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Guess we're damned if we do, and damned if we don't! People have been emailing us asking us to get the site going, so we finally get a preliminary site up and they blast us for not having enough! :o

There always have to be the first celebs and speakers on board now, don't there? This is just the start of the planning! And you are welcome to email us with any suggestions or contacts!


I be likin that thar new website. It be havin plenty of information on it, it be.

Its great to be a seein a site finally up!


Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


Speakin' only for meself, the celebs at PyrateCon 07 were all awsome folks, but hardly the highlights of the event. Chillin' with Slappy and Chumbucket, sharin' some meals with the blokes from Pyrate Leatherworx, and raisin' glasses with the Clay from Studio City Tattoo - these were what made for a memorable weekend. Equally fun items include finally meeting Jamaica Rose, Scarlett Harlot, Tiger Lee, and the Mackay. Viewing Pirates of the Great Salt Lake, seeing the Jolly Garogers perform, and just the mere chance to stumble around the streets of New Orleans in full pirate garb were also highly noteworthy.

I'm looking forward to 08. I've already met most of the celebrity lineup, and will look forward to saying "hi" cuz they're great people. As to those I've not yet met:

1) Can someone tell my why Vernon Wells is piratey? I honestly don't know.

2) I've gotten so much conversational mileage out of bragging at having stumbled drunkenly through the streets of New Orleans, arm-in-arm with Lauren Maher, the redheaded strumpet that slapped Jack Sparrow. With Vanessa there in 08, darest I dream of being so lucky twice?

3) I'm sorry, Kendra from PirateMaster seems a perfectly nice girl, but has she really warranted VIP treatment at a pirate event? She barely speaks on that show, or does anything worth mentioning. Maybe she's saving her aces for later in the season, but right now all I remember her for is being a dive master that can't swim.



Ahoy mates!! Help us out here with PyrateCon 2008. The last thing we need is people dissing the event when its still 10 months away. We are only in the beginning stages of all this. And please remember--if a celeb offers their services, especially for very little compensation, or the donation of their time, you graciously accept it. Please also realize not everyone lives in Cal. and gets to talk to movie folk. And its not just the fact that people are celebs, its getting to talk to them about their experiences that is half the fun. I had the honor of dinner with Isaac Singleton where he regaled us with tales of filming other movies, like Planet of the Apes. And of course, the city of New Orleans was the real star of the show!!!

There will also be speakers and demos and some really awesome things planned in the French Quarter itself. A couple of the organizers, me included, are going to meet with the hotel in July. The whole organizing committee is going to be there in Sept.



Thank you Bosun Carmina fer postin the link ta the new website, it be most impressive. Me mate and I will do all we can ta be at the 2008 event, hope ta sea ya thar.

Now then Captain Sea Wolf ............. welcome ta the pub, ave yer first drink on my account.

Steven St'arr

Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditur


any convention or attraction that is positve for the city i'm sure is a welcome addition .....not sure if i could wrangle the time to get down there next spring but even if i can't ...BEST OF LUCK WITH IT!!! .....and i agree with granny mcdonough!!! :lol::lol::lol:


Thank you, Silkie!

Those of us who attended Pyrate Con 2007 had a wonderful time in New Orleans! And helping to bring New Orleans back to her former glory after Hurricane Katrina was one of our goals! We collected school supplies which were taken by a busload of pirates to NP Trist Middle School which had been almost totally destroyed by Katrina. We were able to present the supplies directly to the children, who were very appreciative.

Sure, there are parts of the city that have been devastated, but the French Quarter is coming back very quickly. What New Orleans needs right now is not negativism, but help in rebuilding! We chose New Orleans as the site for Pyrate Con because we wanted to do our part to help her rebuild. Scaring off potential tourist dollars will not do this, Henry Morgan!


I've been to New Orleans many times, both pre and post Katrina. And yeah, there are plenty of differences, and the greater New Orleans area still has many challenges before it. But the French Quarter - where PyrateCon takes place - is still very much the same, and the old magic is definitely there (and please - smut shops ran amuck in the Quarter LONG before Katrina.)

There's no reason to feel like attending PyrateCon is an act of charity. 2007 was well worth the effort. And not just for "casual pirate fans" either. Rather, it depends what you're looking for. If you're a hardcore reenactor, and not happy unless you're sleeping in a tent or firing a flintlock while debating how real pirates would never wear bucket boots, then yeah, PyrateCon may well drive you batty. But if you're willing to enjoy piracy from a more multi-faceted angle, there's lots of fun to be had. Present were both casual and hardcore pirates alike, along with pirate-punks and other folks who take their love of pirates into uncharted waters. And between the vendors, speakers, special guests, film viewings, hot pirate babe tryouts, and afterparties - there was pretty much something for nearly everyone.

Sorry to drone on - but Morgan, your comments have chapped my hide just a little. Obviously you're not a fan of New Orleans as it presently exists, but the persistently negative outlook you promote is frustrating and unhelpful. And your assertion that PyrateCon is best suited for the "casual pirate fan" is a bit insulting, both to the festival itself and those of us that support it.



for someone who claims to be concerned for the city's fortunes i'd think such a humanitarian would volunteer to come and bring his troupe to perform as a part of the cup of human kindness to reclaim some of the past flavour of the city .................mmmmmmmmmm?????


Thanks to everyone for their good wishes on PyrateCon 2008!! We felt like we did a lot of good for the city this past year--and turned many a pirate into a lover of the Crescent City in the process.

StrangeBay--thanks fer the welcome!! Give my regards to yer lovely better half. And may I request a pint of Pusser's fer the first drink?

Bilge--Thanks to ye too fer the kind words. Yer a diamond, mate.


Mister Mogan. Why have you removed your words? Perhaps next time you will think before you judge.

New Orleans is still rebuilding after one devastating hurricane, she probably couldn't handle another one this year anyway.


Ahoy all,

Thank you for taking an interest in Pyrate Con 2008.

We got the website up as soon as we could and all eras will all be corrected in time.

Some concerns I hope to answer;

Vernon Wells, He was in Curse of Pirate Death. I didn't want the feeling of PC-08 to be a convention of POTC actors.

Kendra Guffy will be on hand for Q&A. As far as a VIP, she's the only one I'm friends with from Pirate Master and will be there because I asked her. It's just a TV show?

Now I'm not bashing anyones comments just giving some insight.

We at Pyrate Con are working on giving you all the best time for the money. This has become a full time job for those of us who beleive that a convention for pirates should be by pirates.

Thank you all for caring as much as we do.


<a href="http://www.pyratedaze.com/"><img src="http://www.pyratedaze.com/images/pyratedaze125.jpg" width="125" height="125" border="0" alt="Visit PyrateDaze.com!"></a>


I have to comment on Kendra as well having gotten to know her and knowing the TV industry just a bit.

It is simply common knowledge and sense in our time of reality TV that the participants are bound while the program is airing.

Those that participated in Pirate Master had to sign a 19 page contract. Part of the contract was that she is not allowed to discuss the program whilst it is airing. Clearly she knows the outcome and is bound and gagged by the contract or she will forfeit any winnings and risk more.

To expect her to discuss the program while it is airing is inconsiderate.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.


Ahoy there! I have an idea for the folks putting this year's con together - this is supposed to be a celebration of pirates in history and in modern pop culture, right? Well, what about inviting some of the folks who worked on the 2005 XXX film "Pirates"? I am in NO way suggesting any type of appearance that would include naughtiness (DARN it! Say, has anyone else ever noticed the similarity between "naughtiness" and "nautical"?) but instead something along the lines of having them talk about how they put the movie together or having some of the talent on hand to sign autographs. My first concern would be whether the talent from the other realms of entertainment would view this but I wanted to voice the idea. Does anyone else think this idea is worthy of discussion?


"In the end, it's not the gold that sets our sails,

'Tis freedom and the promise of a better life

That raises our black flags."


As the convention is not scheduled until April 2008, the gag order concerning the show should no longer be an issue, as the show will have come to a conclusion way before that! :lol:

To expect her to discuss the program while it is airing is inconsiderate.

I wasn't complaining that Kendra doesn't speak about the show, I was pointing out that she doesn't talk or do much while ON the show.

Mitch - thanks for the info on Vernon Wells. I didn't see him listed on IMDB as being on that movie, but if anyone would know, I'm sure it'd be you :lol: Looks like I better order a copy of that to check out before PyrateCon.



The Joone XXX film (actually films - the sequel is due out this fall) is definitely a different calibur of porn. Speaking personally, chatting with the writers, directors, effects people, etc would be a fascinating opportunity.

BUT, I think Carmina is right - much of the general public isn't yet ready to look at movies of this sort beyond the smut factor. I can already see the headlines, "Pirate Convention Promotes Pornography in French Quarter" or something. Probably best to stick to safer waters.


As the convention is not scheduled until April 2008, the gag order concerning the show should no longer be an issue, as the show will have come to a conclusion way before that! :lol:

From what I understand of the 19 page contract, it's a lifetime gag order unless specifically orchestrated through Mark Burnett's production company. Hence, why so many 'real' pirate re-eactors declined to participate.

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

From what I understand of the 19 page contract, it's a lifetime gag order unless specifically orchestrated through Mark Burnett's production company. Hence, why so many 'real' pirate re-eactors declined to participate.

If that's accurate, it certainly doesn't speak well of how "real" reality tv might be. Seems to me, if these are truly unscripted situations of people playing a game, there would be no need to gag them once the series is complete. But if Burnett wants to make sure nobody blabs and blows the lid off the illusion, well, then a lifetime gag order makes sense.


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