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POTC # 2 Ooooh, check this out everybody!!!

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  LadyBarbossa said:
:There was another rumor about the sequel. Supposedly told by Orlando Bloom.. sometime back in August... about Liz getting kidnapped again by pirates.. Will & Jack go to free her, find out it's a trap set by the daughter of Barbossa (supposedly played by Selma Hayek).. & are to battle some rather odd looking creatures.. with some ship battles scenes later as well... Pearl is destroyed.. etc... the supposedly story about the battling the creatures sounded too... Spy Kids-ish... if anyone has seen (be if willingly or unwillingly) the 2nd Spy Kids movie.

Thus far.. I haven't heard any other rumors. Which... I am not complaining about. Would rather get proper info from Bess.. than to get some odd-ball rumor from some odd-ball online.  :P

I guess.. eventually.. we will find out later. Won't we, ladies & gents?  :)



How do people come up with s**t like this? Geez give the writers more credit than that! :lol:

I mean some of these rumors are just plain silly! :P

The script comes when it comes and any speculation is just that, speculation. :) I'd rather wait for a good script than anticipate a bad one. :P

I feel sorry for Iron Bess who has to deal with quelching these rumours!


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  Red Maria said:
I feel sorry for Iron Bess who has to deal with quelching these rumours!


Hey, no problem.

It's why I get paid the mediocre bucks! :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Might we make that a Vanilla coke?? I have it on the best authority that it's very popular with the swordmasters. :lol:


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



"Might we make that a Vanilla coke?? I have it on the best authority that it's very popular with the swordmasters. "

Aye... full o' sugar and a taste that makes the hair on yer back answer up. :P

We sure appreciate you hangin' in there Bess. **gives her a dangly beaded hair piece** :P

Good Plunder, me beauties!


"Ah, the city.. with all it's people and their accumulated wealth, yes?"





:: tosses Iron Bess a case of Vanilla Coke:: Don't drink coke.. but.. if they like it.. I'm willin' to please. I, however... will take a nice, sweet wine. :: evil grinz::

Amen, Maria.. Serendipity... Dreamie...

It's so much better now & easier to defunk the rumors. Thanks to Iron Bess here who is strong & true. Huzzah! For Iron Bess! :P

I am slightly curious as to what the next story will be like. Though a couple people I know supposedly got ahold of a copy of the script (supposedly) & thought that it was not all the best.. kinda different than what turned out in the movie. Not sure about this since I saw one supposed script.. LOL.. funny thing about it.. it looked like a bad script version of the Junior Novel. :: shakes head:: amazing what has been popping up.

I'm currently content with patiently awaiting the casting call... :: Crossing fingers:: Lord would I LOVE to be in that movie.. :) Hello! It's a pirate movie.. what pirate wouldn't want to be in it! :)

Plus content with some of the comic book stuff they are putting out like the latest issue of Disney Adventures Comic Zone. Nephew loves to read the PotC stories.

As well as content with a stand up of Barbossa I was lucky enough to grab before it was thrown out. :P

Umm.. besides... putting PotC out in May 2005.. NOT GOOD! Not when Star Wars Episode 3 will be released at that time. Definitely .. not good! Despite I would love it being as my Bday is in that month... but putting it out around the same time as another blockbuster hit? That's just brain dead non-thinkin' there.

Maybe putting it out in July should be the norm. ;)

LOL... since they used the Lady Washington.. think they will use another ship? Like the Royaliste? Or Hawaiian Chieftan? :: Shrugs:: just a thought.



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

  Dreamie D said:
We sure appreciate you hangin' in there Bess. **gives her a dangly beaded hair piece** :P

(Chuckle) No bravery involved there me lassie.... I HAVE to hang in there. They pay me to!! :P

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



putting PotC out in May 2005.. NOT GOOD! Not when Star Wars Episode 3 will be released at that time. Definitely .. not good!

The Disney company is smart enough to stay away from that date - so are any other production houses/distributers worth their salt. The entire month belongs to us Star Wars fans and a huge celebration (and charity fund-raisers) for the last movie in the series.

And a tip o'me hat to Iron Bess fer takin' the time t'help dispell the rumor mill on this here site. It be takin' her away from her other duties, but she be a pirate and a good woman. :lol:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

  Capt Grey said:
And a tip o'me hat to Iron Bess fer takin' the time t'help dispell the rumor mill on this here site. It be takin' her away from her other duties, but she be a pirate and a good woman. :blink:

I'd be a right happier woman if'n ye tipped yer rum bottle instead and left yer hat as it lay! :blink:

:blink: Thanks lass, happy to chime in where I can.

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



**claps her hat firmly on her head and passes the rum bottle**

Better? B)


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


(Chuckle) Yo Ho lass!

Better as Bacardi!! B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



Oh, I am so afraid for these two sequels . . . some sequels can be so, so good, and some of 'em can be so, so wrong . . . it all boils down the script, really. I have fairly positive hopes for this one -- the same writers are returning, and usually the mistake most sequels make is having different writers come in t' write 'em -- so maybe it'll prove to be marvelous. Still, with recent disasters such as the "Matrix" back-to-back releases . . . I'm scared!

But maybe PotC2 and 3 will prove to be as magnificent as the first film. 'Ere's crossing our fingers. And I'll be adding my thanks with the others t' Iron Bess -- thanks for informing us that the scarier rumors are untrue! B)

"Pirates ... were of that old breed of rover whose port lay always a little farther on, a little beyond the skyline ... if they lived riotously let it be urged in their favor that at least they lived."

~ John Masefield

Those who live by the sword, get shot instead.



I have ta agree some o' the ideas here are really far fetched, kind of like the anchor sinkin' to the bottom.

Hmmmmm, I'll jest wait and see what happens, in the meantime, pass that bottle o'er here!

Rumba Rue

**I saw, I came, I plundered** B)B)B)B)



The stories are rather out there. Easier to dispell them. But I have to admit.. the title floatin' around "PotC: Treasures of the Lost Abyss".. that sounds rather intreguing. This title is rather spot on I think.

I do look forward to some of the same witty humor. I enjoyed some of that even in Treasure Planet. The feline.. Amelia... ahhh, she had some of that humor that was so fantastic! B) Even a similiar line "Do I make my self clear?" asked by Arrow in TP & Norrington in PotC, each movie with different but fantastic answers like "Transparently" from that 'spider psycho' in TP & then Jack's reply to Norrington "Inescapibly". I love those.

I would think also that in sequels not only do some change writers, but actors also. So.. with PotC keeping pretty much everyone the same... especially the actors.. that will be more than a plus. & yes, I continuously watch POtC to help dull the pain & torture of having been forced to watch Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions over & over & over again. Having had it here in Ceder Rapids at the IMAX. It was pure torture! I would rather have that damned Aztec curse than watch Matrix again! B)B)



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Cool site, Misery. Thanks for sharing.

But since Iron Bess works at the Disney studios and is literally down the hall from the writers, I'll take my news from the "pirate's mouth" so to speak. :huh:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Basically tells us what we already know. So... no new info... yet... obviously.



~Master & Commander of the Resurrection


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

capt grey-  Cool site, Misery. Thanks for sharing.

But since Iron Bess works at the Disney studios and is literally down the hall from the writers, I'll take my news from the "pirate's mouth" so to speak. 

my appologies I didnt know we had an insider in our mix


No apologies necessary, mate. I was just informin' ye and any others who didn't know our "connection".

Course Iron Bess can't reveal ALL to us, but she be a good informer none-the-less.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


Aye, Cap'n Grey! & she be wildly fun. ;)

I think we owe her so many rounds of whatever drink strikes her fancy... that we can't seem to repay her or thank her enough! ;)



~Master & Commander of the Resurrection


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Nonsense... no thanks needed.

I just be in the right place at the right time and even get paid for it.

Besides, I can tell you anything about Hidalgo or Nemo or King Atry too so... always happy to help if'n I can mates. :lol:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


  Iron Bess said:
Besides, I can tell you anything about Hidalgo or Nemo or King Atry too so... always happy to help if'n I can mates. :lol:

Ah Hidalgo! I be lookin' forward t'that movie. Viggo Mortenson be a wonderful, dynamic actor - and it has horses too! I admit to tender feelings fer cowboys.

So Bess, how do I gets me a job with Pixar? They be a reckless bunch, sez I. :lol:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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