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Patrick Hand

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Sounds like a job for a LAW's rocket...

It's not a LAW's rocket....

It's just a LAW.....

Light Anti-tank Weapon...... sure it happens to be a rocket..... but it's only called that in bad Action/Adventure movies....

Not that I ever taught a class in how to use the sucker or nothin'.......

(... this is the M72A2.....LAW ......DANG..... we did call it a rocket...... OK... but that was just in training........ the rest of the time it was just a LAW.....)


Just fer funsies....

All unauthorized vehicles will be Towed..... (as in Tube Launched Opticaly Tracked Wire link command guided missle)

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Going back a bit... Mission, I haven't forgotten about the "footprint" link, but as you noted, most of the commentary on the websites so far is non-academic, mostly lame opinion. My World Civ. professor suggests waiting until the carbon tests are complete and then National Geographic and Smithsonian will pick up on it. Then we should have some better explanation of the matter.

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I liked the M-80 idea the best! :rolleyes:

heh... :lol:

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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QUOTE (Capt. Bo of the WTF co. @ Sep 1 2007, 11:17 AM)

I liked the M-80 idea the best!  


You guys. B)

if it weren't for the fact that I live behind the police station in my hometown, I'd set offa couple of these sucker that I have left over. I long for the 70's , the era we lived with reckless abandon and numb fingers from fireworks accidents (well.. at least I still have all 10.)

Guys (...gals too), I highly do not recommend attempting 1 what I did (n fact, don't ever atttemp this) when I was 13 yr old kid....probably the most evil...,and real PYRATY thing I ever did B) ...was that my parents had a waterfront house on nrragansett bay, and many boatowners moored their boats by where we lived. Being the dumb adolescent that I was, I made a home-made cannon with the remnants of a bicycle pump, and M80 and some rocks and shot at a moored boat about 400 ft away, hit the thing and left some noticeable marks. What seemed like innocent fun to me back then, I look back and realize how foolish and arrogant such an enedeavor was. However....I was amazed that I actually made a working cannon.

Well, that's my story of mischievous youth. Now I have a mortgage to pay.

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I long for the 70's , the era we lived with reckless abandon and numb fingers from fireworks accidents (well.. at least I still have all 10.)

HEE HEE HEE! My nieghborhood was in the west bottoms of big creek below Grandads farm. Some of us used a piece of heavy plastic drain pipe, capped one end and used lighter fluid to propel 'taters. We took aim at the Baptist church steeple where they still had the big 'ol bell that was rung every Sunday morning.

It took us five rounds, but we finally rang that sucker.... and the police chief had us zeroed in by then too! B)

So much for childish play. Thanx for the trip down memory lane Matusalem!


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I hate when you tell folks about the PUB, only to notice some preteen is posting cheap porn on the PUB..... B)

Now if it was expensive..... OK just kidding! B)

I'm all for a lynching the little freaks!!


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

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I long for the 70's , the era we lived with reckless abandon and numb fingers from fireworks accidents (well.. at least I still have all 10.)

Well it was th' 60's.... but close enough.....

A firecracker, a glass Testors paint bottle, some BB's... and we had hand granades...... and realy lucky none of the firecrackers had a fast fuse..... ;)

We tried to make a cannon outta a chunk of pipe with one end flattened.... but we never could get the fuse through the touch hole.... so we had to fire it like a mortar.......

We never got caught, and luckly no one got hurt... but back then, the Police would just confiscate your firecrackers, and tell you what a dumb idea it was....

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What was that saying...? "Ah the glory of a misspent youth.." :ph34r:

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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If yer a PETA supporter.... ye may not wanna read this.....

I went outside to have a smoke.... no problem...... but the skunk that wanted to eat the last of the cat's food, did kinda startle me....

OK... I didn' t get squrted...... but as I looked at the little sucker.... and I told it.....

If it squirts me.... at that point in time.... I'm going to play basketball with a skunk...... dribble the little stinker offa a tree.... kick it across the parking lot.... then skin it,,,(hopefully as it's still alive)

It must have understood..... cause it just walked/hopped away....

Dang... living up in the mountains gets interesting at times.......

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Every so often I think of something that I'd like to add to the Pyracy Pub, but they are small bits.... nothing worth a seperate topic.... but maybe a post or two, then move on to something else........ You know..... Random Thoughts....

First rendom thought.......

I LIKE MY BREAD MACHINE...... I've been making a loaf of bread and eating it every day sence my boss gave the thing to me.... Dirt simple.... measure alla th' stuff.... push a button and two and a holf hours later..... fresh bread......

I sit in front of the pewter reading and posting in the Pup.... and munching on fresh bread...... cool..... AAAAAAaaaaargh even!

I bought a bread machine while thrifting and it works but not the best. I have no instructions for it and I tried to get them online. I am thinking of just getting a new one as the bread was delicious.

I am not one for the kitchen but little conveniences like this make cooking and baking more enjoyable.

It's worse now as the boys are bigger and eat every hour. There's never the right food or not enough of what we eat. I finish putting the groceries away and they open the fridge and say

"What do you got to eat? "There's nothing to eat""Why don't you buy------------?"

It gets tiresome ya know.

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I long for the 70's , the era we lived with reckless abandon and numb fingers from fireworks accidents (well.. at least I still have all 10.)

Well it was th' 60's.... but close enough.....

A firecracker, a glass Testors paint bottle, some BB's... and we had hand granades...... and realy lucky none of the firecrackers had a fast fuse..... B)

We tried to make a cannon outta a chunk of pipe with one end flattened.... but we never could get the fuse through the touch hole.... so we had to fire it like a mortar.......

We never got caught, and luckly no one got hurt... but back then, the Police would just confiscate your firecrackers, and tell you what a dumb idea it was....

60's here. We use to make Polish cannons...Ok, not knocking the Polish. I am Polish and married the same.

I think it was made of coffee cans, lighter fluid and other things that I won't mention because I don't want anyone to try this at home, especially young ones, although I am sure the kids can make their own arsenal from websites!

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The strangest things keep happening to me lately...

I was in a grocery store recently and these two girls in front of me were loudly discussing the pluses and minuses of the various tabloid stars and their babies. Actually, one of them was loudly discussing it and the other one was flipping through a tabloid. They made hints that I was invited into this conversation while we all waited for checkout. (I ignore thee.)

Then the loud one noticed what I was buying. To wit: two bottles of wine, a healthy chunk of Asiago cheese and an avocado. She started commenting on that and I was unwillingly drawn into the conversation. I gave monosyllabic responses and tried not to make eye contact. (I ignore thee.) Understand, these girls looked about 16 to me based on their clothes and manner and I really have no interest in Britney's baby. The magazine flipper had a peace symbol in the shape of a heart tattooed at the nape of her neck. ("I could fight crime, protect the innocent, work for world peace! But first...") So I just wanted them to leave me out of it. Soon they were gone and I thought that was that.

Not so. I was pulling out of the parking lot aisle and a car was coming towards me with the driver waving frantically out her window. What the heck?! So I stopped. It was my two pals. The loud one driving and the flipper in the passenger seat. Oh boy. (Dammit, I ignore thee.) The conversation went something like this:

"Hey my friend says you got a date tonight." (Apparently the wine and cheese indicated this.)

"I'm afraid your friend is wrong. I have a date tomorrow night."

"Who with?" (Really! Maybe you know them or something?)

"A friend." (Very non-committal, see? I ignore thee. Actually, I canst believe thee would query me so.)

"Oh, well my friend says she would like to hook up with you." (Great Scott! How do these things happen to me?)

Flipper giggles.

"Your friend looks like she's about 15." (Go 'way, lass. Ya' bother me.)

"Naw she's 23."

Flipper giggles.

"I'm much older than she is."

"That's ok!"

Flipper giggles.

"Have a nice night, ladies."

"Aw c'mon!"

And I drove off.

Understand, it's not that flipper wasn't visually appealing. It's that I think I would have more enlightening conversations with my cat. (Plus my cat doesn't have a peace symbol in the shape of a heart tattooed on her body. Sure, she asked if she could get one once, but you have to be firm about these things.)

This is the third such bizarre event lately. Do you 'spose I'm giving off some sort of weird vibe?

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright


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I just can't stop laughing. :huh: The vapid do seem to be blessed with an overabundant lack of self-awareness.

And hang tough on that cat...

Dippy urban supermarket chicks. Duh. :rolleyes: It's not you mission..

an a quote for yer furball "As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat."

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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Well, I don't wear cologne, so it couldn't be that. (Pheromones? :rolleyes: ) To be honest, it's never happened to me before either. (Two other odd things have along the same lines, though. Do I look like someone suddenly famous or something? Squinty Frack? I think not...)

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright


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Do I look like someone suddenly famous or something? Squinty Frack? I think not...)

Aaaaaaaa HA..... that's it......

You posted the photos in YOU IN YOU GARB..... and now all the women want your body........ :huh:

Dang.... I gotta get out the digital Camera now............ :rolleyes:

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Do I look like someone suddenly famous or something? Squinty Frack? I think not...)

Aaaaaaaa HA..... that's it......

You posted the photos in YOU IN YOU GARB..... and now all the women want your body........ :rolleyes:

They can have it.

It might be cool to be able to go around without it. No more frozen shoulder or tendinitis. I am reading a book just now about phantom limbs and the psychology embedded therein. The author suggests that we actually have multiple experiences of our body as a sort of metaphor. For example, did you know that you can lose the ability to identify objects visually and thus not be able to see, yet still be able to catch something thrown at you or correctly orient an object like a letter so you can put it into a mail slot? The book explains that there are at least 30 processing areas in our brains that perform various tasks in deciphering images. If the area that identifies objects gets damaged, you can lost the ability to "see" but can still see and react to objects despite this. Simply amazing. (What were we talking about?)

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright


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I was watching The Davinci Code last night (despite the fact that I didn't think much of the novel) and I got to the end and thought, "This movie was ok." One of those rare movies that is (slightly) better than the book.

The computer effects were a little cheesy, but I can see why they used them (LCD) and Hanks was dependable as always...but wait! The movie wasn't over! The bad guys (such as they were) were either dead or captured and...the movie still keeps going! I guess I didn't remember the book that well. Since it was getting late, I finally shut the thing off and figured to watch the rest tonight. How many endings does a potboiler murder mystery movie need?

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright


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