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Master Sully

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Everything posted by Master Sully

  1. I've got a pair of Fugawee's shoes and they're wonderful!
  2. Savannah, Georgia is having it's first ever Pirate Fest on Tybee Island this October 7-9. Katrina Murray is in charge of attendees and is looking to add some more crews to this event. Please contact her at 912-220-3428 or 912-786-5444.
  3. Tybee Island is having their first Pirate Fest this year in October. Tybee Island is 20 minutes from Savannah, GAPirate Fest link and is basically the only beach around since Savannah is not on the coast, rather an inland river. It's out my backdoor, so I'll be there. Anyone else considering traveling to Savannah?
  4. I would like to see the story of Sam Bellamy on the big screen. How he became a pirate out of desperation when they couldn't salvage the Spanish ships, and the tragic ending drowning so close to home with his wife only a town away.
  5. At the John Cross Tavern Here's a photo of me from a month ago
  6. What say ye that we throw a reenactment of the Ocracoke Orgy and get all this drinkin' out of our systems? Of course it lasts for a week or so, and we could make Blackbeard and Vane's ghosts jealous!
  7. Porn star name = Frogmore Ferguson ?!? Romance writer = Ralph Periwinkle ( maybe children's books instead) Pirate = Silver leg Ralph Could chop off my leg and get a silver peg!
  8. When was the standardized images of the common jolly rogers printed ie. Blackbeard's, Calico Jack's, etc... I think it was Time Life books in the 60's or 70's. We've all come to recognize them, but I feel they are through a 20th century artist's eyes. Most of the skull images I've seen carved or inked in the 17th and 18th centuries, look like a light bulb with oval eyes, clinched teeth, and a spade for a nose. Has anyone seen some interesting skeletal artwork from this time period?
  9. Ahoy there Cripps! I've been prowling the same waters as you. I spend nearly every weekend working in Charleston, and the Ritz Carlton on Amelia is no stranger to me. Our crew pillaged St. Augustine 2 weeks ago while I was stuck in Charleston. How was the Fest this year in Fernadina? Wish my crew could have made it.
  10. I have read theories on how the skull and crossbones became a symbol on the Jolly Roger. The Vatican produced many Crusifixes with a symbol of the skull and crossbones under Christ's feet , to represent his triumph over death. Many Catholics used the same symbol on headstones and other epitaphs. Many English, Irish,and Scottish captain's would use a skull and crossbones marking next to a deceased sailor's name in their logs. The sailors recognized the symbol as death. As an intimidation factor, the sailors ( turned pirates ) would fly this symbol as they shadowed their prey for some time. The sailors of the other ship would feel as if Death was following them and scare the $#*! out of them.
  11. Hello? Any BPB's around these days? Has anyone heard more info on Tybee Fest?
  12. I have the same sword as Mad Mike, and it is a beaut! I had to trim off the pointy end on the cup, so not to stick me in the side as I was sliding it in and out of my belt. It is strong and can be sharpened.
  13. Two years ago I tented it at Boyd's Camping. Very nice coral penninsula we stayed on, the weather was great, but a bit windy some nights. $60 was the going rate at the time. Not walking distance to the fort unless you like those 3 mile strolls.
  14. www.jarniganco.com & www.gggodwin.com have some fine examples, they're just a few years off.
  15. I got's me a sleeveless waistcoat in wool from those Cannucks, and it's wonderful. A+++ I'll be ordering one of them's sailors bags when I get's me a chance.
  16. I purchased a deck cannon 2 years ago from a prop house in Hollywood that had built 20 or so of them for the " Hook" movie. After going through several statue manufacturers, I found one that has cast a mold of the cannon for me that is top notch. The cannon barrel is fiberglass ( much lighter than the real thing) and can be rigged to fire special effects from it. The original's carriage is made from oak, but I had the company cast it in fiberglass as well. I am ready to start production on them with an order of 10 barrels, and I am wondering if there are a few interested in purchasing them. I'm looking to get $ 250 for a barrel or $750 for both barrel and carriage. Pictures will come soon. Actually the Callenish Gunner has a pic of the original ( as seen at PiP) this past year. They are life- size and easy to carry about!
  17. Francois! Where did you get that fine pair of Buckets' ?!?
  18. Captain, I remember someone at the fort mentioning Revolutionary reenactments there next year. Do you think we could work towards having some period soldiers there in correlation with PiP? We could have alot of fun with the King's Guards and maybe draw some good sutlers to join in the Thieve's Market.
  19. Here's a thought. My take on a pirate crew is that they were a "gang" of sorts sailing the seas. They had a loose brothership with some basic rules for one another. Most of the "gang" members I have seen or met, tend to dress rather flashy, and they dress in a way to make them noticable. I wonder if this holds true for pirates three hundred years ago?
  20. I got my new boarding ax from Loyalist arms. All I have to say is; WOW,WOW,WOW,WOW,WOW,WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a little crude but it'll take a beating. Pirate perfect! A+++++
  21. Yeah...um...OK, but back to the swords. I found a company out of Ohio that has some very cool period blades. They have several smallswords to select from, and a German hanger as well. I have ordered the hanger, but I probably won't get it until the middle of Feb. Check out their other gear as well because they aren't too expensive. Smiling Fox Forge is their name and I'll tell all about the quality of their goods once I get them.
  22. Rum!?! I wish! I had a wonderful 12 hour day yesterday, and I'm in the middle of a 12 hour + day today. I love my work, I love my work, I love my work.
  23. Um... sunny, beautiful, and in the upper 70's also.
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