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POTC 2&3 Rumors, none verified

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...And I agree... why keep bringing back the same villian that was vanquished in the first episode? Where's the challenge for the lead character... he's already bested the bad guy.

It only worked for Darth Vader because he was omnipotent until the final installment.  But bringing back Barbossa would like bringing Dog Brown back in Cutthroat Island II after he was blasted apart by a cannonball. Hardly a creative direction for a good writer to take. Way too formula.

I truly loved Rush's character (so don't bash me Barbossa fans, I'm there with ya) But it's Depp's work along with Keira and Orlando that would make me return to the next installments... It's the chemistry between them that was magnificent to watch.

-- The Captain

I quite agree. Barbossa was a fine villain to be sure. I thought Rush did a great job. But the character has been defeated. Move along, please, nothing to see here. Give us another black-hearted, blackguard caribbean pirate if you must. New villains make fine roles for interested actors anyhow. (Many like to play villains because of the current biases.)

From now on you might wish to consider not posting the news in your title and adding the header *SPOILERS* so people who do NOT want to know the story information can save themselves from a ruined event.

That's a good point. We used to require people to do that over at TheForce.Net. Then they created a special spoiler-friendly forum because nobody payed attention to the rule and we mods were forever editing titles. :P

2¢?! I must be up to a quarter by now. I'm going to have to get on a payment plan...

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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I quite agree. Barbossa was a fine villain to be sure. I thought Rush did a great job. But the character has been defeated. Move along, please, nothing to see here.

Ohh... I have to disagree.

One man's defeat is another man's... being detained a bit. :P

Besides, it's a whole nother ball game when your trying to *defeat* the dead. :P

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


One man's defeat is another man's... being detained a bit.   :P

Besides, it's a whole nother ball game when your trying to *defeat* the dead.   :P

While I like your point about rising from defeat (I speak publically on the topic. :P ), this is the movies. It's escapism! Even the great (and he was a great villain) Goldfinger got sucked out of an airplane into oblivion! On to Largo (This is my number 2 man. His name...Number 2) and Blofeld.

Besides, I personally feel like they're cheating. They set up the rules and followed them through in the first movie. It was pretty simple: get all the gold and gore back in the chest and, whoop!, everyone's real and the undead curse is lifted. Then they kill the villain and everyone who likes American cut-and-dried film endings (me :P ) is happy.

Now they're going to work around that and say, "Well that stuff we said in the first movie that made it finish so nicely...it's all wrong. See, there's this other rule (or point, or idiosynchratic plot bubble) that we forgot to tell you about. Blah. They almost ruined the BTTF series with that sort of junk. Puh-leeze leave the alternate time lines out of this.

There's another quarter I owe...

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


You make me sound like a rumor Goddess!!
LOL...naahhh, just someone who's "Closest to the fire" so to say and more likely to tell the truth then those magazines who just háve to post something to sell..
I think it's a disservice to keep posting things about the story line or film
Mmm don't want that *zipping...*

I''ll not post again and wait and see, and i won't go into any debate again as when people see things differently you can go on into eternity but it won't chance anything :)

Besides, it's a whole nother ball game when your trying to *defeat* the dead. rolleyes.gif

What can i say... :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Couldn't agree more, it's hardly a "normal film" in which when someone is dead...he's dead...they started out dead in this one, and who's to say what else can happen.

By the way, i have a lot of respect for their work and i never doubted they will do a great job nomather what..never meant to be "inconsiderate" :rolleyes:

I think it's a disservice to keep posting things about the story line or film
Mmm don't want that *zipping...*

I''ll not post again and wait and see, and i won't go into any debate again as when people see things differently you can go on into eternity but it won't chance anything :)

No one cares if you want to post the entire storyline...All I'm saying is don;t put it in your headers so that it ruins things for people who do NOT want to know.

Put the word *Spoilers* there and those who wish to dive in will. THose who want the full thrill don't have to have an otherwise delightful surprise ruined.

Simple and fair all the way 'round. :)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Besides, I personally feel like they're cheating. They set up the rules and followed them through in the first movie. It was pretty simple: get all the gold and gore back in the chest and, whoop!, everyone's real and the undead curse is lifted. Then they kill the villain and everyone who likes American cut-and-dried film endings (me :rolleyes: ) is happy.

Now they're going to work around that and say, "Well that stuff we said in the first movie that made it finish so nicely...it's all wrong. See, there's this other rule (or point, or idiosynchratic plot bubble) that we forgot to tell you about. Blah. They almost ruined the BTTF series with that sort of junk. Puh-leeze leave the alternate time lines out of this.

There's another quarter I owe...

Aw, no one is cheating. They are playing by the rules. set down in the first film.

Curse on: Everyone is the living dead.

Curse off: (thud) The newly wounded drop like rain.

Curse back on: Same rules apply.

(chuckle) Maybe! I think you'll be delightfully surprised! :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Monsieur Mission, if I May- Remember- Money Changes Everything-if the Next Two Films do the Kind of Business the First One Did, there Will be More, or a TV Series or a Cartoon or ...They will Milk the Cow unto Death, Sir- and Regarding Captain Barbossa- If the Main Conceit is that Undead Pirates Exsist, They can pretty Much do as They will , Logic and Reality Wise. And Did not Jack the Monkey Steal Forbidden Treasure in the Tag Scene of "Black Pearl" and Was Not the Monkey One of the Crew-He Turned Skeletal Quick enough-The Curse Survives- Therefore, Ergo, Etc.

You Get the Picture...But Wait and See... Yours,

:rolleyes: RtR :ph34r:

"For I have dipped My Hands in Muddy Waters, and Must a Pirate be- A short but Merry Life shall be My Motto!"- Bartholomew Roberts

Monsieur Mission, if I May- Remember- Money Changes Everything-if the Next Two Films do the Kind of Business the First One Did, there Will be More, or a TV Series or a Cartoon or ...They will Milk the Cow unto Death, Sir- and Regarding Captain Barbossa- If the Main Conceit is that Undead Pirates Exsist, They can pretty Much do as They will , Logic and Reality Wise. And Did not Jack the Monkey Steal Forbidden Treasure in the Tag Scene of "Black Pearl" and Was Not the Monkey One of the Crew-He Turned Skeletal Quick enough-The Curse Survives- Therefore, Ergo, Etc.

You Get the Picture...But Wait and See... Yours,

:rolleyes: RtR :ph34r:


just what *I* said!

Only... with more words. :ph34r:

Ahoy ROGER!!

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



I think those on one side and those on other side will always say what they can to try and convince other side, be it unconsciously, but i have always said, and believe it still..in a movie about undead pirates anything and everything can be made credible, and i trust the fine writing of the one who made the first and will make the othe movies.

And yes, last summer already me and others were discussing the tag scene and saw Jack the monkey getting cursed again so anything is possible.

I'm convident we wíll all be surprised and it will be a pleasent surprise, Barbossa or not (though wíth him it will be a bigger one :rolleyes: )

I'll say spoilers if i ever post anything, no problem :)

Apologies is i spoiled anything..


Say goodbye to this thread as I'm going to merge it with the POTC rumors thread, where the thread title has no spoilers.

Charity lass, I share your obessioin, which is why they probably made me moderator of Pirate Pop, so don't hesitate to post your info. However, as stated before, please do so under the POTC rumor thread. I can assure you that once that thread pops to the top, pirates will click on their guilty pleasure to see your latest post. :rolleyes:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


[Looking around] Strange place, this. Too many posts here... Oh, well.

Aw, no one is cheating. They are playing by the rules. set down in the first film.

Curse on: Everyone is the living dead.

Curse off: (thud) The newly wounded drop like rain.

Curse back on: Same rules apply.

Ah, so it is that you've found the undead!

Nonsense says I! If you follow this logic through, it means that Cortez could show up in the movies, eh, Bess? He must have been undead if he was the original owner of the stone chest. So if Barbossa is alive, why not Cortez?

I don't like it. Stinks highly of hypocracy: we're back to changing the rules midstream, IMHO. No alternate 1985s for me thanks, I'm driving [a Delorean, that is...well I was until I sold the miserably wonderful money pit. See my web page. :rolleyes: ] I take small (very small) consolation that if this is true, Koehler could also return from the dead.

However, the ever-lovely Bess also said:

I think you'll be delightfully surprised!

Ok, I'll hold my scepticism at bay, just a bit, but only because it's you, Bess, in all your studio portrait, Sophia glory. If I find a alternate 1985 at the end of the rainbow, however...I'll spit on Gore Verbinski's undead grave and ne'er return to the series.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



Got this from JoBlo.com FWIW:

The Hollywood Reporter confirmed today the news we reported on eariler this week that Stellan Skarsgard would be joining PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 2 and 3 as Orlando Bloom's character's father Bootstrap Bill. They further mention that Naomie Harris (who's probably best known as the bad ass zombie stomping chick from 28 DAYS LATER) has joined the cast and will be playing a gypsy queen. Further, Moviehole dropped us a line and gave us a little more detail about Harris' casting and character. According to their report "she apparently gave a great audition as Tia Dalma, a spooky gyspy queen that comes complete with tats, dreads…you get the picture. She's a freakish character, and Harris apparently nailed it - she'll be back for the third one too". (read the rest of that article HERE) The sequels are scheduled to start shooting in early March in Los Angeles and the Caribbean for a summer 2006 release. All the major players from the original including Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush will be coming back and the film will once again be directed by Gore Verbinski and scripted by Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio with The Brucks (re: Jerry Bruckheimer) producing.

This is GREAT news if true. Stellan was just amazing in King Arthur last year as the badazzmoFO Saxon warlord:


And Naomi Harris:


ripped it up in 28 Days Later too. Man this just gets better by the day!!!

Bess, is this true? :ph34r:

What I think, and also what I have said on other threads is that is someone wishes to post things like this they should put SPOILERS in the heading.

Many people do NOT want to know everything about the film such as if Bootstap is or is not going to be in it. It ruins an otherwise good moment in the movie experience to have more information then you might like. Ruins the event itself.

If anyone is moved to post and of course you are free to do so... about what you find about casting which tells what characters are being added way not put SPOILERS in the heading so that those who do not want to know don't have to know.

It's a simple and fair concept. :)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Guest SirenSong

I just want to get Depps autograph! And Barbossa's.... Bess can we pirate raid the set???? Pretty Please???? :ph34r:

If I find a alternate 1985 at the end of the rainbow, however...I'll spit on Gore Verbinski's undead grave and ne'er return to the series.

I'm sure he'll be terribly flattered. :ph34r:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!




Aye Capt. Gary, ain't nothin' that can't be remedied with a little black powder.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Geez I'm sorry. It never occurred to me that people wouldn't enjoy knowing the cast as shooting gets underway. From now on I'll keep my findings to myself. No biggie, the whole country will know on Extra, Access Hollywood and E! in coming weeks anyway.

Sorry again!

Geez I'm sorry. It never occurred to me that people wouldn't enjoy knowing the cast as shooting gets underway. From now on I'll keep my findings to myself. No biggie, the whole country will know on Extra, Access Hollywood and E! in coming weeks anyway.

Sorry again!

No, no... by all means, kill the whelp. No one is saying you can't post your new found info. More power to you.

I'm just saying put the word *Spoilers* in the header so if people don't want to know they can stear clear.

Someone posted about Bootstrap being in the film on another thread and I've had 30 emails from people, most saying it would have been a nice surprise.

Just trying to help out everyone, posters and readers. :)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



I'd like to take this moment to ask - who didn't see the whole Bootstrap being alive thing coming? The whole was to obvious, even for hollywood. I mean c'mon - they told you they threw Bootstaps in the ocean tied to a cannon about ten years ago, they then made a point of showing you that the cursed pirates can walk under water. Hello? Tens years to get untied and then take a stroll to tortuga . . . okay, maybe it was just me.

I'm all about spoiler warnings too, just this didn't seem like it should have been that much of a surprise. ^_^

Stellan Skarsgard, huh? Interesting! He was very good in Arthur (that movie rocks my world, almost as much as PoTC!), but my only question - he and Orlando Bloom look nothing alike??


I mentioned this elsewhere, but it fits here too...

I was seriously upbraided on another forum for suggesting that Bootstrap wasn't dead. They painstakingly explained to me that Pintel had said Bootstrap was sent "to the crushing black oblivion" and was therefore crushed in the process, ergo, he died when the curse was lifted.

Of course, it was only after that the we figured out that the curse may be eternal or something and there's an alternate 1985 running parallel to this 1985 and...OK, I'll stop. ^_^ (Sorry, Bess. Couldn't resist, mate.) ^_^

I'm with MercenaryWench. It makes perfect, even obvious, sense. But I also appreciate that some people may not want to have a movie spoiled. (If so, I might also question why they would read a post like this one that talks about casting for the movie (which is really a spoiler of a sort)). However, I also think it's proper to give fair warning.

I can just imagine Terry and Ted sitting there racking their brains trying to springboard into two new movies. "Ok, what do we have to work with here that wasn't written out of the story? Well...Bootstrap could still be around! He's a loose plot end. And...the monkey stole a coin and Barbarossa might not have been in one particular camera angle where maybe he should have been, even though that was after the movie and not really, genuinely a part of it - it was sort of an easter egg. And Johnny talked about Singapore." "Mentioned it was more what he did." "Right. What if Biff went back in time and upset the space-time continuum? Then..." Etc. ^_^

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


Strange place, this. Too many posts here... Oh, well.

Alright ye scurvy dogs, if'n ye don't like the long thread, don't read it. That ways you won't be "spoiled" for the movies. ^_^

So if'n yer a die hard for spoilers, ye won't have any problems sailing through these murky waters. ^_^

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

I was seriously upbraided on another forum for suggesting that Bootstrap wasn't dead. They painstakingly explained to me that Pintel had said Bootstrap was sent "to the crushing black oblivion" and was therefore crushed in the process, ergo, he died when the curse was lifted.

LOL, I've had precisely the same discussion.

The first time i saw the extra bit at the end i though of Bootstrap, but then, i feel it's very much to be expected..imo.

Somehow it seems logical, to me atleast LOL.


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