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What instrument do ye play?

Mad Matt

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What? Not a one o' ye ha' played on th' one-holed trouser pipe? Since I don' ha' one o'me own, I can only practice if some kind feller will lend me his. Still, I've managed t' bring forth a tune now n' again, fine instrument that it be. Anyone else admit to playin? Yea, it be a hard thing to perform before a crowd, I'm sure, but perchance some o' ye ha' played upon one in private.

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Well, I jes' aquired a new piece o' gear fer me bass arsenal; ZOOM 506II Bass Multi-effects Pedal. It's got a whole ton o' crap from distortion to phaser, to jes' about any sort o' wierd sound, it's fun.

Aye mate. I gots me one 'o those and dey good fer practicing with a set of good cans but I must be warning ye, they can produce alot 'o irritatin' digital noize. I've tried mine with and w/o a power supply and 4 AA's works de best jest make sure dey are fresh. I've recorded with mine and get some decent tones however don't git to too close to de monitor or other analog devices cause it can pick up 60 cycle hums and digital fragments especially with da mid frequency presets.

Aye, many a thanks for the tips. Me favourite setting be a custom one I made, fretless effect with a light bit of thrash distortion. It's like playing a fretless bass through a freshly blown speaker... or being gummed to death by an angry senior, either way, it sounds cool. :)

"A Merry Life To Savage Men Who Stand by Freedom's Right,

Fuiling Rum To Arm Our Drive And Raid This Ship In Sight. YARRR!"

-"Voyage" by Verbal Deception

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"With this Fore-Staff he fansies he does Wonders, when, God knows, it amounts to no more but only to solve that simple Question, Where are we? Which every chi'd in London can tell you." - Ned Ward The Wooden World Dissected, 1707


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It's a distinct possibility...


"With this Fore-Staff he fansies he does Wonders, when, God knows, it amounts to no more but only to solve that simple Question, Where are we? Which every chi'd in London can tell you." - Ned Ward The Wooden World Dissected, 1707


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been singing all my life. Started as a child singing 4 part harmony with my three sisters. Never stopped. My voice is the only instrument that I have mastered. Compact, portable, easy to tune even when the weather effects it.

I own and have at some point played a song or two on:

Guitar, it's not an instrument made for a woman with ...large ...blessings.

Fiddle, Learned four tunes and had to stop, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Recorder, Soprano & Tenor, tenor's a bit large for my hands and soprano is too high pitched. If I ever go back to that I'll get an alto.

bodhran, bought it just after the pain in my hands made playing fiddle impossible. Couldn't play it either due to the pain.

...now that I am having surgery to relieve the carpal tunnel syndrome pain (one hand down one to go) I will be picking up something again ...hopefully in 10 to 12 weeks.

I'm looking for new songs and recordings (I learn by ear, sheet music is work for me). If anyone has some suggestions of artists, links, threads or other that I should investigate I'd appreciate the direction.

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I have mild carpal tunnnel (yes you can actually have a mild form of it) in my right hand and I play fiddle. Through yoga and fencing I have managed to avoid NASIDs and surgery. I have friends that were not so lucky so I understand your pain.

OTOH I find trying to play dubeck a pain. So I guess it's matter of just what kind of pressure is on the wrist.

Good luck on you instrumental endevours! :)

Red Maria

The Soul of Indecency

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  • 2 months later...

Garr! Harr! Oooaargh!

Kipper racks give a good 'n smokey sound bu' Can't be beatin' thee

ole' Guitar!!!! Second best be the fiddle, they be cheaper than yee may think and great fun even if yee not folky

If yee be short on cash try startin' off with a penny whistle, Aaargh, they be not a penny any more, but at least a couple of squid.

Aargh I remember thee good ol' days when they only cost a penny.

Then I'd ave enough left over to buy a pie from thee butcher and go fishin' on the' rocks of Akarghtttthhhththththogogreaaakakarrrr. :ph34r::blink::blink: :) :blink::(:blink::blink:B):P:D:lol:;):o:huh:

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Since I have a B.A. in Music, I play primarily the guitar. I also play clarinet. But as for knowing how to play, I have the sax, flute, trombone, piano, Bass guitar, drums/percussion, violin, viola, cello, upright bass, tuba, trumpet. Now take into consideration I know how to play them not play them well. What can I say, I love music.

Cheif Boatswain of the Lusty Wench

Ita Devexus Quando Hic Advent #349

Fortes Fortuna Juvat #1103


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  • 2 weeks later...

On a different note, You should check out Gypsy Jazz. Especially Django Reinhart. Hey plays with a violin player named Stephane Grapelli. That is some hot stuff. You all may dig it.

Cheif Boatswain of the Lusty Wench

Ita Devexus Quando Hic Advent #349

Fortes Fortuna Juvat #1103


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  • 4 weeks later...

Been away from the forums for a while, and so only just noticed this thread. Myself, I was a trombonist for years, and technically I suppose I still am, with a specialization in blues and jazz, but a fair hand at marching band stuff as well. Play the trombone less these days, but a good eight years of regular play and performance.

In 1990-or-thereabouts I roomed with a now Anglican Priest who was a fiddler, and introduced me to the traditional irish frame drum (bodhran); since played properly [so say the Irish I know] the mostion is much that of the trombone slide hand, I took to it quickly and easily. Now it's the one as gets the most practise. A right rousing sound the beast has, too.

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The great highland bagpipe.

No kidding.

My neighbors hate me. :D

"Show me a man with a tattoo, and I'll show you a man with an interesting past." ~Jack London

Life is a Circus, and I am the Human Cannonball.

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I've been attempting to teach myself guitar for the last couple years--it would work better if I didn't put it down for months at a time...I can play about 5 songs on the piano, only one of them more complicated than "beginner." I'm best at singing--at least, I must not be too bad, because people don't cover their ears and beg me to stop. :o

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear, and life stands explained." --Mark Twain

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a new one in these here waters, an' thought I might weigh in a bit on the "gettin' to know ye" types o' threads.

I be envyin' ye, what plays the 'pipes, Pynch. One o' me favorites! I hae merely a practice chanter as yet, but mebbe one day, I can drive my neighbors ta drink wi' the proper 'pipes.

Myself, I play the bodhran (nae too well, yet, though); I've been known to twiddle about a bit on the pennywhistle, an' when my mouth works arright, the fife. Mostly, I play the autoharp, though, as far as the instruments be goin'. Aside from that, I sing. It's my friend, though, who plays the guitar.

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