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Everything posted by imadrunkenpirate

  1. Aye... I'll be one to admit that me spirits were down in the depths yesterday night after Sean Penn was announced winner... Fer a pirate of Johnny...he was robbed a bunch. I noticed POTC got nominated fer a lot, and then LOTR (Lord of the Rings) had te get nominated in the same category. The total movie ended up with 11 bloody oscars... I'll be one te' admit, I was getting as seasick as a landlubby when I kept seeing thar director get up with his UNBUTTONED tux (not te' mention thar stain on his left shoulder)... he looked VERY poorly put together... just my opinoin... Remember- What goes on at the Oscars... STAYS at the Oscars! Cabinlass Maggie
  2. Here... I got some lyrics from Capt'n Slappy! (He made it himself, and it goes te thar tune of OH SUSANA! I'M A PIRATE! by Cap'n Slappy Oh, a pirate's life is free from strife his journey to begin without a troubled, nagging wife a keepin' him from sin. I've set me sails, I've got me peg, a compass and tattoo, a parrot I call "Pauly" and a sword to run ye through. CHORUS: I'm A PIRATE! Now Don't Give Me No Sass! Or, I'll walk up right behind ye, lad, and kick ye in the ass! Thars a nor-east blowin' in me face a gail comin' this way. We'll stay right here and drink some more, ship out another day. And the wenches they do make me smile I think they bring good luck If I had me way on every day, I'd give them each a ... buck! CHORUS: I'm A PIRATE! Now Don't Give Me No Sass! Or, I'll walk up right behind ye, lad, and kick ye in the ass! We sail and sail and read our mail and then we sail some more we sail so much we haven't got time to go to the store. We got no gold we got no gems and yet we feel so free We ran out of fresh water, and had to drink our pee. EVERYBODY: I'm a PIRATE! Now Don't Give Me No SASS! Or, I'll walk up right behind ye, lad, and kick ye in the ASS!! Hope ye enjoy it! (Try NOT getting it stuck in yer head!) Much Love, Cabinlass Maggie
  3. Here... I got some lyrics from Capt'n Slappy! (He made it himself, and it goes te thar tune of OH SUSANA! I'M A PIRATE! by Cap'n Slappy Oh, a pirate's life is free from strife his journey to begin without a troubled, nagging wife a keepin' him from sin. I've set me sails, I've got me peg, a compass and tattoo, a parrot I call "Pauly" and a sword to run ye through. CHORUS: I'm A PIRATE! Now Don't Give Me No Sass! Or, I'll walk up right behind ye, lad, and kick ye in the ass! Thars a nor-east blowin' in me face a gail comin' this way. We'll stay right here and drink some more, ship out another day. And the wenches they do make me smile I think they bring good luck If I had me way on every day, I'd give them each a ... buck! CHORUS: I'm A PIRATE! Now Don't Give Me No Sass! Or, I'll walk up right behind ye, lad, and kick ye in the ass! We sail and sail and read our mail and then we sail some more we sail so much we haven't got time to go to the store. We got no gold we got no gems and yet we feel so free We ran out of fresh water, and had to drink our pee. EVERYBODY: I'm a PIRATE! Now Don't Give Me No SASS! Or, I'll walk up right behind ye, lad, and kick ye in the ASS!! Hope ye enjoy it! (Try NOT getting it stuck in yer head!) Much Love, Cabinlass Maggie
  4. Aye... seems te be when someting is in my area.... I'M GONE!!!!! ex: This 28th of February... thar be an invasion in Chicago or what-not.. I be DOWN IN PEORIA fer a dance competition... Oh well... the best of fun te ye on that day (Merry D's b-day).... Have a great one! Cabinlass Maggie
  5. 9 days! Happy early birthday, love! Ye been such a great friend te me all this time, even when I was a lowly deck swabber on me first account. Thanks fer being thar 'til thar end! Much love, Cabinlass Maggie p.s-me toast te ye on yer day
  6. Aye... thank ye SO much ev'ryone! (I could never be tired of people wishing me a happy birthday!) As fer what I be doing t'day... it's been busy and haven't had much "self time" I was at school from 7am til 6pm (terrible... i know...) and I'm about te' head off te church at 7:30 fer the Ash Wednesday service. After that, homework, cake, and celebrate... then SLEEP! Thank ye all! Cabinlass Maggie
  7. lol... ye be right... that was thar whole Christmas thing.. ONE MORE DAY.. hehe.. HAPPY MARDI GRAS! Cabinlass Maggie
  8. lol,... true But ye may have a point! Look inte it! Cabinlass Maggie
  9. OOO OOO! Pick me! (please?) lol Keep us posted? THANKS! Cabinlass Maggie
  10. CHEERS TE' JOHNNY, I love ye, mate! -happy dance- Cabinlass Maggie
  11. Aye... sound good though! Cabinlass Maggie
  12. I believe thar most I got was 30 in one day.. hmm Cabinlass Maggie (i just restarted with a new screen name, so... ah phooey!
  13. Hmm... sounds like an interesting storyline! Now, I wish I could help ye, but sorry te' say that I don't know anything o' that sort.. Me advice is te try google and look fer some pirate tattoo artists. Hope that helps! Need any more? Just ask. Cabinlass Maggie
  14. Aye.. sounds like a BLAST!' I think me and me bucko's will go out and try some o that! Cabinlass Maggie
  15. Aye... when I turn past 18, then I'll think o' taking up swashbuckling and sailing. Fer now, I think I'll stick with me quiet job. I think me name pretty much says it all... Cabinlass Maggie
  16. Keep us in mind, says I! I wouldn't mind having a pirate re-enactment in Chicagoland, though I not be one te' be taken advantage of. Drop an email if ye come up with anything! Cabinlass Maggie
  17. Hmm... Sounds good te' me! (too bad thar not be many around me parts just south o' Chicago...) Cabinlass Maggie
  18. Aye... t'day was another nice day.. sunny, around 35-40F (?) I be just south o' Chicago.. so thats pretty good fer this time o' year! Cabinlass Maggie
  19. Hmm.. personally... I wouldn't want thar whole thing te turn into some type of publicity stunt (not like it already has) Call me a hypocrite... but I think I'd like te' get me hands on some of that Jack gear... Keep us posted! Cabinlass Maggie
  20. hm... he he. by thar sounds o' it so far, seems te be that yer original names be better. Eh, it'll be worth a good laugh anyway! Cabinlass Maggie
  21. Apparently, they be an "exclusive" at a small shop called TRADER JOE'S. Never heard of it meself before, so chances are, they won't be around in other areas. Keep a weather eye out if ye want, but I meself suggest te' stick with the original PIRATE'S BOOTY. Cabinlass Maggie
  22. Well, where I went te get mine, http://www.mywirelesswindow.com (unfortunatly, its only if ye be a Cingular Wireless user..) Anyhow, ye just select yer phone brand, and the model number, type in the name of a song in thar search box, and play the tune. If ye like it, ye can order it by pressing "buy." Ye'll type in yer cell phone number (with area code), and then press submit. Ye have te have an account on that site.. which is easy te make. Just follow instructions. The bill (99cents per song) will be taken from yer phone bill (i think) Hope that helps! Cabinlass Maggie
  23. Maybe I'll try the Caribbean in some 700 years... lol Cabinlass Maggie
  24. Me ma came home t'day with a huge, economy sized bag of Buccaneer Joe's Unburied Treasure (White Cheddar Corn Puffs) Actually... I usually PIRATE BOOTY (caramel corn puffs) but maybe they be the same? Tastes about the same! Just thought ye'd like te' know of my new descovery! Cabinlass Maggie
  25. Ye make me be wishing I was over in Florida!!! Cabinlass Maggie
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