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Everything posted by Perkeo

  1. Cold but surviving the 13" of snow. I'm soooo grateful for owning a big pick-up.
  2. Me local Scottish Pub is serving a very very delicious brew called Double Kilt-Lifter it comes in at a mere 10.2% alcohol rating.
  3. I can't remember who made it but I was at a store one time and found a small container of Habanero Vanilla Ice Cream. It was one of the best ice creams I've ever tasted....mmmmmm.
  4. "I can't hear you over how awesomesauce I am".
  5. I am ready to go to my local Scottish pub and have a few pints....If I'm lucky they will have some Kilt Lifter still on tap.
  6. I had a GREAT time last year and I'm sure I'll be able to make it again this year. If I do I WILL be bringing some Rum from Indy. (More alcohol content)
  7. I was Callenish Gunner's Secret Santa.
  8. I'd like to thank my secret Santa for the VERY cool Pyrate coins and deck of cards.....I will get a lot of use out of them.
  9. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever get an issue of the magazine.
  10. Sounds like a blast to me!
  11. We had such a GREAT time!!!! Thanks for inviting us. We are looking forward to doing more events like this. We talked about it all the way home. I'm still trying to figure out how to upload the videos but for now here are the pictures I took: Santa Maria 09/20/2008
  12. I am sooooo ready for this event. YEAH!!!!! Extended ITLAPD!!!!!
  13. I'll know more about going to this event when it gets closer. I might take you up on the camping.
  14. Where was this festival when I lived in Wentzville? I may have to road trip this event. It's only about 4-5 hours away.
  15. Last night was dinking on the porch with my neighbor night. The only problem was I didn't have a lot of alcohol...little of this, little of that. So, the night started off with rum and mountain dew then ran out of rum. Switched to whiskey and mountain dew then ran out of whiskey. Finished the night/morning off with vodka and mountain dew. Stopped drinking around 6am when the sun was coming up.
  16. Last night I was up until 6am but I couldn't post because I was too drunk....LOL
  17. The Pirates Charles!
  18. Movie: A Prairie Home Companion Artist: Woody Harrelson Song: Bad Jokes (Feat. John C. Reilly) The blind man's seeing eye dog Pissed on the blind man's shoe The blind man said, "Here Rover, Here's a piece of beef for you." His wife said, "Don't reward him. You can't just let that pass." The blind man said, "I gotta find his mouth, so I can kick him in the ass." Chorus Bad Jokes, Lord I love them. Bad jokes, Can't get enough of 'em. Oo oo oo whee, Bad jokes for me. You got one Dusty. I got one Lefty. Let's hear it. When God created woman, He gave her not two breasts but three. When the middle one got in the way God performed surgery. Woman stood before God, With middle breast in hand. Said "What do we do, With the useless boob?" And God created man. Bad Jokes, Lord I love them. Bad jokes, Can't get enough of 'em. Oo oo oo whee, Bad jokes for me. Gramps turned 80 the other day, And everybody was there. And he was dressed up in a brand new suit, Sitting in his big lawn chair. When a beautiful young naked woman, Stood up in front of the group. She offered gramps some super sex , And he said, "I'll take the soup!" Bad Jokes, Lord I love them. Bad jokes, Can't get enough of 'em. oo oo oo whee, Bad jokes for me. You ready for another one? Yea, lay it on me. Ole went to the neighborhood dance, And he won the big door prize. Was a toilet brush, And he took it home. And the next week one of the guys, Said, "Ole, how's that toilet brush, The one you won from the neighbors?" Ole said, "Oh, it works pretty good, But I prefer toilet paper." Bad Jokes, Lord I love them. Bad jokes, Can't get enough of 'em. Oo oo oo whee, Bad jokes for me. The farmer had a champion bull, Bred 200 times a year. The farmer's wife said, "200 times! Isn't that wonderful dear? Maybe you oughta watch 'em Maybe he'll show you how." The farmer said, "He's a heck of a bull, But it wasn't all with same cow." Come on now. Bad Jokes, Lord I love them. Bad jokes, Can't get enough of 'em. Oo oo oo whee, Bad jokes for me. You gotta another one Dusty? Actually I do. You hear about the viagra shipment that got stolen? No, who they think did it? Well they don't know, But they're on the lookout for hardened criminals. You got another one? I got another one Lefty. Sven said to his friend, "O, I think my wife died." His friend said, "O, what do ya mean you think?" "Well, the sex is still the same, But the dishes are stacking up." Hey Dusty. Yea Lefty. Did you know that diarrhea was hereditary? No, I didn't. Yea, it runs in your jeans. Hey, uh, Lefty. Yea, go aheadin. Why do they call it PMS? PMS, well I don't know why? 'Cuz Mad Cow was already taken. Hey, Dusty. Yea, Lefty. What do you get when you cross Holy water with castor oil? I don't know Lefty. What do you get? A religious movement. Hey, uh, hey, Lefty. What did the elephant say to the naked man? What'd he say? "It's cute, but can you really breath through that thing?" [Come on.] Bad Jokes, Lord I love 'em. Bad jokes, Can't get enough of 'em. Oo oo oo whee, Bad jokes for me. Bad Jokes, Man I love 'em. Bad jokes, Can't get enough of 'em. Oo oo oo whee, Baaaad, Whoo jokes for meee. [Hey!]
  19. *Stands up and faces the group* Hello me name be Perkeo and I'm addicted to Pyrate movies. *Sits back down*
  20. I've gotten some pretty good ones from here: Myxertones. Just put a search for 'Pirates'. You might have to sign up for an account but it doesn't cost anything.
  21. I am a Talent! Talent: 69% Lifer: 41% Mandarin: 28%
  22. Happy B-Day Mr. Hand!
  23. Have you not heard the meaning of me flag? You know the one over there below me name. <------- It's two skeletons toasting each other with alcohol with an hour glass between them. skeletons= death toasting death hour glass= time running out Translation: Time is running out I've come to kill your alcohol!
  24. Aye, it goes along with me background story. I put a sample of it in me profile.
  25. Some pics of me at PyrateCon.
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