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Join us for a celebration to the memory of one of the most legendary rogues in piratical history- the Infamous Blackbeard!!

Saturday April 17th 2004, We'll sail aboard the Royaliste to a historic lighthouse which has it's roots in a pacific pirate legend.

The original owner of the lighthouse was a rogue, who was a disappointment to his parents and was sent off to make a name for himself. Upon his arrival on the shores of America, he stated his profession as a "writer". The clerk thought he said "fighter" and sent him to Oakland where there was a small, but notorious haven of pirates. The writer turned fighter struck an accord with the pirates, sent them off in a ship and asked them to perform a fake attack and give him some material for what was sure to become a blockbuster novel. The pirates, being pirates, took off with the ship instead and the writer turned fighter lived in peace for more than 40 years. The original building was badly damaged by marine borers and was replaced by the current lighthouse building in 1903. The writer kept an eternal watch, always waiting for the pirates to return, always waiting for that final episode of his novel. To this day, whenever a sailing boat approaches, all eyes turn to look, as if the ghost of the writer makes everyone a part of his vigil. On April 17th, 2004, the pirates will finally return to the lighthouse!

The sail to and from the event will be about two hours each way and we'll be sailing along the San Francisco waterfront, past the Golden Gate Bridge which is a wonderful scenic tour of the city. The bridge looks especially beautiful and majestic from the water, you'll see the Balcutha, a historic ship docked at Fisherman's Wharf, the submarine (whose name escapes me right now) that was used in the movie "Down Periscope" and the SF Yacht Club, which has the mast of one of old ships which the waterfront was built on, coming right up through the roof!! At Fisherman's Wharf depending upon the season, there will probably be plenty of barking sea lions and waving tourists, and you'll get a picture postcard view of the SF skyline from the water, with the Trans-America building, Coit Tower and the Palace of Fine Arts.

Our pirates will fire the Royaliste's guns in Blackbeard's honor, make a toast the the infamous rogue and toss a shot of rum into the sea for him. At the lighthouse, we'll dock for the night and enjoy feasting and toasting in Blackbeard's honor at the lighthouse, which has been turned into a restaurant and pub, then return to the Royaliste's slip in Sausalito the following morning.

Pirates who would like to participate in this event, please email Claire Britton-Warren aka "Poison Quill" for more information at:


-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


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  • 2 weeks later...

It's gonna be quite a crowd for this one! Our headcount now stands at about 50, give or take a few pirates! We're joinin' forces with both the Crew of the Dirty Rotten Oar and the Highlander Warriors (part time pirates part time Celts) We've even had a suggestion that the local media might be interested in covering the event! ARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



I can't make it to yon coast. But I will hoist a tankard for old mr teach to be sure.



"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."


Sounds like fun! But somehow, I didn't catch the connection between the writer/fighter of the lighthouse, and Teach. :(

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"


There isn't a connection between the writer/fighter/lighthouse keeper and Teach. Holding a wake for Teach is just an excuse to hold a pirate party. Quinn's Lighthouse was the place we found to hold it after we'd decided on an occasion and it just happened to come with the pirate legend of the writer/fighter/lighthousekeeper and the pirates.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas


  • 1 month later...

:o Ahoy! This one's a'breathin' fire down RR necks!!..Only a few more weekend's away!!!..Gettin' pretty stoked, 'tis always fun to raid the citizens and locals in a new venue!!....And with so many sleepin' aboard, well, sounds like a lot 'o rum 'n tall tayles to me!!........ :o



Considerin' the size 'o the crowd, I've two traditional, Naval style hammocks still up for grabs for those wot wants ta try 'em........Might get ye 'above the crowd'..... :lol:

Stand Down, and ye may just live...


Good idea on the hammocks! We've had several pirates opt for hotel accomodations, but it will still be pretty cozy aboard... ARRRRR!! What a grand evening we've got in store, eh?!! Methinks this might have to become an annual event!! I'm taking a drive out tomorrow to Quinn's lighthouse to get the lay o' the land... and sea.

Captain, I spoke with the owner of Quinn's this afternoon and we have both water and electrical hookups. They say Royaliste can pull right up to the dock and I've given them her specs. I also spoke to a ship-owner lass with the Highlander Warriors, who said we'll have to pull straight in and back straight out of that slip and from her description, it sounds less tricky than our usual at Pelican Harbor. I'll take a good look at it tomorrow and report back.

Everyone on the Tales of the Seven Seas email list should have updated info on this event that went out today. The biggest change is that I've decided to shuttle sailing pirates from the municipal parking rather than the library. Better to pay a few bucks to know the cars will be safe n' sound in the muni lot since this is an overnight event for the people aboard.

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



:lol: This'll be really great!!..The ac will allow us to really deliver on coffee and breakfast the next morn'!..And with the water hookup, cleanup'll be a snap....really soundin' like a gRReat time, eh?



Aye!! Just saw Quinn's today. A bit tricky docking, but do-able. We chatted about it with both the owners of Quinns and Skip, one of the live-aboards who was there and who knows of the Royaliste and plays sea shanty music under the name Billy Bones at Quinns on Thursday nights.

The upper floor makes a great pirate hang out. The whole place is nautical, with ship models, port holes and all kinds of stuff, plus nice views looking out over the estuary and ships in the harbor. Knee-deep in peanuts, too! LOL

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Be sure t'take many pictures fer us what can't be there in person.

A toast t'yer wake - it be the only way t'celebrate death! B)


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


I wishes ye well on yer endevour mates an although I may not be able to be with ye in the flesh I shall be with thee in spirit and I shall raise a few in honor of the black hearted bastard an hopes he some day finds his head B)

Black Heartedly yours

crow B)

Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "


:D Raul an' I did some recon this morn', 'scopin' out alla the details around the lighthouse, an' we're good to go!..We'll need a few scallywags on the fingers to fend off and receive some heavin' lines, an' from thar, we'll back up nicely, stayin' forward 'o the awnings with the yardarms......We'll most likely bring a plank for a'boardin'.........Aye, Blackbeard, 'ere's to ye, dog! :lol:


  the Royaliste said:
We'll need a few scallywags on the fingers to fend off and receive some heavin' lines

Akasha and I will be "landlubbers" that day, and will be meeting the Royaliste at the Lighthouse. If'n ye bring a cellphone aboard we can coordinate the timin' to be there when ye pull in.



Sounds good! we'll hafta co-ordinate it, as it will take a few on the first finger to fend off, and possibly toss us a line, then a few on the final finger by the lighthouse to receive lines from us, to keep us also off of the extreeemely close row 'o boats in slips.......... :lol:

..........then.... :lol:

Akasha and I will be "landlubbers" that day, and will be meeting the Royaliste at the Lighthouse. If'n ye bring a cellphone aboard we can coordinate the timin' to be there when ye pull in.

I'll have me cellphone with me onboard , so no problem for comunication. If'n ya like Darkthing ya can send me an e-mail to me pyracy pud account an i'll send ya me cell number. Look'n fore to the wake...it's gonna go down in history for sure.



Aye... t'will be a bit tricky on the docking, but what a fine place for a pirate party, eh?!! By the way, those coasty vessels with the orange floats anchored opposite be the same from the St. Pat's parade! Good natured lads they be! Even joined the pirate crew and we took turns boardin' one another's vessels!! Check out the photos below! Methinks I should print 'em out fer the coasty lads, eh?!!




-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Ahoy thar, mates!!..Those 'o youze wot be takin' shore duty, ye needs ta contact Raul 'n get a few coils 'o line from him so ye'll be ready to toss 'em to us as we come astern :) ...email me an' I'll give ye 'is phone # B)

Stand Down, and ye may just live...


Bumper boats?!? Ohhhh this is going to be fun!!!! Now, I just need everyone to think rain, but only in Arizona and Colorado. (this is a work related thing....and I don't want to miss this) . Claire, a little bribery goes a long way....I'd print them out. B)

Captain of The Morrighan.

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