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Everything posted by imadrunkenpirate

  1. sounds like a good bucket of rum! i mean FUN! aye.. me wish i could bring me ship te yer harbor... let lady luck be with ye.. mate! break a peg! and bring a spare! Cabinlass Maggie
  2. are u thinking about tortuga from POTC? if u are.. i think i could tell u the real name of it.
  3. any dates in particular? i'll keep a weather eye out, but if anybody up here is wantin te start an appearance or event in the chicago area, please send a message
  4. Aye, I'll say.. beautiful peices, but too much money! Me holds haven't seen such money since.. arrr
  5. I only be 14, but I be mighty fond of pirate events, and look toward being in one, but out in Chicago its more of the rope's end. No pirates be found walkin the streets of Chicago.. or not yet. If ye mates find yerself a pirate event or wanted to start the knot on one, please contact me if yer in need of a 14 year old female pirate lass. And a toast te ye mates! (yer all that and a bottle o' rum if yer hearts in the rite place)
  6. me believes that thar nautical star was, without a doubt, navigation from a compass, but other than that.. i'll be dumbfounded. i have some pretty savvy tattoo's of pirates and nautical symbols, and about two ships. if ye'd like to feast yer deadlights upon them, set said toward me ship, mate! imadrunkenpirate@pyracy.com
  7. well it'll be blood unfortunate fer me to be over here in bloody chicago where the cannons dont thunder.. and there be nothin to plunder. i think i be setting me sails for CALIFORNIA, aye mate?
  8. aye.. me be agreeing to ye. i be up in the chicago area.. and i be tellin ye.. there aint nothin to plunder here, mate! us pirates really need a gatherin to go out on a rage.. wat say u to that?
  9. A pirate's life is, and at the same time, is not a great life. Pirates were and are bad people. Really Reprehensible. But they are still awesome. In almost every form, worth emulating. Pick yerself up a loaded pistol, cutlass, and a bottle of rum, hook yerself a bloody ship, and set sail, mate!
  10. my sympathies mate, but it sounds like all that and a bottle of rum!
  11. if ye want somethign incredibly original, try PEG LEG PETE'S
  12. Davey Jones Last Resort The Rope's End
  13. Hmm.. me first mate just brought me a book today on pirates. Full of facts it be made of, but me deadlights haven't sought their way to every crevace of thy book. It seems to be pretty good, if it helps at all.. which it won't.. thy book I be speaking of is called PIRATES. (haha) It be by Joshua B. Feder. Hope that be helping, and to be an honest-pirate, from what me holds are telling.. it sucked. Too bad to hear it of course.. to me, pirates are their own world of adventure. Good luck to ye, mate!
  14. I think I was born about 200 years too late. Everything be too modern, high-toned, and fancy. What be of the true bloody pirates and cannons? (also.. where can one find a good pub?)
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