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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Glad you were able to get out and do the walk. 16f !?!? Danm but me bones are aching just looking at the temp Good to see ya up and about. Animal
  2. Sold, PM me contact info and total cost to orlando and I'll ship you a money order and my shipping address. Thanks Jim Animal
  3. Wacth it Capt'n Remember the buccaneer encampment may be supplying or cooking some of the meat fer the feast. Animal
  4. Aye, that suits me fine, William. Animal
  5. heh heh heh just what I thought, too small Post them whenever you get a chance. Animal
  6. His toys are just a few of the things Sorry Capt'm, you opened yer self up fer that one. Had to take the soht when ever I gets the chance. Animal
  7. Post a pic, Jim and I'm 98% sure I'll take it. I may be interested in in the ball sac also. I might be able to do something with it. Post both if you can. Animal
  8. I beleive that it was made as a wall hanger. As far as I can tell, an edge wasn't put on it. I'm going to get a card reader this weekend and then snap some pics. I'll post them when I figure out how to do it, hopefull by the first of next week. Animal
  9. I came into possession of a sword today. It is rusted in spots (sat in the bed of a pickup for who knows how long) and doesn't have an edge. The guy was going to hang it and another on the wall. I was wondering the best way to clean it and make it more presentable. When I get some photos taken, I'll post them. It is stamped with Spain on one side and Toledo on the other near the hand guard. it has some weight to it. Animal
  10. Early by whose reckoning? I was referring in the time span of the white mans contact with the various natives. I realize that most of the various Indian Nations were using the much before Colombus even toyed with the idea of sailing off from Spain. Animal
  11. Willie, ye 'no whell just smuggle 'im like good Brethren we are!!! Animal
  12. Ok, wanted to bump this again. I got Benerson Little's book The Buccaneer's Realm. I was reading a section on the early buccaneers and saw a passage on clothing. Concerning footware, he mentions them using green pig hide and wrapping them around their feet and letting them dry, ensuring a perfect fit. Basically this is an early mocassin. If I can find a pig hide, I may try to do this. More later. Animal
  13. Probably the latter, MadL. I've never used a tinder box but have used regular flint and steel. I know it takes more than on or two strikes to get a char cloth to light. Interesting idea though, wetting the cloth in a flamable. Animal
  14. WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO the lady is back!!!!! Welcome home my dear. Do what the doc says and take it easy, ok??? Animal
  15. What the latest on Rumba? How did the surgery go? Is she still in the hospital? Inquiring minds (or just nosy people) want to know. Animal
  16. Is there any new word from Syren? Is she still in the hospital or is she out? Animal
  17. mmmmm nekkid Christine and Crisco, oooooooooooooo WHAT A RUSH!!!!!!!! Animal
  18. Stirling, my good friend!!! I was wondering if you could post a short list of the errors one might commit to be encased in your pillor? Just for information of course, God knows I would never commit such acts. Animal
  19. Only the pure-hearted are allowed to inflict embarrassing pain on others. (We're going to have to spend a long time looking for someone for that...) Well, I'm pure of heart and I'vr been told that I have a virginal presence Do I qualify??? Animal
  20. Mary, If you need help dressing, wander down to the buccaneer camp. I'm sure you can find one of us upstanding buccaneers to help. Animal
  21. Do you have any date planned for events, Stynky? Animal
  22. Iff'n I was closer, I would join ya in a jack rabbit's second Bo. Hope ya have fun and have a drink fer me, my friend. Animal
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