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It seems to me that Capt. Scurvy F. Dog simply posted what he believed to be accurate information to the best of his knowledge.

Iron Bess, not wanting anyone to have any information other than what she provides, insisted on pressing the issue. Yet, seems like everyone is yelling at Capt Dog.

It's one thing to support your crewe, but it's quite another to jump on the bandwagon if you really have no interest other than making a bunch of noise. So, if you're not interested in the call for extras or the potential casting call (or whatever the hell you want to call it) then why not just let people share what info they have. Hell, we're all adults here, Ms. Iron Bess. I would't be too concerned about others getting 'hurt' as you put it. Maybe just let Dog share what he knows and everybody else just butt the hell out.

How 'bout that?


You take a name that belittles someone who has in issue with doggie and your very first post is in his defence. :o

Like... no one can see through this.

Hitch up yer knickers lover... it's all about his having a last word and a dislike for being *outdone by a wench* as he put it. No one was trying to out do him. If he'd kept a civil tongue in his head it would have rolled over to silence yesterday.

It's not about trying to make m'self important (I just do my job mate...)

It's about not being bullied.

On this thread OR in private.

Good night Gracie.

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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[ Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, but...the digital footage you repeatedly 'refused' from me when you asked for 'quality',(for free!) but 'wouldn't be as good as the DVD from Redd'... as you claimed.... 'twas good enuff for 'the Mouse'.......and it was all the same footage, just a different edit.......

....an' as far as DP be concerned, 'e's a pretty big boy, mate, ta be 'spittin' out...an' 'e's always packin' that 'four letter word'......'CREW'

sorry ta hear abouts yer surgery mate ...hopes ye gets better... as far as thee "footage fer FREE" i had told ye ye could send it & ye said yer copy broke, ...& i repeatedly e-mailed ye fer yer address fer me ta send some dubloons towards yer ships upkeep. as far as yer mate Desert Pyrate, i guess these things don't mean anything :o:o anymore... oh well. apparently, i be not used ta chat rooms...fer all this mess would never of happened in a REAL Pub eye ta eye. Sorry fer yer bad feelin's Capt, Desert & ye too Bess. Have a great life. & maybe we'll meet some fine day in that REAL Pub & has a drink & laugh over it... we'll see fer i get's around a bit in thee REAL world. so it is written so let it be done.

Sorry fer yer bad feelin's Capt, Desert & ye too Bess. Have a great life.

Now.... ya see? I DON'T have any bad feelings.

I even said as much when I offered to still senf your stuff.

I work with actors and their egos every single day. It's why I keep forcing the act like an adult issue. Force of habit.

I never take this nonsense personaly.

Don't worry about me mate. Not in the least. :o

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Hitch up yer knickers lover...

Hitch up his knickers? Lover?

You messing around with my one and only, Miss Bess? :o

Though my husband's tactics may be less than honorable, I'll speak up in his defense. We just howled until our sides ached at the ridiculous banter going on and on and on. Seems like Miss Bess should be doing more moderating and less instigating. IMHO. And who really cares about the royalist's opinion? Or anybody elses? Dog made his initial remarks and somebody had a hissy fit over it? He defends his remarks and is jumped on? That's silly.

And then you tell my husband to hitch up his knickers? Who's behaving like a spoiled child? You people should get a grip.

Step back and take a look at yourselves. :o

It seems to me that Capt. Scurvy F. Dog simply posted what he believed to be accurate information to the best of his knowledge.

Iron Bess, not wanting anyone to have any information other than what she provides, insisted on pressing the issue. Yet, seems like everyone is yelling at Capt Dog.

It's one thing to support your crewe, but it's quite another to jump on the bandwagon if you really have no interest other than making a bunch of noise. So, if you're not interested in the call for extras or the potential casting call (or whatever the hell you want to call it) then why not just let people share what info they have. Hell, we're all adults here, Ms. Iron Bess. I would't be too concerned about others getting 'hurt' as you put it. Maybe just let Dog share what he knows and everybody else just butt the hell out.

How 'bout that?

My interests are my business, mate!...And you repeatedly had my addy, never replied, and blh-blah. That said, I care not what your good wife thinks about me or mine also. Get a grip yourself woman, and give a great big kiss to that racist-sexist arse of an old man 'o yours!...He's already explained to me how 'wenches' have no 'say so' in his litte world.

My interests are my business, mate!...And you repeatedly had my addy, never replied, and blh-blah. That said, I care not what your good wife thinks about me or mine also. Get a grip yourself woman, and give a great big kiss to that racist-sexist arse of an old man 'o yours!...He's already explained to me how 'wenches' have no 'say so' in his litte world.

Racist? Sexist? Wenches have no say? What on earth are you talking about?

I just asked my husband if he had received any communication from you and he has not received a word. So why would he reply? That makes no sense at all royalist. Do you see what I mean? Get a grip on yourselves.


Okay.. first step. everyone cool off. A topic has gone from informative to a personal debate to an outright argument with a lot of insults on everyones part. As stated before in other forums, this site is a place to share information, ideas and a general information about a thing that we all enjoy. POTC has taken on a life of its own on this site. It seems to dominate a great many forums with personal feelings getting in the way of everyone having a right to thier own opinions.

POTC is just a movie, no matter how strong a person may feel about it.

Anyone connected to the movie in any way may share whatever info. they desire to share with the members here

If there is a personal problem between anyone on this site with POTC, then keep it personal and not on this site. That is to say, not in a forum where I am one of the moderators.

Dog and Bess, I truly do not know what honest connection either of you have with this film, other than what each of you claim. If there is a personal problem between you two on this, than you need to take it up with someone higher up and not let it degenerate into an argument here. That applies to both, even if one of you wish to claim that they are not argueing and are staying calm and respectful.

As one of the moderators here, I am telling everyone posting here... change your tone. You may have your opinions and share them freely, but, there will be a respect on all sides of any discussion in this topic forum....

Personal disagreements are perfectly acceptable. Not threats, insults and downright open hostility to anyone posting... Lets play nice now..

My interests are my business, mate!...And you repeatedly had my addy, never replied, and blh-blah. That said, I care not what your good wife thinks about me or mine also. Get a grip yourself woman, and give a great big kiss to that racist-sexist arse of an old man 'o yours!...He's already explained to me how 'wenches' have no 'say so' in his litte world.

Racist? Sexist? Wenches have no say? What on earth are you talking about?

I just asked my husband if he had received any communication from you and he has not received a word. So why would he reply? That makes no sense at all royalist. Do you see what I mean? Get a grip on yourselves.

So, by your claim, the email he sent me without my solicitation on 11/4/04 at 9:40 p.m. 'never happened'....someone's lyin' to someone around here, and it ain't me, 'cuz I piss a lot 'o people off, but seldom from a lie.

So, by your claim, the email he sent me without my solicitation on 11/4/04 at 9:40 p.m. 'never happened'....someone's lyin' to someone around here, and it ain't me, 'cuz I piss a lot 'o people off, but seldom from a lie.

:o:o:o That is what I am saying. He didn't join pyracy until this morning around 11 oclock. I have his registration email from pyracy to prove it.. Neither of us have any idea what you are talking about. But you go ahead and keep telling your story royalist. :o:o:o

So, by your claim, the email he sent me without my solicitation on 11/4/04 at 9:40 p.m. 'never happened'....someone's lyin' to someone around here, and it ain't me, 'cuz I piss a lot 'o people off, but seldom from a lie.

:o:o:o That is what I am saying. He didn't join pyracy until this morning around 11 oclock. I have his registration email from pyracy to prove it.. Neither of us have any idea what you are talking about. But you go ahead and keep telling your story royalist. :o:o:o

Here's the email from the 4th, you are delerious, your hubby's been emailing and posting for months

...from 'capt. Scurvey Dog, 11/04/04, 9:50 p.m.

----- Original Message -----

From: Captain Scurvy Dog

To: the Pyrate

Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 9:50 PM

Subject: no worries mate...

i not be anywhere near mad at Bess just pirate role playin' even though she is wrong... what i said in the post about POTC is true. but i can't have me character belittled by a wench now, can i?! hahar. fair winds to ye mate



If this has got to continue.... take it to IM or emails.

Give Flint that much respect at least. :o

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


I'm not married to Captain Scurvy Dog! What on Earth are you thinking? :o:o:o

Sorry for the error, it sure seemed like you were married to 'im...In which case, you must be married to a royalarse..as someone else said, goodnite Gracie.............. :o


*sweeps up the trail of poop from the ship's side to the other, then wonders what the heck happened to cause so much stuff.. *

decides to stay out of the fight, but will pick over the remains of the loser for gold.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!



decides to stay out of the fight, but will pick over the remains of the loser for gold.

:o Women who behave, rarely make history m'love!

Atta girl :o

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Well hate to see fights. But I KNOW Iron Bess has never misled or gave bad facts. Not her style when she can just run you through. And with her looks, most of us would stand still and let her. :o


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."


I agree. This is getting out of hand.

Scurvy Dog, Iron Bess didn't mean any harm, but she does work for Disney Studios, far as I know. She just wanted to say that she knows of no open casting call.

I'd like for no chance of online drama... words are words, as you know, and oh-so-much more difficult to interpret online. ^-^

*sweeps up the trail of poop from the ship's side to the other, then wonders what the heck happened to cause so much stuff.. *

decides to stay out of the fight, but will pick over the remains of the loser for gold.

I were quite worried when I didn'ts hear any replies from ye! Glad yer aboard, Miss Merry! Hope this gave ye a laugh fer yer weekend. ;)


Quote from Royaliste:"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, but...the digital footage you repeatedly 'refused' from me when you asked for 'quality',(for free!) but 'wouldn't be as good as the DVD from Redd'... as you claimed.... 'twas good enuff for 'the Mouse'.......and it was all the same footage, just a different edit.......

Might be ye never recieved these e's, Royaliste. (By thee By...No Worries here Captain Flint, just tryin' ta clear thee air)

----- Original Message -----

From: Captain Scurvy Dog

To: the Pyrate

Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 10:34 PM

Subject: ahoy..

Captain Gary, how goes it mate? i knows ye be busy as ye said & i doesn't wants to be a splinter in yer backside...but was wonderin' if'en by chance ye mights be able to gets that dvd out to me soon? i'm really tryin' to wrap this show up this month fer alots a me mateys has been askin' abouts it...& just fixin' up some audio & hopin' i mights be ables to be usin' some of yer Royaliste footage to ice up thee cake & finish 'er...

Thank ye fer yer help, Captain.

call me at ANY time Thanks again,

Captain Scurvy Dog

----- Original Message -----

From: the Pyrate

To: Captain Scurvy Dog

Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 7:50 AM

Subject: Re: ahoy..

Ahoy, mate!..Just been busy as hell around here on maintainance...The DVD copies haven't arrived, I can send you a cd file of the same footage, just no special features..you have to load to your hard drive , then view...Fair Winds, Gary


ahoy Captain Gary, me time is gettin' a little tight on finishin' me movie...so maybe as ye said, i could be checkin' out thee cd footage... at least that way if'en it be lookin' like what i needs but not high enough quality, i could hold out a bit longer fer thee dvd. let's me know if'en ye needs a few dubloons fer shippin' & handlin' hahar... i thank ye kindly fer yer time Captain & i awaits yer response.

call me at ANY time Thanks again,

Captain Scurvy Dog


aye Captain Gary, i found me way to yer website & it say about supportin' thee "Royaliste" ...though i not be a man of great plunder by any means but whilest i has a few extra dubloons i be happy to part wit some to keep thee great gurl afloat as well as showin' me arrrpreciation of yer lettin' me use her photos & perhaps some video footage. so gives me yer formal name & land address & i'll send ye what dubloons i can live witout this month.

----- Original Message -----

From: the Pyrate

To: Captain Scurvy Dog

Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:38 AM

Subject: Re: Land Ho!

Here's the skinney, mate..I don't know what's up with 'Redd Oktober's homelife, but he's still not sent me the five copies or to Claire. At the haulout last week, my only copy broke in two!...I'll try one more email to him. Have a good day, I'm still replankin' and fastening. Gary


Thank ye fer thee update Captain Gary...if'en ye like i can bug Red about it & let him know that time be of thee escence but i won'ts breathe a word of it unless ye approves... & regarding me last e-... it still stands that i be willin' to throw a few dubloons yer way to helps wit careenin' thee old gurl. let's me know, I Thanks Ye, Captain.

LAST POST 10-03...

Ahoy Captain Gary, Aye appreciates yer efforts but could waits no longer & hads to use another ship's footage. But do thank ye fer considerin' & tryin' to help betweenst yer busy schedule. Might be next movie we can use ye & yer ship, I'll surely keep ye posted. Fare thee well, Captain.


I has never recieved an e-mail from ye with yer land address or full name.

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