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Everything posted by Serendipity

  1. Here's a picture . It's basically the same as the short sailor's jacket. I am interested in any of the other type of coats to, for the same price range. If you know where to find anything like it I'd be much obliged.
  2. Anyone know where to find one ( new or second hand) for under $100? I'm putting a costume together for a Ren-Fest in August and I want to get an early start.
  3. Q. What do a pirate and a pimp have in common? A. They both say Yo, ho! Q: How much did the pirate pay to get his ears pierced? A: A buccaneer. Q.Why was the pirate movie rated Arr? A: Because of all the booty.
  4. CHORUS: Got a whale of a tale to tell ya', lads A whale of a tale or two 'Bout the flappin' fish and the girls I've loved On nights like this with the moon above A whale of a tale and it's all true I swear by my tattoo There was Mermaid Minnie, met her down in Madagaskar She would kiss me, any time that I would ask her Then one evening her flame of love blew out Blow me down and pick me up! She swapped me for a trout. CHORUS There was Typhoon Tessie, met her on the coast of Java When we kissed I, bubbled up like molten lava Then she gave me, the scare of my young life Blow me down and pick me up! She was the captain's wife. CHORUS There was Harpoon Hannah, had a face that made me shudder Lips like fishhooks, and a nose just like a rudder Since I kissed her, and held her tenderly, There's no sea monster big enough To ever frighten me. CHORUS There was Hannah's sister, had a look that spelled out "Danger" My heart quivered, when she whispered "Hi there, stranger" Bought her trinkets, that sailors can't afford And when I spent my last red cent She threw me overboard
  5. A good number of people on this board probably know more about pirates then your average historian. If I were you, I'd ask the questions here and see what sort of answers you get.
  6. Thanks so much Sparrow's Pyrate Queen. That was fab. Probably one of the most Music-Video-y vids I've ever seen. Arr, I want to be pirating some video capture software now.
  7. Does anyone know where to find a bunch of good ones? For such a huge movie there seems to be very few videos. For my part I heartily recommend the ones Here Particularly 'Drunken Sailor'
  8. Amoung other verses, some my group uses are these... Put a monkey down his breeches, Put a monkey down his breeches, Put a monkey down his breeches, Earl-y in the morning. Way, hey up she rises, Way, hey up she rises, Way, hey up she rises, earl-y in the morning. Steal his stuff when he's not looking, steal his stuff when he's not looking, steal his stuff when he's not looking, earl-y in the morning! Way, hey up she rises, Way, hey up she rises, Way, hey up she rises, earl-y in the morning. Hang his undies from the yard arm, hang his undies from the yard arm, hang his undies from the yard arm, earl-y in the morning. Way, hey up she rises, Way, hey up she rises, Way, hey up she rises, earl-y in the morning. Shave his legs and call him Julie, Shave his legs and call him Julie, Shave his legs and call him Julie, Earl-y in the morning.
  9. I actually read this one and to my immense surprise it was far too bleak/violent for me. I eat Stephen King books for breakfast but this one made me go 'E-ew-w'. There was really no point where I was enjoying it. I read 'Captain Blood' and 'The Black Swan' back to back and liked both of them but Captain Blood was much, much, better. Arabella was a better damsel. Blood was a better pirate. More actual pirating. Good stuff.
  10. Biggest crush on Billy Jukes. And I have two episodes saved on my computer. Cute little cartoon, there's a great pirate-centric website for it called Pirate's Cove
  11. Iron Bess, I love you. You bring joy into my heart and wind into my sails. Thank you so much for debunking that one. Grog on me.
  12. Oh dear GOD. NO! Please let this be a rumor. No adorable and precocious Mary Sue character. I'll take my pirate movie without the self insersation point for teenage Orlando fans, thank you very much. This is the single most depressing thing I've heard in days. Not pleased.
  13. Meet Me in Margarittaville. Hands down best thing you could possiably buy to start off with. It's a two disc Best Of thing, and it really does have a fantastic selection of songs.
  14. I'm a bit warry of pirate computer games since the PoTC game. I bought it for fifty dollars and then got my ass summarily kicked by everyone. The French kicked my ass. The English kicked my ass. Other pirates kicked my ass. If there had been a fight with a little girl with pig tails she would have kicked my ass. The graphics for this look fantastic though and the ships are beautiful. Maybe I'll spring for it.
  15. Oh dear God. "Right, yes! It's a cushion. Thank you for that, very informative! Have you got one of these? Of course you haven't! You? You married, living with anyone? Got one of these? Course not! You bring these things into our homes, they sit on our chairs, they watch our televisions! Now, I just need to know, on behalf of all men, everywhere, I just need to ask, please, what are they for?. I mean look at them! Look at the chubby little bastards, just sitting around everywhere! I mean, what are they? Pets for chairs?... It's not involved in the whole sitting process! It just lays there! It's fat litter! It's a couch parasite!" Someday, someway, I will figure out how to do a PoTC version of Coupling, and on that day I shall rule the WORLD. On topic? I agree on the 'No truth at all.' scene, it wouldn't have worked in the film but it was nice to see it on the DVD. Also nice to see someone else noticed the 'humiliated grapes' line.
  16. I was happiest to see the scene between Elizabeth and Norrington put back in since I love him deeply in a way that does not befit a pirate. It was just so sweet, and it spawned the 'Jack Davenport tries so hard not to laugh it looks like his face is about to explode' moment in the gag reel.
  17. That's cool! I just moved to Florida last June, I was born and raised in Manhattan, then I started listening to Jimmy Buffett and just had to "go where the weather suits my clothes,". It was also around the time I really started getting into pirates so I had to make sure I never missed another November in Key West. So I packed up and moved down here. Sadly, no. I can't get away from work for Gasparilla.
  18. Thanks luvs. My biggest problem right now are the conflicting reports. The Roberts account made Low seem like a pretty nice guy. Then you get the 'Boiled body parts and made owners eat them' thing. Ahh, well, guess I'll just have to scour the library cataloge for books.
  19. I think this was my main problem with this movie. I'll admit to liking the blonde guy, the plot wasn't any worse then previous pirate films, and the costumes and score were peachy but to me Geena Davis was just a giant whirlpool of suck. She...The Accent...Her delivery...Blargh. There wasn't any part in the film when I thought 'Ohhhh pirate!' it was always more like 'Who the hell gave Geena Davis a sword?' I think seeing PoTC first raised my pirate film bar too high. Ah well. And many thanks to you too, Charlotte.
  20. Thanky, Nigel. Quite fond of 'Sir Freelancalot' me self.
  21. Jimmy Buffet ( all hail the Buffet) is the man who made me loose all ambition and move down to Florida. I seriously changed my life goals after listening to the new Jimmy Buffet (all hail the Buffet) compilation CD. "Haul the sheet in as we ride on the wind That our forefathers harnessed before us Hear the bells ring as the tight rigging sings It’s a son of a gun of a chorus." Quality stuff.
  22. Well, I wouldn't say that. The tape makes bloody fun noises when it starts to burn. Very cathartic.
  23. I've tried watching this movie twice, and the only thing it's ever roused me to do is keel-haul Geena Davis. I can't enjoy it as a parody, because it's not one, and I can't enjoy it as a real movie, because it's definately not one. Two flintlocks down. Less'n someone be giving it away for free I wouldn't bother.
  24. Bwaha. I had to spend ten minutes explaining this song to my mum. "Is it about drinking?" "Er...no, not exactly." I'm a total Crimson Pirate groupie ( I wear my Polly Roger bandanna with pride, arrrr) so it'd be torture to choose just one but I guess I have to say 'Leaving of Liverpool' because it's the one that makes me squinch my eyes and sing like an idiot. After that 10,000 Miles Away again, by the Crimson Pirates and Ramblin' Rover by The Empty Hats.
  25. Hullo, I'm in need of a bit of help concerning one Edward Low(e) of whom I would be eternally grateful to get information. So far I've found that he was the most spectacularly violent pirate of his day, which sounds right promising. Sadly that ALL I could find, online at least, and my local library is sadly lacking in volumes of piratical lore. Any pirate historians out there want to help a fellow sea dog with her research? P.S. As a newbie I believe my position is to buy drinks all around. Cheers, mates!
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