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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Oh I loved Robin Hood Prince of Theives too! Yeah I don't hold too much for Kevin Kostner. He was only really good in Dances With Wolves. How about Braveheart?
  2. He just made me want to dash into the screen and take him out myself. Aye that be what made his character so defined. He does a great job with whatever he is handed. Another classic I liked was Sparticus with Kirk Douglas.
  3. Oh I know lass. And the classic ones I mentioned like Ben Hur, The Robe, Quo Vadis, are some of my faves. I like Gladiator too, also The Patriot with Mel Gibson. Since I lived in SC for quite a while, that one kinda hit home. Many people here forget that the "American Revolution" was also fought in the south, as well as in northern states. I am sure that alot at this pub know it though. I also liked the classic Beckett.
  4. Period films are good. I think there was alot more that the directors and producers had to do in order to realize scenarios in older films. You certainly didn't have the effects capabilities that George Lucas brought out in 1977, and you couldn't just invent something with digital like they do now. The only b-w movies I've seen over recent years are the yearly showings of Scrooge and also Its A Wonderful Life with James Stewart.Yah I know, they're basically Christmas cult classics, especially here in the US But I think they were well done and well acted. The emotions and expressions of actors/actresses, in most older films, seemed to be more developed than those in today's. There are good exceptions like Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow. Awesome character!! I also like alot of the old biblical flicks like Ben Hur, Quo Vadis, The Robe, and all with their HUGE sets, music scores, and casts ala Cecile B. DeMille.
  5. Aye lass, that's it :) He was Scrooge, and a very good one I must add. The version I like the most was British, and done in like 1951, in black and white. Allister Sim was a known Bristish actor of the time who played Scrooge but none of the other players had a "big name". There was an "old" American black and white version starring a guy named Reginald Owen, but I like the British one better, and that seems to be the one shown more often on US tv. In the 70s or 80s they made one with George C. Scott, and that one shows a little bit. No worry m'lass ye not be wrong. They both be fine composers with fantastic works. Was it here at the pub that I read that Lord of The Rings is going to be produced as a musical now?
  6. Aye lass your taste be most awesome I must say. You know what soundtrack I just heard today, and I think its a really great score? The soundtrack to the British version of A Christmas Carol, that starred Allister Sym as Scrooge. I think thats the best film version ever made. The one a couple years ago with Patrick (can't remember his last name who played Captain Picard on StarTrek The Next Generation) is my "second place". Ok, you like Johann Strauss, the waltz king, and composer of Die Fliedermaus. I was actually talking about his relative, Richard Strauss, who composed Der Rosenkavelier, and other late romantic German Operas, among other things. But thats ok, they're both good.
  7. Aye lass, the ending is just so awesome, with the death scene and all. Do you like any of the German works, like Wagner or Strauss? Good stuff :) I also have Star Trek 3 ~Search for Spock, Round Midnight, and some others that are more pop music. I have a number of Opera recordings too.
  8. OOOOPs forgot I saw La Forza del Destino at the Metropolitan in NYC.
  9. Yes lass, I love classical music too. I have a big collection of symphonies, concertos, etc... as well as my salsa I just performed in a community chorus production of Handel's Messiah, this past Sunday. I loooove the Pirates of The Caribbean Soundtrack, and Star Wars. Wonderful music. I saw La Boheme in Montreal, Der Rosenkavelier in Toronto, Aida and Tosca in Syracuse, NY. Wow I saw it at the Pantages too, in 89. When did you see it Scarlet?
  10. Oh I know luv what ye meaneth by things far away. The things we do see, we have to make special arrangements to go to because getting there is quite the challenge. A combo of Flamenco/Ballet does sound like something worth seeing. I have seen live Ballet before and it is beautiful. I saw a small company put on The Nutcracker one Christmastime, and I also saw Prokofiev's Sleeping Beauty put on in NYC (just happened to be there and we got tickets) at the Metropolitan Opera House (it was summer and the Met was not in season) by the Kirov Ballet from St. Petersburg (former Leningrad). They were awesome. I've also seen live opera and its beautiful too. I am sure you'll get to alot in your life. You have the drive and ambition so I have no doubt that you'll succeed. :)
  11. If you can, read the book (titled The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love) its great too. Yes lass I love musicals, both in movie and onstage form. Moviewize I try to catch the annual showing of The Sound of Music, each holiday season (this year's was this past Saturday). I've seen a number of the other movie~musical classics like The King and I with Yule Brenner, South Pacific, Oklahoma, Guys and Dolls. On stage I've seen a number of the classics done by school students and community theatres. On the large scale I saw Annie years ago in Buffalo, NY, Camelot, that toured with Richard Harris actually playing the King, in Rochester, Evita, and Nunsense, in Buffalo. A Chorus Line, Cats in Toronto, and Phantom of The Opera in Toronto. I've never actually seen a Broadway musical ON BROADWAY :angry: Actually I hear they are making Mambo Kings into a Broadway musical, I think to be released this spring or summer. I haven't yet seen any of the new musical movies such as Chicago, or Phantom of The Opera. I know I want to see the movie version of Rent that is out right now. So which ones do you like lass??
  12. No harm in that now.
  13. Lass, this one isn't really called "a dance film" persay, but have you ever seen The Mambo Kings (or read the famous book) with Antonio Banderas? There was a good movie with alot of good dancing in it.
  14. Yah, ooops sorry I really liked that one too. Movie crowds are sometimes too picky The big Reggaeton tunes around here have been Gasolina and also, Girl Like You both by Daddy Yankee. I like Sharkira too. I wish she would tour more. I went to the 116th St. Fest in NYC last June and between every act on the stages, they would blast Reggaeton and we all just moved to it. It was awesome.
  15. Lass, we had some Dutch exchange students in my high school when I was a Junior and you guys are like WAYYYYYYYY ahead of the US, especially in math. This one kid would be so bored in our math class because it was so been there-done that for him. Have you seen Flash Dance 2, Havana Nights? That one was good too. I also like to play Salsa rhythms as I try to be a pretty good conga drum player. I also like to do melodic Latin lics on my trombone with some of the Latin improv methods. Its kewl playing some of the charts. Are you guys getting into Reggaeton over there? Thats like the LATEST Latin thang with Daddy Yankee, Loony Tunes, etc...
  16. Thats ok, I wasn't sure if this group had made themselves into a classic act or not. I like your philosophy about dancing. I apply it to what I do with Salsa. When I learn a new step, I work at it until it comes, then I can really pick up related steps at a faster rate. I loooooooooove dance films!! Dance With Me with Chayanne and Vanessa Williams was great. Save the Last Dance with Julia Styles was good. I have yet to see that one of a couple years ago with Richard Geere and JLO, but I heard it was good. I also liked that one from a few years back about the gal who went to become a ballet dancer in NYC. I just can't remember the name of it. Tap with the late Gregory Hines was really good. I did see the film of Riverdance and thought it was awesome. Haven't seen it live though. Then you have some 80s classics like "Salsa" which was ok, but there were some cultural inaccuracies by hollywood in it (which is no surprise as Latin wasn't the cool thing for everybody back then, so nobody cared) and also Beat Street, Breakin' and Breakin' 2, which were with the hip hop scene which was only new then. What are your favorites?
  17. Thats what its all about luv, expressing yourself and experiencing the joy from within you. When I salsa dance alone at home, I just put on the song thats presently beckoning at me, and let myself go with moves, turns, the works. Yah the movement there was like back in 92 or so, so maybe this group isn't as big anymore, but thats ok. I am sure you are a wonderful dancer, and will continue do develop it in your soul and in your expressions. Tango, Paso Doble, and Flamenco are all beautiful dances too. No doubt you do them, or will do them well, as you keep practicing. :)
  18. Mainly Salsa and Merengue. I love the new artists like NKlabe, the contemporaries like Brenda K. Starr, Domingo Quinonez, Tito Nieves, and also the classics like Tito Puente, Celia Cruz, Hector LaVoe. I remember a number of years back they talked about a growing Latin scene in the Netherlands. There was a group that was highlighted, but I can't remember the name. For Merengue I like La Banda Gorda, La Banda Chula and La Banda Loca.
  19. Welcome lass! Always dream what ye choose to dream. Write what ye choose to write. Be what ye choose to be. You'll find your way, and it will bring out your beautiful best. Let your mind make wishes for whatever your hear desires. Glad ye could come among us lass. A salute to ye.
  20. IM also has a 3rd shirt thats good and pyratey but I can't remember its proper name, and I think its more expensive than the swashbuckler. They never seem to have any of them on their sales.
  21. Ahoy dear lass, Glad to have ye aboard. Knott's Scarey Farm is totally fun (Went to it during Halloween some years ago.) Anyway, I be sure ye be a fine wench there and do a great job showing your piratitude to yer mates. Parrot Bay fer me and I'll save one fer you too!
  22. I remember seeing that one as a kid. It was KEWL!!
  23. Remember the early Rush albums? Like "Rush", Fly By Night, 2112, A Farewell To Kings, those were some awesome covers. Latin albums like those by Celia Cruz, Hector LaVoe, Willie Colon, and all in the 60s and 70s were quite graphic. There's a whole book out now called "Latin Album Cover Art" that highlights those years, especially the albums on the Fania label. :angry:
  24. Happy Thanksgiving to all the lads and lovlies!! May ye all have bountiful treasures to partake of and mateys around ye to toast!!
  25. Since I teach band to the little urchins (Elementary Grades) I have been playing on the following. Trombone since 78. Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Baritone, Drums, Sax, Recorder, and French Horn since the early 90s (College) Conga Drums since late 90s. My favorite playing styles: Salsa, Jazz, and Ancient Chants
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