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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Aye me harties from the West Coast 826 Valencia is worth the trip. And if ya be sailin north to Seattle, dock by the waterfront to visit the Pirates Plunder shop!
  2. I like Blackbeard's the best with the hearts and all. Ya want modern? How 'bout them Bucs (with the football on it LOL)!!
  3. Yah I agree widya M'Lady. When I did catch it I was behind Rupert. John is too wretched to be a winner on there.
  4. Avast ye maties, but I've spent a few pieces at a mighty website known as Teach's Hole in NC. The place, dedicated to one Blackbeard himself, sounds like a great Pirate shop and me thinks there be more there like an exhibit for the notorious one. Has any of ye dropped anchor at Teach's Hole? How mighty be the place?
  5. Go party like a Pirate at Mango's Tropical Cafe right on the South Beach strip!! checkem out at www.mangostropicalcafe.com
  6. Aside from the infamous Jose Gaspar, who be named by all as Gasparilla, may any of you maties knowest the names/backgrounds of any other Spanish Pirates?
  7. The fact is, they should quit calling it "reality" tv. It's not reality. In reality, u r at the mercy of fate. You make your choices either enjoy graces or face consequences. There is no host and production crew who (and I don't care what they try to depict) will save you if something goes terribly wrong. They show these sometimes "near death" experiences. You know that if anybody on any of these shows was "really in danger" that they'd bust their asses to save them big time (they don't wanna get sued folks), and you wouldn't see it on camera. I will admit, the Pirate Theme of Pearl Islands has intrigued me, and I did catch a few episodes. I did watch one of those PBS shows (Frontier House). But reality is not a good title for any of it. Its just another way for tv to get ratings and make $ Plus you see them always adding "the twist". That kills the "reality" too.
  8. :) As for me mate, I'm just gettin started. I have a bandanna and shirt with a string weaved chest. I hope to have a good hat and vest come Christmas or soon there after. I gotta Parrot for me shoulder and a skull ring too.
  9. :) Very cool!! It was fun finding my way around!
  10. Are the Jolly Rogers' cds worth their dubleons? I've seen em online but weren't sure how good they were. Somebody give me the word.
  11. Not too bad considerin I only got to feast my eyes on it but once last summer. Anyone who hasn't needs to get the soundtrack cd. Makes ya feel like ya be ridin the waves right along with Jack. Here's one for ya lads n lasses. How does the beginning of the ride at Disneyland (CA) differ from the beginning of the ride at Walt Disney World (FL)?
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