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Well.....sorry I missed everyone... *sniffle*... I only went on Saturday (LOVED the rain...HATED the lightning... :P )...and I forgot about the meet-up until it was too late (I was in a group of about 30 family and friends - I was having a time just keeping track of all of them!) . Mr. Das and I decided to skip the faire on Sunday and opted for a tour of Amish country...mainly because we're coming back for Scottish (and maybe Irish) weekend, and wanted to save our return tickets for that. Ah well...there will be other chances to get acquainted, I'm sure...


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  Indigojack said:
Well, I can't speak for Sat. but Sunday was one beautiful day @ the Pa. Ren. Fest.

It was good to see Blenderwench, and Crimson Corsair again (Jim says hi), and got to meet several other pp members including PyratePhil.

The ale flowed like ale, and for the price of a pint of ale you could get a kiss. (Thats all i'm saying about that)



Thanks, Jack, I am so glad you made it out! We did miss Jim.

Yes, this past weekend's events was a fine, fine time! It just got me all that much more ready for my home faire, at Maryland. This weekend will be fantastic! hope to see everyone there!

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!


I had a BLAST....I got to have a Golden Ale will IndigoJack,Pirate Phil,Cutthroat Kat...and one other Rouge who's name i cant recall......But ifn you see the pictures you will see he kept im self busy at the pub and with the Winches(you have to watch those real quite ones)

I hope some of you can make it to MDs opening this weekend.

I will be wearing my "PP" proudly



tee heee.....

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!

  blenderwench said:

tee heee.....

Now that is funny :huh: Thanks fer the laugh. We went Saturday and got very wet. Didn't mind the rain as much a the lighten. Got stuck in the pirate ship until the storm kind of blew over. Was hard to met up with people we missed the timet o meet up also. Rented the brood, Mad Voodo Wiggins, Buceneer Skuttlebutt, and Jolly Maggie out as cabin boys fer a while. THey enjoyed that. Had great time.

Sealegs Constance

I am what I am


grrrrrrrrrr - I typed up my story, and then lost it!

Here's a re-count of our activities on Sunday, in no particular order, and of course, what I do remember......

Started out really early on Sunday. Crimson Corsair picked me up, along with Marona and Wee Chris at 7:30 a.m. We trekked up to kidnap Madame Macaw at 8:00, who was running late. As usual (snicker). We hit the road at 8:30 a.m.

Crimson Corsair’s vehicle was transformed into a black ship on four wheels with a pirate flag that blew in the wind thru the entire ride up. That was great. We were on a mission – the Bawdy Bunch was out to play!

We tried to come up with lyrics for our “Bawdy Bunch” song, but without enough coffee in our systems, and crust in our eyes, that task was very short-lived.

As soon as we arrived, we found MoonShadow, where her and I immediately noticed the REALLY FINE Corsair w/ the long hair was sitting at the pub, which was pretty empty. Well, that seemed to be the perfect time to fill our tankards and uh… drool, I mean… gaze at the beauty of it all.

Then we went to go watch the Corsairs perform. After that, we saw a female group, the "Sultry Sirens of Sin" and a few of the members of this group were also in the "Banshees" group at the Celtic Fling, and did the same songs. That just made Crimson Corsair's day. He got a compilation CD that we listened to over n over on the ride home, all singing along - especially to my personal favorite "Drunken Sailor!" tee hee...

Well, went to the 1:00 meeting place, and saw a lot of folks I have met online, most from the pyracy.com message board. Including Indigo Jack, Mack, Cuthroat Cate, Scarlett Jenny, Pirate Phil, and a few other folks I have met through Live Journal. I hope I am not missing anyone’s name! That was about the time that my wanderings were put to a halt, and I was pub and drinkward-bound for the rest of the faire. :lol:

I have an interesting idea for displaying my PP at future faires.. tee hee.. just don't know if I would want wee children to see... snicker. :lol:

MoonShadow, that crafty one, was giving out coin trinkets that were fastened to her bodice. My tounge swiped one off pretty quickly. She also made great patches that said "2004 MDRF" and a sunflower on them. That was soo sweet! I love my patch and will be sporting it to EVERY EVENT THIS SEASON.

I also got to observe the local IWG chapter wench walk, and a wenching in action. They let me tag along in the back of the walk procession. That was really neat. I don’t think the MDRF does these wench walks, or I am too deep in the pub to notice! During the wenching of two rogues, Madame Macaw pointed out someone we have met before at the Spoutwood Farm’s May Day Fairy Festival. I was glad to see her finally be able to enjoy some festivities instead of over-exerting herself working the event.

Later that afternoon, Marona and I took a drunken walk …er….stumble around the faire, and got ass-backwards lost and could not stop laughing. Poor baby's feet were killing her, tho, and that laughter turned into painful tears. We just sat for a spell, bonded, talked, and enjoyed the scenery.

Food - yes, I was on a quest for Haggas. No, never found it. Did gnaw on a turkey leg and stake on a stake this time. YES I MADE SURE I ATE AT THIS FAIRE. (background for those who don’t know.. I have a hard time eating at faires, and am always scolded over this. I much prefer the drink!!)

There was this cutie of a bartender in a kilt. I had it set in my mind to make it my personal mission to taunt him every chance I could. And I did. But he taunted back. It was funny the different exchanges we had. AND NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS, YES I DID SEE HIM PICK HIS BELLY BUTTON! One time he tells me to "go away!" So I say "No, you go away!...er... oh...wait, you are the bartender... stay where you are!" Got quite a few patrons laughing.

I had a convo for a while with that cutie of a Corsair I mentioned above (his name is James), as well as Queen Maggie from MDRF. We talked a lot about the anticipation of opening day of MDRF. Rumor has it that Nelson from the Rogues is not coming back this year. 8o(

Towards the end of the day, I picked up a really small treasure chest keepsake box for Crimson Corsair, as a thank you for taking all of us up to the faire.

We were all exhausted by the end of faire, but really enjoyed it, and drove home singing most the way, I snored for the other half! Tee hee…

I am sure I am missing some things, but when they come back to me, I will add them. Still in my renn haze, and just all that much more anxious for our home faire to start.

HUZZAH!!! :huh:

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!


An Ode to Pyrate Weekend

Now Pyrate Weekend is jes' mem’ry and haze,

But O, what a way ta go out wi' a blaze!

Th' Captains, th' wenches, cabin girls and boys,

Walked th' Faire day-long, spent too much on th' toys.

Gnawing on turkey be so messy but good

Tried out a few pounds of some other fine food.

Attended wench auction, but none were fer sale

Though I bid on one wench (and she were quite pale).

Th' gatherin’ crew at th' Pub ‘round ‘bout 1,

Were truly an awesome and fine bunch fer fun.

Crimson and IndigoJack, what fun guys,

And BlenderWench 'ad endless depths in 'er eyes.

Now Moonshadow, please do excuse me dismay,

But I won’t go bobbin’ fer shillin’s – no way!

Fer once long ago I did bite off a coin,

And got me reward – a swift kick in the groin.

Me cabin boys two and meself, we did miss

th' Human Chess match – don’t it make you just &*%$?

We spent ‘alf an hour on dewy green grasses,

But all's we could see were th' spectator’s asses.

We sorely did miss Crazy Tom this time ‘round,

Wi' all o’ his antics, we rolled on th' ground.

The Queen were a Lady, it be clear ta me,

But now I walk ‘round wi' some ice on me knee.

We passed right on by th' old Dungeon Museum

Me littlest one were too scared ta go see ‘em,

And me, well, truth be known, I don’t go fer larks,

Besides, I been there, done that – got the marks.

I spent some long time on th’ Bridge O’ Th’ Kissin’,

But all o’ th’ wenches I jes kept on missin’.

I finally caught a nice buss - on the cheek!

O, gee, I’ll not wash me ole’ face fer a week!

The best o’ th' Faire, in me humble own view,

Were th' meetin’ o’ Kat and er’ handsome nephew.

Now, true, m’lady, I might have acted bolder,

But didn’t, ‘cause o’ th’ dragon on yer shoulder.

And let me not fail ta state ‘ere's and now’s,

How much I admired th’ Ladies’ fine bows.

T’were put on display fer me ravenous eyes,

But all's I could do was send's out some sad sighs.

Ye see, it be tough, fer a Pyratin’ guy,

Ta get roarin' drunk, or ta fondle a thigh,

When ‘long wi’ his ponytail, beard, and fine buns,

He’s totin’ aroun’ his two youngish-type sons.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius


Just to prove that I DO actually post occasionally...

I had a great time at the meet up on Sunday. By the end of the day, I felt like I really had some new mates (which is good, 'cause the old ones kept running away). So who has all those pictures? I'm not quite sure I can swing it yet, but I'm working on making it down to MDRF for the Invasion on Sept 25th. Anyone know where I can get a PP? :D

The Dread Pyrate MacAnselan

aka Mick


Hey Mick! Glad to see ya!!!!! Woo hoo!!! I may find an extra PP for ya... tee hee.... (or, just look down????)

Phil - that was just classic. Truly classic. May have to print for those to read at the opening day of MDRF!

Crimson Corsair has the photos, from what I be told, he plans on uploading this week, but I have him shackled to a sewin machine before this weekend, so who knows~!??? But soon, I promise.

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!

  PyratePhil said:
An Ode to Pyrate Weekend


Tippin' me tankyard to ye.

Next time, hope to sit with you as I was a bit preoccupied at PARF.

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day

  Mick MacAnselan said:
Just to prove that I DO actually post occasionally...

I had a great time at the meet up on Sunday. By the end of the day, I felt like I really had some new mates (which is good, 'cause the old ones kept running away). So who has all those pictures? I'm not quite sure I can swing it yet, but I'm working on making it down to MDRF for the Invasion on Sept 25th. Anyone know where I can get a PP? :huh:

Good to see ye!

It was truly a pleasure meet'n ye at PARF and hopin' to see ye again at Pyrate Invasion!

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day

  Marona the Marauder said:
Hey guys!!

Oh, soooooo excited for this saturday!! I need a PP too!!! Maybe I'll be able to think of a good Bawdy Bunch song :)

Methinks that there should be a special sort of PP's for the lassies, seeing as how the rogues have one... tee hee...

...evil perverted plotting mind... sinister laugh... devlish grin.

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!

  Marona the Marauder said:
Hey guys!!

Oh, soooooo excited for this saturday!! I need a PP too!!! Maybe I'll be able to think of a good Bawdy Bunch song :)

I'll be going to the store today on the way home to pillage and plunder. Iffen I see some stuff for the right price, I will pick up extras.

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day


yay! me likes pillaging! I want to go by Michael's as they have tons of neat notions and beads, but, I will be shackled to the sewin machine, instead... :(

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!

  blenderwench said:
yay! me likes pillaging! I want to go by Michael's as they have tons of neat notions and beads, but, I will be shackled to the sewin machine, instead... :(

Aye - hopin' to find some good trinkets fer me coins.

Me matey even asked about season tickets for me - now isn't that a hoot. Though maybe next year. Havin' too much other stuff to do and pay for.

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day

  Madam Macaw said:
I'll be going to the store today on the way home to pillage and plunder.


Pyracy Pub...

Pillage and plunder...

Coincidence, or ???

BlenderWench, Madam Macaw - thank ye, M'ladies.

...Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum...

~ Vegetius

  PyratePhil said:
  Madam Macaw said:
I'll be going to the store today on the way home to pillage and plunder.


Pyracy Pub...

Pillage and plunder...

Coincidence, or ???

BlenderWench, Madam Macaw - thank ye, M'ladies.

Ahhhh, that is most excellent (Blenderwench will love that from Bill & Ted's)!!

That was a coincidence, but I am going with it!

And ye are very welcome. Iffen I find any good treasures tonight, I might be buying extra for any mate not havin' any. Course, I would have to get a nice trade fer it!!! :(

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day



Party on, dudes!!!!!!

A Wench By Any Other Name..... Would Not Taste the Same!

Proudly serving as Bartender and standing orders of Second Mate on the notorious Juryrig Crew!


Well, I went to the store to pillage and plunder and find some other PPs! I bought red ribbon fer me skirt and me hat, and found some nice white PPs to put on me hat so other mateys can see.

Can't wait to meet the rest of the crew!

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day


That was a great weekend. Well, sunday when I went was. Ran into a bunch of ya there. It was great meeting all you.

On a wee side note though, anyone know the Cap'n of the "Wenches Pride"... the gentleman that was workin at the leather shop by the Pyrate Privies? Wore small glasses... I really need to get his recipe for grog... Oh that was some good stuff he had ;););)

Chaos, panic, pandemonium - my work here is done.


Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

  MajorChaos said:
That was a great weekend. Well, sunday when I went was. Ran into a bunch of ya there. It was great meeting all you.

On a wee side note though, anyone know the Cap'n of the "Wenches Pride"... the gentleman that was workin at the leather shop by the Pyrate Privies? Wore small glasses... I really need to get his recipe for grog... Oh that was some good stuff he had ;););)

What? I missed out on some grog? Arrrrrrr!

Rotten, evil, no-good plotting, spoon-fed, going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket lass!

Always trying to bury that little devil on my shoulder and go to the angelic side -

even if just for a moment - choking down whatever evil scheme I was plotting!!!!


A Fine Crew Indeed

My Webpage-----Pyrate Invasion at PARF-2004-----MDRF 2004 Opening Day

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