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Everything posted by Perkeo

  1. When ever you see the word 'Private' and you think it says 'Pirate'.
  2. "Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, 'This is the real me,' and when you have found that attitude, follow it." -- James Truslow Adams
  3. I'm kinda tired tonight. I worked kinda late as usual then I had to be up really early. My mom had a Lumpectomy to remove a small lump of cancer in her left breast. Luckily it didn't spread to her lymph-nodes and they believe they were able to remove all of it. We will know more in about 3-5 days. It was a very long day with very little sleep. She is home and doing well.
  4. Here's A Health To The Company Kind friends and companions come join me in rhyme Come lift up your voices in chorus with mine Come lift up your voices all grief to refrain For we may or might never all meet here again So here's a health to the company and one to my lass Let's drink and be merry all out of one glass Let's drink and be merry, all grief to refrain For we may or might never all meet here again Here's a health to the wee lass that I love so well For style and for beauty there's none can excel There's a smile on her countenance as she sits upon my knee There is no man in in this wide world as happy as me So here's a health to the company and one to my lass Let's drink and be merry all out of one glass Let's drink and be merry, all grief to refrain For we may or might never all meet here again Our ship lies at anchor, she is ready to dock I wish her safe landing without any shock And if ever I should meet you by land or by sea I will always remember your kindness to me So here's a health to the company and one to my lass Let's drink and be merry all out of one glass Let's drink and be merry, all grief to refrain For we may or might never all meet here again
  5. My hugs are always there for you.....mmmm, my favorite kind of doritos!
  6. I had to do a tire change in about 3 inches of slush on the side of the highway. Some times I hate my job. Our high today was 21F. We had snow and ice all day and looks like it is going to be about the same tomarrow. Thursday is suppose to be in the 40's.....Gotta love Indiana weather!
  7. I use to have a pair of the skull ones.
  8. I feel cold...wishing it were April 17th.
  9. 2 days ago it was in the 50's today it is 9 with strong winds and snow coming.
  10. *thinks Red Cat Jenny could use some hugs and sends them over the internet* ****HUGS****HUGS****HUGS****
  11. I love the Doritos collisions.....yummmy!!!
  12. mouth watering!
  13. I'm kinda looking forward to spring, but I'm not looking forward to the rain it brings.
  14. Is there going to be a Pyracy Pub meet-up? Somewhere we can get together and put a 'live' face with a name. I should be there on Thursday.
  15. I wanna find out how to get tickets for the rum tasting. My friend, Grizz (who doesn't get online very often) will be coming with me. We already have the hotel on the corner of Bourbon and Toulouse. What is the countdown for PyrateCon?
  16. Touche' Mr. Hand....using Terry Prachett logic on me like that. Personally, I think the best motto for an educational establishment is: 'Or Would You Rather Be a Mule?' --Terry Pratchett
  17. In true Indiana fashion....the weather the last couple of days have been pretty cold...then we got some snow....then we got some rain....and then the temp is going to be in the 50's....all this in just one weeks time.
  18. I'm a little worn-out right now....I've been staying up way too late...some my fault some the fault of my job. I'd love to take you up on the message! I'm sober tonight even though I went to the bar to watch the game....I only had one small beer. (the manager wouldn't let me sit there without drinking at least one...LOL...he is a friend of mine)
  19. I love Dropkick Murphys...They are playing here in Indy on March 11th and I plan on going to the concert.
  20. My first stop in New Orleans is always Cafe Du Monde. After that I'm not sure what my plans will be.....besides drinking of course.
  21. BEER!!! Well, good beer anyway....like the Drommel Rode that I've been enjoying at my local brewery/bar the Ram.
  22. Right now I'm feeling tired and drunk! It's a good thing. Although I could use a good massage.
  23. finishing off a bag of Cheetos Flamin' Hot Puffs....mmmmmm
  24. I think my main problem is when I work, I work really late. When I'm not working, I stay out really late. I guess I should be happy that I at least have a trend going on....
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