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Everything posted by imadrunkenpirate

  1. Hawaii sounds like a nice place te go vacation fer a while. I wanted te travel down thar with me ma, but money is somewhat "tight." Maybe this summer or thar next. Any of ye been down thar? If so, how be it? Thanks! Cabinlass Maggie
  2. Hmm... sounds good! Ye know... me birthday be rolling around the corner soon, maybe I'll ask me ma! Cabinlass Maggie
  3. Hmm... the name sounds familliar... Cabinlass Maggie
  4. I can't wait til Spring! Over near Chicago, the past four days or so have been really nice, and then last night it flurried.. I keep telling me ma that one day I'm just gonna set sail fer somewhere warmer. How be the weather where ye be? Wishful Thinking, Cabinlass Maggie
  5. I went te yer site. I must admit, I been VERY impressed with The Land Shark. I asked me pop if I could do something like that... he said thar'd be no way on Earth. lol... anyway... congrats again! Cabinlass Maggie
  6. Actually... that sounds like fun! I'd really like te' get out and do some o' that! Cabinlass Maggie
  7. Hmm... I just downloaded a few Blink-182 ringtones from Download Ringtones Here I typed in pirate, but none came up. Keep looking! Best Wishes, Cabinlass Maggie
  8. Aye... they tend te' have some goofy names on thar... I like me name! Cabinlass Maggie
  9. Am I thar only one confused by that? I follow thar instructions, and yet, I have SO many problems! I haven't found anybody there! Hmm... what is the Central Time fer the chat? Cabinlass Maggie
  10. Aye... it be a very touching story... I love it when kids are touched.. Cabinlass Maggie
  11. Hmm... sounds interesting... I think I'll be renting it. Cabinlass Maggie
  12. This be where I be getting me name, Cabinlass Maggie from. Its so easy! Just be typing in yer name, and click thar button! Female Name Translator Male Name Translator Post what yer name be! Love, Cabinlass Maggie
  13. Thank ye all! 4 days.... until then... keep thar party going... lol Cabinlass Maggie
  14. Actually... ye be early. me birthday not be until the 25th of February.. lol Cabinlass Maggie
  15. BLAST ME CANNONS!!! Thar ONE day that I can't do it! Cabinlass Maggie
  16. Aye.. cheers te that. I love everthing about him... Cabinlass Maggie
  17. Aye.. thank ye! The drinks are much appreciated along with thar birthday thoughts. Cabinlass Maggie
  18. aye.. it be quite hilarious! Cabinlass Maggie
  19. Aye.. thank ye all for such a wonderful welcome... I noticed it was about a week early, and didn't wanna say anything te bring yer hearts down, but because 'ol Capt. Will said it, its still okay... Thank ye SO much fer the card, and the treasure (and thar rootbeer!) We be keeping thar party goin until the 25th. Heck, why not carry it out past then? Thank ye all, and I'll keep that in me heart. With much love, Cabinlass Maggie
  20. Aye... I must be admitting I've done some of me shopping thar... they have a nice selection, but I be afraid that pyracy have been become the new... "fad" AHHHHHHHHHH Cabinlass Maggie
  21. Lately I been hearing about a movie(?) by thar name of Cutthroat Island. I assume some of ye have heard o' it, but not I. Is it any good? It caught me attention, but before I be lookin fer it, I wanted yer opinion. Any comments? Thank ye! Cabinlass Maggie
  22. Hmm.. sounds great... Congrats! Cabinlass Maggie
  23. I guess it just be the holiday... seems as if things have picked up a bit. I've heard, though, that some people have had trouble with thar connection te thar interenet. Not I, but anyone else? Cabinlass Maggie
  24. Wow! That sounds like ye had SO much fun! Maybe I'll try that... but couldn't ye get arrested? Cabinlass Maggie
  25. Hmmm.... I LOVE IT!! And I must agree with endkaos... that'll be a nice picture o' ye... I wish I would'a seen this post earlier... I woulda sent a nice FAT picture o' me ex... oh that would'a been WONDERFUL! PM me if ye be doin it again? Thanks! Cabinlass Maggie
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