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Captain Tito

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Everything posted by Captain Tito

  1. Welcome to the pub fine Clover!!
  2. Hola Pirata! Bienvenidos a la Cantina! We serve chocolate very often over at the hot tub. Come visit sometime. Cheers!
  3. Aye it just be a matter of giving everything a time for us to celebrate. After all, the calendar we know wasn't even in practice back then. Look at Thanksgiving. We know not that it was celebrated in late November. It was placed on the 4th Thursday much later to coincide with the upcoming holiday shopping period.
  4. *OOOOOOOOps, sorry that should be the first Sunday after the first FULL MOON after the vernal equinox.
  5. To all ye Jewish mateys out thar, we shouldn't forget to wish ye all a HAPPY PASSOVER!! Happy Easter to all ye who celebrate too!! To all in the calendar debate, tis confusing isn't it. Ye all be right about the "actual" dates not bein right when we celebrate. What we celebrate today was set on the dates by the early Christian Church to coincide with pagan celebrations. Easter moves each year because its placed on the first Sunday after the first moon of the vernal equinox. The Orthodox churches have a different formula for when Easter is. This year, both happen to be on the same Sunday. Passover moves for the Jewish faith too, but I can't be sure as to the formula there either. No matter what the dates be, everyone's faith in what they believe is what matters most. Here's to ye all!!
  6. Aye ye be toastin cats Jenny? Didn't know 'twas Chinese night. Pass the sweet and sour sauce!!
  7. Happy Belated Bunny!! My time off the net started at yer birthday and I missed the post last week. I hope ye had a fine celebration and have a year of lovely seas ahead!!
  8. Happy Belated Phil!!
  9. A Happy Belated Birthday Merry!! May ye have a year filled with more treasure than the Hot Tub can hold!! Let us all fire the pounders in salute!!
  10. Hey, even UnBirthdays can be fun! :)
  11. Siren hope ye has a year full of the finest treasure ye can imagine!
  12. Happy Belated Lad!!
  13. Which doth ye prefer wearin and which do ye like yer men in? I has a retro hockey jersey, and also baseball.
  14. A fine celebration we be havin for ye lad!! May your year ahead be a fine journey full o'fine treasure!
  15. They has ta be totally beautiful. And thats not just on the outside.
  16. Here be a fine birthday wish, for the finest pirate in New York State!! Hope ye has a happy one with many mateys to make your day, and much treasure in life for the coming year.
  17. Aye lass a great congrats. Fer me tis been 13 with m'lass. I remember me first kiss with her very fondly. Each one since then hath been a treasure to behold. We find time each month to hire a sitter and plan a date just fer ourselves. I look forward to those wholeheartedly too.
  18. Well maybe this time tis got a better shot at it. Last time it was said to be too much of a comedy to stand a good chance. With this one being a darker flic, tis much less a comedy than the first.
  19. Should have asked this a LONG time ago. Sorry I be late in doin so. How was it that Barbossa came back all "undead" etc... at the end of POTC2??? Was it like what ye get in most daytime soaps where ye ASSUME a character is dead, but they just "come on back"?? Or was the curse lifted so greatly that nobody died?
  20. Aye that all be quite funny !!
  21. Welcome Ray!! Happy New Year to all!!
  22. C.A.P.N. T.I.T.O.: Charming Adonis Providing Naughty Touches and Intense, Thrilling Orgasms Sorry about the botched code above. I was hoping to post the whole image. Oh well.
  23. <p align="center"><a href="http://sexy.namedecoder.com"> <img src="http://sexy.namedecoder.com/webimages/champagne-m-CAPN+TITO.png" width="240" height="180" alt="Charming Adonis Providing Naughty Touches and Intense, Thrilling Orgasms" border="0"></a> <br /><a href="http://sexy.namedecoder.com"><small>Get Your Sexy Name</small></a></p> Had to shorten it to under 10 characters. Oh well.
  24. Here's to ye lass, as thar be many a friend to be had here. Let me refill yer tankard and welcome ye proper.
  25. New kewl box o'POTC cereal featurin Dead Man's Chest. I liketh it better than the older box. Same nibbles inside pretty much.
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