-3 word commands. There were mysteries, battle scenes, and other various scenarios as well as the pirate one I had. Lass, did ye hear about the movie Tristan and Isolde? Looks VERY period. <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 17, 2006 Author Posted January 17, 2006 Of course I heard about Tristan and Isolde. Looks very interesting. I haven't even seen Casanova yet though. Just came out this week here in Holland. A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
Captain Tito Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 I'm not quite sure how close Tristan and Isolde follows to the Wagner opera. Ye said ye weren't too familiar with his. This would be one to check out. He did it as a "half time" in between the 4 parts of the Ring Cycle. Its a very romantic story. <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
Dead_Men_Tell_No_Tales Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 Mad Matt said: Not really mad, luv. A damn sight angry e'ery now n' then....ummm. Yes, mad more like insane, m'dear.As fer yer blades, just remember us pirates to go off by arrrrr best be quick t' avoid the musketball, too. Aye, balls 'o' lead be a thing to avoid for sure, but also lest ye not allow yerself to be takin' in by the ol' pirate charm lass, fer it can be far more deadly than any blade... eh?
Captain Tito Posted January 19, 2006 Posted January 19, 2006 I feel like I've become part of that Ice Age movie after a weather day like today around here. That one or The Day After Tomorrow! <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel. WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>
~Lady Pirate~ Posted January 19, 2006 Author Posted January 19, 2006 Speaking of Ice Age, there's going to be a sequel! Scrat power! You gotta love that squirrel. Plus, it's my favourite animal. A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
Pew Posted January 19, 2006 Posted January 19, 2006 ~Lady Pirate~ said: You gotta love that squirrel. Yeah, he's nuts. Get it? Nuts? God, I crack myself up. Crack? Bwahahahahaha . . . , Skull and Quill Society , The Watch Dog Quartermaster James said: "We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."
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