Charity Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Sleepy.. Got up at 7,30 for a day out and it's wayyyyy too early for me (well...uhm..i'm getting too be too much of a night bird..) Looking forward to it, the militairy air museum, anything from a Spifire to lots of Fokker ww2 planes..(and i believe ww1) and forest to have a good walk in to top it all off! It promises to be a good day.. Furthermore, i feel out of it in this place..been busy and it seems i'm missing a lot of fun..
The Doctor Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Like a kid playing hooky. The company VPN servers are offline, and I can't work if I'm not connected, so..... WOOHOO!! Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?
William Brand Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Sick as a dog. Stupid flu. Hell hath no furry as...a...a...achoooo!
The Doctor Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Aw, spit. The network's back up. Time to resume spinnin' my wheels. Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?
Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 stressed but some how relaxed at the same time But why is the rum gone? Save a horse ride a cowboy! Take me away and take me farther, suround me now and hold me like holy My toes are getting pruney Also my head is round that window is square.... My name is Micheal J Kabous and i eat babies! Your toast has been burned and no amount of scraping will remove the black stuff
Sealegs Constance Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Tired Sealegs Constance I am what I am
The Doctor Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Bloody_Mary_Bonney said: stressed but some how relaxed at the same time Good for you, lass! You've hit what they call in the corporate world "The Numbing". Enjoy! Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?
Lady Seahawke Posted October 7, 2005 Posted October 7, 2005 I am on the way of hopefully being numb. I am sitting here with a bottle of wine (only thing in the house I think) and have already worked my way half way through it. I'll let you know if it worked by the end of the second half. If not, there is a "store" walking distance from here. By the end of the evening I hope to feel numb. That is what my plans are for this evening. I have never done this before...never in my not sure if it is going to work. If anyone is interested I will let you know later. Lady Cassandra Seahawke Captain of SIREN'S RESURRECTION, Her fleet JAGUAR'S SPIRIT, ROARING LION , SEA WITCH AND RED VIXEN For she, her captains and their crews are.... ...Amazon by Blood... ...... Warrior by Nature...... ............Pirate by Trade............ If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...
Jonathan Hawks Posted October 7, 2005 Posted October 7, 2005 Went through me anti biotics now and most of it be gone finally. Still aves me runny nose a bit and am tired. Shoots anything that moves!!
Rumba Rue Posted October 7, 2005 Posted October 7, 2005 Busy busy busy Getting things done for the Escondido faire.
Cpt Sophia M Eisley Posted October 7, 2005 Posted October 7, 2005 green (I nearly ate a rancid tasting peanut butter cracker sandwich) Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@ Dead Men...Tell No Tales. Welcome, Foolish Mortals...
Red-Handed Jill Posted October 7, 2005 Posted October 7, 2005 Still sick and tired. And sick and tired of being sick and tired. Sigh.
The Doctor Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 Tired and more than a little proud of myself. I installed a whole-house humidifier on our central air system, and it works perfectly! :) Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?
Charity Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 Quote Busy busy busyGetting things done for the Escondido faire. blink.gif But that's a good kind of busy though Have fun! Quote Tired and more than a little proud of myself. I installed a whole-house humidifier on our central air system, and it works perfectly! smile.gif Well, good for you! Way to go Jack, by the way, did anyone ever tell you that you're a mighty fine looking gent? Did i just say that? Uhm.. Blast, i forget to tell how i feel! My back is acking like mad, i've been dragging a metal bed frame, books, drawers..and it's just the beginning I've so much do to before i can start to paint and more..AARGGHH everyone i know lives in other cities and work or are sick and i'm single so i must do a LOT of work on my own... Well, next week aunt and dad are coming to help and hopefully soon a friend too, but she too has just left the hospital
Shipwreck John Posted October 10, 2005 Posted October 10, 2005 My legs are achin just a tad, as I just finished running and haven't done that in a while. wel if you got to know then, the shape I'm in I think they call it pear shape. I will be tryin to knock off a few pounds. Howerever this guinnes and rum don't help much but it sure kills the pain Shipwreck Adventurer of Independent Means TALL SAILS AND MERMAIDS TAILS, THIS BE THE LIFE FOR ME "THEM THAT DIE WILL BE THE LUCKY ONES"
Christine Posted October 10, 2005 Posted October 10, 2005 Tired, but had a fun and busy weekend. Helped out with filming for my guyfriend's tv show he's trying to get picked up by networks. It was filming all weekend. I helped by either being in front of the camera or behind it. I'll sleep well tonight.........Zzzzzzzzzzz......
Charity Posted October 10, 2005 Posted October 10, 2005 Pretty much ready for another day of moving. Table goes to spare room (my paint and sewing table) and book shelves to the bedroom and tons of books from the spare room floor into the book shelves...oh my i look forward to thát
Scupper Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 FREEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! Like the weight of the world be off my shoulders. My divorce has fiannally got off the dime and begun. I move into a new apartment at the end of the month. And the State of Connecticut has realized i have rights and can see my son whwnever I wish. Scupper "That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."
Christine Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Huzzah to ya Scupper on the new found freedom! I remember how you've been waiting for this to happen, congrats to ya! :)
Pirate Petee Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Tiered, drank too much coffee this morning. Need a nap.
The Doctor Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 I'm this close to strangling the ever loving p*ss out of some idiotic software packagers on my team. Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?
Christine Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Today is my dad's birthday, but my sister and I will be celebrating it this Friday instead. He made other plans for today. I told him that we're taking him and his wife to Disneyland this Friday as a late birthday gift. He hasn't been in years. My sister can get a discount on tickets for them thru her work at Vons. She also is going to use her annual passport for an additional discount. So, I'm feeling pretty excited about this! I hardly see my dad and we're treating him to Disneyland, how cool!
Charity Posted October 12, 2005 Posted October 12, 2005 Quote And the State of Connecticut has realized i have rights and can see my son whwnever I wish.Scupper Congrats Scupper! All the luck and happines for the future! Quote I'm this close to strangling the ever loving p*ss out of some idiotic software packagers on my team. user posted image Aww, come here friend Just vent some, curse scream shout or whatever you want and you know you can always vent away in im if you want too (and that goes for anyone ) Ohh i think you''ve missed my remark on the former page..good.. How do i feel? Stupid..i've done some things in the passed days that make me feel now like DID I DO THAT? I'm sure you all know the feeling.. Anyway, i'm wrecked..christ..i've shoved and pulled and lifted wardrobes, my bed and tables and books and bookshelves and more..and i'm not finished yet Oh well, the next part will be done with help but dad is sick (again ) and aunt is busy and friends are either sick or on vacation..doesn't help much..
Nomadicalpirate Posted October 12, 2005 Posted October 12, 2005 Harr! It be spring! the birds be chirping (too damn bloody early mind you!) The sun be shining (that's a bloody lie! damnable rain! Arr! ) I been out on yonder lake, Harr! Arr But I got's the Hay-fever. I been drinking my Scurvy-be-gone (aka. V8 Juice), I've been eating me greens, I been cooking my meat right through and the bloody butterflies gets me! Arr! I'll not be thwarted by Nature! Harr!
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