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Everything posted by imadrunkenpirate

  1. Honestly... I think the whole thing be out of reach, out dated, and over-rated. They act like it was as something as big as the September 11th attacks! (May God be with those families) The half time show even be causing concerts and what-nots te be delayed about 5 minutes. I think the whole thing be too much. Its old! Life goes on before ye know, so don't be holding a grudge on thar subject fer too long either, or ye'll be the one whose growing old. (and all ye'll know about is the halftime show!) Just me own opinion! Cabinlass Maggie
  2. If ye be interested... ye can check out ME new homepage (I still be working on it, but it be having a GREAT pirate's look te it) Me NEW Homepage
  3. I think ye be wanting one like the one Captain Jack Sparrow uses in POTC. I have one very similar te his, and it just be a very long (about the length and width of a big scarf) and it be a suede(ish) brown color. It works just fine fer me! Hope it does fer ye, too. Hope that bit o' information helps! Cabinlass Maggie
  4. P.S.- fer all any of ye care... the message above was me 100th post.. *yay* Cabinlass Maggie
  5. Aye... I saw yer site about that ship, I LOVE it! I hope te be getting one like that and transforming it like that some day.. Cabinlass Maggie
  6. AYE! I know that one, mate! They got pregnant on board and rules say that ye can't kill a pregnant woman!
  7. Wow.. that be a really nice photo touch-up te get thar monkey in there... I MEAN... -cough- how was it meeting Kiara? lol Cabinlass Maggie
  8. Aye... don't be mattering if they are here or not.. it just matters that we remembered them.. Cabinlass Maggie
  9. I be feeling cheery t'night.. drinks are on me fer a full round when yer through fighting. Cabinlass Maggie
  10. Aye... I must be seconding that... I hope te be visting that thar someday! Cabinlass Maggie
  11. Sounds like good fun, matey! I'll be sure te think about it. Cabinlass Maggie
  12. Usually places as in FACTORY CARD OUTLET or any party store.. good luck and congratulations! Cabinlass Maggie
  13. Aye.. seriously! We pirates should have thar honors o' being on it! Cabinlass Maggie
  14. Aye.. I be admitting... I already dumped me share o' rum over the heads of enough pirates in this fight... I think I be sitting on the sidelines and watching the bloody fight. Cabinlass Maggie
  15. Aye.. and a good movie! Be sure te be watching it! Cabinlass Maggie
  16. AYE! With much love and a hot drink, happy birthday, man! Cabinlass Maggie
  17. Well.. ye can watch POTC (the second CD disk) fer some historian interviews.. it aint be live, but they might answer some of yer questions while they be talking. Good Luck! Cabinlass Maggie
  18. aye.. I love it! In fact.. I have been waitin' fer something of that sort.. always wanted te see a lil impression o' K. Richards... lovely! Thanks fer the secret! Cabinlass Maggie p.s.- if ye wanted te do that on yer tv.. ye might have te press the down arrow twice in order fer it te work. good luck!
  19. hmm... let me go try that rite now, mate!
  20. creativity? Lots of that here, just not able to express SOME of it.
  21. HAHA I LOVE the picture! nice ship too! C.Maggie
  22. Aye.. very good. Nice choice, mate! C.Maggie
  23. I wasted good rum that I can't be drinkin' anyhow! ARRRRRR
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