Captain Tito
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Everything posted by Captain Tito
I liked the transformation in California better, with the Bayou at the beginning. It gave it more of a feeling like you were really headed for danger in a creepy night. I like the wench auction. I also thought the pirate hangin out with the pigs was cute.
Let me know the rules and regulations too, then I can decide, with what I has to offer, whether or not I can do it.
Aye, the way I be taught, that be true. Many songs were tried, and if they got the men to do the job, they were kept in the ship's repertoire of shanties. Lass, those periods and styles o'vocal music be my absolute favorites. I love Madrigals and other polyphonic styles of the 1500s. I enjoy some vocal styles of earlier times too.
Happy Birthday very late Kate!! Hope yer year is full o'more treasures than ye can ever imagine!
Happy Belated one Animal!
Hope yer not Mad that this is a belated wish!! Happy Birthday!!
Happy Belated!!
Happy Birthday Sir!!
Wished ye a happy birthday elsewhere on the day, now a belated one here!!
Happy Halloween lovely lasses!
Ahoy Mateys, This message was sent by the trooper who visit's m'lass's school. Its from another trooper who circulated the message. Thought we all bein pirates and LOVES pirate candy, that we should know, for our good and for our chilluns! With Halloween a few days away, like there's nothing else to worry about: Sherwood brand Pirate's Gold Milk Chocolate coins are being recalled due to the fact that they contain Melamine, the ingredient in milk product that has caused many infant deaths in china. These candies are sold at Costco, as well as many bulk and dollar stores. please make sure to check your children's Halloween candy and DO NOT LET THEM EAT THE PIRATE COINS (you know the ones wrapped in the shiny gold foil) and please let other parents know about this! Trooper Thomas Libretti School Resource Officer North Salem Central School District 914.669.5414 x2133
Yah, I remember seein a picture of the "singing cats" contraption when I had a book of Medieval/Rennaisance musical woodcuts and prints, when I was in college. I was reminded of it later when I heard this classical work (and I know not the composer or the name of the work) that was for symphony orchestra and yowling cats. In the case of this work (and I heard it on the radio only once ever) I am sure the situation of having them yowl as part of the music here, was a much more positive experience than the aforementioned contraption.
Aye, ye sold me lads and lasses! I be gettin 'em!!
Here be another late one. Happy Belated Rogue!!
Here be a toast to William Blydes hopin ye hath a fine birthday with lotsa booty and lotsa rum!!
Aye lads n' lasses, Been thinkin about buyin me those 2 cds called LaFitte's Return, sponsored by that organization that sells em to raise money for the restoration of music programs in the schools o' New Orleans that got ruined by Katrina. Anybody out there got em?? They be a good cause. Do they be good music?? Give me an earfull!
Yah I thought the thing about the little Chinese girl lipsynching to "ANOTHER" Chinese girl, just because the one who was actually singing (on the recording) wasn't pretty enough IN THE GOVERNMENT'S OPINION. Come on anyway, we knew she was lipsynching!! She was in this huuuuge stadium sounding as she did, WITH NO MIC!!! But we here in the US have nothing to say because all the outside stuff we do now on tv (Superbowl, any other football game with pop star performances, the pop/broadway singers in the Macy's Parade, Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting, Today Show and Good Morning Amercia perfomamces, many others I haven't named ~ thats all pre-recorded and done with monitors. If it wasn't it wouldn't sound on tv the way it does. The last Olympic opener that was done with PURE live music was 1980 Lake Placid, and it was all supplied by Potsdam College's Crane School of Music (where I attended a few years later). Even Crane's 200 plus voice chorus in 1986 at the big Statue of Liberty Celebration that was thrown that year on July 4th (it was on all the networks that year) was prerecorded at Liberty Island. Nobody on tv will tell you that though. They must all think we're stupid. Then you have the Greco Roman wrestler from somewhere (was it Sweden?) who got a Bronze, and out of bad sportsmanship, chucked it on the podium and left during the presentation. The part about hiding the handicapped, that sounds so like dictatorship type governments. They want only this "perfect image". But I agree too, its good to see so much positive in these games as well.
Aye the Saturday invasion woth quite grand! Ye, the Faire Jeanne and the Lotus made fer quite a show! I SAW THREE SHIPS COME SAILIN IN COME SAILIN IN COME SAILIN IN I SAW THREE SHIPS COME SAILIN IN TO ALEX BAY IN THE MORNIN!!
Aye Naples! A fine wine area tis m'lass!
Yah Jenny I find it the same with gymnastics fer the Summer games and skating in the Winter games. The side commentator is always full o'criticisms. "Oh he really didn't do...." "Oh she should have gone more for the...." YADDA YADDA YADDA!! I be lucky cuz I can watch em both from the USA point of view NBC and also Canada CBC. Its neat to see the different things they cover, and their different approaches to the games, both summer and winter. I be glad NBC has done better with these games than others recently where their coverage was more limited. I be glad fer the USA but also glad fer many o the other countries as well.
Happy Belated Matt!!
YUMM!! TOMATO PIES BE ME FAVORITE!!! Ye can go more healthy though, so ye can has em more often. But yer recipe tis out o'this world!!
Aye all ye aboard the Royaliste, twas mighty fine meetin ye all last weekend in ABay!! Thanks much for the salute too. A mighty fine ship, ye doth have and a fantastic crew! Yah the Erie Canal has done very much to put itself back on the map again. I think its more recent revamps have made it a quite enjoyable waterway. Yea those in Canada have been up more, but I can't account fer whether or not they have kept them as spiffy as a place like the falls. They've kept them "useful" but thats probably it. Whereas the Erie hath risen out o'the mighty bowls of a longtime near-extinction to make the beautiful comeback that it hath these days. Pleasant voyages Royaliste!!
Aye yes the canals be expensive. At least they be a reasonable way these days. When I was a lad growin up in NY the Erie Canal was all but left fer dead. Most towns' locks were quite in need o'repair and the water was a murky yuck. I think the Welland was kept up longer (the usual rule of thumb over here seems to be; the more exposure to Canada, the better kept up something has been. (Case in point bein the US and Canadian sides o'Niagara Falls. US side has some nice things but nothin like the beauty kept up on the Canadian side. Not the gawdy tourism, I mean the beauty in the parks, the landscaping and all the natural details.) The canals and waterways be no exception. Aye Royaliste, I hope to see ye in the A o'the Bay next weekend!! Pleasant voyages Johnny Tarr!
Happy Birthday Rumba!! Everybody do the RUMBA to celebrate!!