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lady constance

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Everything posted by lady constance

  1. Patrick!! aye-- sure to make sure me sewing meets the standards! the big questions remains, what shall i sew first? perhaps the silas be needing a new justacorp! thank you thank you thank you!! i should have spoken to you more at Pip...... although there might have been a few more concerned that i was a touching all their wearings....
  2. my eternal gratitude for all who welcomed us and found things for us to do..... to callenish and salty .......... the priveldge of holding and caring for Hamy--- { and letting me and my kids adore and wonder at his beauty and happiness--- he needs a walker-- shove pillows infront and behind him so little man can stand to his hearts content!!--i so needed to once again hold a little one!!-- promise to post that awesome little mans pics when we stole him from you both!! and callenish and salty, thank you for letting me into your hearts and lives goings on......i wish you all lived next door so me and salty could do coffee/tea and chat.... you are both in my heart , never to be forgotten and always prayed for.....if ever you are in st louis, i insist that i put you all up and treat you all as the royalty that is within you both...your hearts are wondrous to behold......thank you for taking us into your camp and hearts.......may you be blessed beyond your wildest dreams.......so i pray.. your every dream come true! mission- donot fear the depths of your being/thinking......already you, so young, knows metaphysics without really bieng aware of what it is called .... i pray you chance upon some spiritual metaphysics....... you would so enjoy it! and the enjoyment you expereince would repay you my debt to you for your kindness......you are beginning as aristotle and aquinas did.........and the kids are still regaling about baby lion stories... imagining that perhaps their lions are spirited from all the love from others who have come before them...and those who will come after....and as grace said " does he know his mission here yet? has he heard it calling to him?" { the children are rather enamored with your name} to haunting lily and edward...... thank you for your total honesty .......i baske in truth...and it frees me so! sealkie.........thank you, too, for your open heart .... letting me walk in and be content there.... cap'n jim------- depths there within thee that cannot be missed........stout hearted and kind........and without your invitation to join this, we would not have dared to dream coming...thank you for inviting us.......my eternal gratitude that flows over into eternity......... and i can write no more this night -- all choked up with emotion from the boundless love we were given, and hopefully gave a bit back.... more at a later time...... lady constance
  3. Silas will be attending with a couple of our OLDER boys.kind of a man vacation---dad and sons kind of thing---...{he is going-- i think he was happier at PiP than he was the day we got married!!~~~ of course he denies, but i KNOW that happy face of his!!} { there is No way my boss will let me go every year like this year---} so yah all better figure out how to keep ALL of them out of trouble, since i will stay home with the smaller ones.... aiy-- and i will be sending him with enough pirate garb to change it every day--- and not have to share with the rest of us!! and i will make sure that one of the boys has had more cooking lessons--- and some year, when ryan and zach are not so young, i will come down and cook to my hearts content...! and send all of you home ten pounds heavier!!! love, lady constance
  4. aiy---- te dam pirate pants /slops issue.... never, oh ever, can i be pleasing to the count....... there-o-fore---- i shall expect and demand that i will check out the collections of pirate bottom coverings......... maybe i will get it after all........
  5. how much of suntan am i gonna get from 7 am til 10 am daily???? **** some one lie to me and tell me i shall get PLENTY of tan during these hours!!!************ Many THANKS to Lily for posting a place i could see sunrise and sunset times and there will be no killin 'cept by medical personnnel..... or the ships surgeon will be very upset.......
  6. truly, you are REAL friends......... YOU JUST MADE MY LONGING TO GO EVEN W O R S E !!!!!!!!! { not sure if that makes me more grateful or a bit miffed!!} whatever shall i do to repay you all?????????? { darn my tit for tat mentaility, that everything must be repaid!} lady constance
  7. here at my house , the kids are so excited they can barely stand it-- between counting the days til christmas and pirates in paradise, the place is NUTS!--and the oldest son said he was already planning to ask off work next year-- and trying to recruit his boss to join him-- just close the shop and come!!! i stacked and readied all the pirate stuff i made, and thus far, i have sewn 30 things !!!!!! 30!!!!!!!{ and that aint including all the trial stuff out of muslin!!} { please DONOT ask about pirate pants..... i think i have extra that i could sell.........and ,i just finished a new pirate coat for the dear silas last night --- those cuffs *^^$#$@#@&*))%##@!!%$)!!!!!! Ms Diamond, please be ready to speak to me and teach me a few tricks and clear up my sewing debacles! and micheal... and patrick and capn sterling........ i can't believe all the planning and saving is paying off!!! first thing i am gonna do when i get there is tossing on the 'kini lay in the sun!!! { have to keep my wits, and sun is my therapy { please dont tell silas that sun is not really therapy....let him think i ned to come every year to this pirate in paradise sun therapy!!} I CAN'T WAIT!!!! lady constance
  8. Silas, dear, dare i post what i looked like on that boating trip we took together? and darling, if the other pirates SEE how you steer the vessel, that is THE reason you aint a captain yet...{incase you have no inkling as to why you are not captain yet!! you contortionist you! you look rather ready to fly a different kind of ship! LOL! always your willing accomplice......... your beloved (o) (o)
  9. just posting so i can see if my childrens help has made me and the count in the side bar photo... that and the count looks like he was drinking--- he's gonna hate this pic! LOL....
  10. once again, men talkin' 'bout food........ what better could there be? see you BOTH at PiP.........[ and i get to hold baby hammish dont i?} lady constance
  11. ohhhh.. been reading PC recipes..... i want to be from france-- they have the best choices of good tasting food..... that and i can wrap anything in pie pastry! and that was sooooooooooo PC.... and things fried....fritters, donuts.. et al... they would smush and combine mutitudinous good things, season it, and FRY !! i think i maybe tempted to take over the kitchen when there...
  12. greetings! as a nurse, i know well waht gastric by pass means.... did you have the reversible kind done, or the irreversible kind? as far as diet... i highly reccomend HIGH protein diet--- atkins style.... because gastric bypass patients often lose the necessary nutrients since they each much smaller frequent meals....and lose the stomachs added acids to break down food for full digestion of foods ---- sothat you get all the vitamins , minerals and essential things from your food... i reccomend: meat meat meat...veggies{ not high carb ones though} chicken , steak...and dark green, red, orange and yellow fruit and veggies... about 8 years ago, i read the atkins diet book, and felt soooooooooo betrayed by the food industry and all the lies.. all the times the food pyramid changed due to the grocers profit margins.....{ about 12 to date and they did it again!!} i never looked back......i knew truth when i saw it...now i just had to LIVE it......... i follow pretty strict atkins....and lost all the weight i wanted and keep it off....... my dear husband married me when i weighed 168 pounds.......the most i have ever weighed... i get frustrated when folks who weigh more poo poo that number.... i felt same as those who weigh/ weighed 200- 300... full of self hatred and embarrasment at my weight ..... i stillknow that feeling.... and i understand that--even though i may not look like i have any understanding of how that feels....... i weigh 123 now..........and i pray for dr atkins when i remember to....... he has my utmost gratitude..... i heard once "it aint what you are eating--- it is what is eating you"........ and that is true too.... all those feelings that must be addressed and sorted to see if there are any truths in the feelings........ a steady diet of reason and logic will keep everyones weight in acceptible range....... i would be willing to be your cheer leader, comfort and solace when yah dont feel, accepted ,loved and understood... lady constance.... who shall always be very stout of heart and mind and faith...
  13. Lady B, that bottom quote... let mercy come and wash away what i have done---- is that quoting the newer song by licoln park??????????{ awesome song by the way-- my older boys keep me awash in current music} love it regradless of where it came from.. but i would be interested in knowing....... lady constance
  14. the complete book of leather crafting...garnes { skimmed -- for the count to read} patterns for theatrical costumes, garments, trims and accessories, from ancient to 1915.... holkeboer { free patterns for manutas and justacorps and eveything else-- learned a NEW way to graph out and make patterns using radius/radial lines!! CHECK IT OUT!!---and making it easer to convert other clothing to accurate historical use.... forgiveness a philosophical exploration...griswold .... a bit grinding/serious mental munching as the footnotes on some pages are more than the actual text.. but well researched--from plato to sophocles to aristotle.. not sure if they have augustine quoted yet.... only on page 74--or is it page 47?--does NOT deal with "political/politics" forgiveneness and its meaning { that would be another whole book!!} pirate bob...lasky { ok this is for the kids--- this one and about 20 others, lots of books about bunnies and bunny stories as the 4 year old in into bunnies--feed the reading craving!} how to get a hold of your family... rev run { yes from run from dmc hip hop in the 80's}[no--aint seen the reality tv show in cable/satellite tv} (actually read in one night.. pretty good--dont take no crap from your kids, remove from them anythign that causes them to feel entitled to YOUR money for their fripperies} this is this weeks reading....... lady constance
  15. i used to have my SEC liscense to sell stock / mutual finds...( in 1985)-- on the cusp of newly created "mutual funds".... the market was ebbing, and well, mutual funds offered the opportunity to the common masses....... they HAD capital and wall street wanted it! to obtain that liscense, was, well.. and education in creative thievery/ total Amoral principles, and totally against my moral and ethical code.... i never sold a thing--- because i could not live with the searing of my conscience-- i decided to check out simply HOW and WHEN the stock market began......pre industrial revolution -- an old oak tree and a few english men needed cash to build a business..... how to get others to given them their hard earned money for their profit and perhaps get a cut of it .......... and . well, given the nature of men........ the inclinations to plunder others... to lie, cheat , steal, fudge numbers, make up expences, fees... et all...... and following the history from then til 1985.............. it would be so easy to get all depressed about the level of the depravity of mens hearts and minds and soul...... but it is easier to live my life doing the right things, sway the souls i know and are around to doing the good things, mend my ways when i discover that i have erred, and pray for the whole lot of humanity ......
  16. not to be upsetting me beloved count, but what the count FORGOT was to add that if yah are hear, ye will be fed-- not sure if ye be likin all that is set infront of yee. but if yee like it not, the powder monkeys can tell ye where to find other vittles.... of course, if ye seem me crew, either they just eat too much or i can cook..... nothin makes me feel more like a lady than serving feasts.... and if you be wanting to cook your own stuff, yee can use me kitcehn and accessories.... lady constance
  17. phantom pain---- is PRECISELY why now when a person needs an amputation of any kind, THEY DO A NERVE BLOCK-- they aim/attempt to completely make the person UNABLE to feel ANYTHING in the part of the body to be removed---- while awake and prior to surgery---- TO KEEP PHANTOM PAIN MINIMAL.... AND FOR MANY, they dont have phantom pain ever---- it felt no pain prior to removal....THUS NO PAIN after.... lady constance
  18. Was wondering if anyone here has ever tried their hand at making their own alcohol { ETOH}? our plum tree is seriously overloaded this year, and in an attempt to use the fruit without waste, i have decided and am currently brewing some home made plum wine......small scale-- got a near gallon going... i am not afraid of the chemistry... LOL..because basically yeast grows and redoubles itself every twenty minutes.... yeast eats sugar and pees out alcohol-- when all the sugar is consumed, the yeast, from swimming in its own waste, dies and you are left with alcohol-- the more sugar you feed it, the richer in alcohol content you have !!-- if yah bottle it wihtout the sugar being entirely used, you have a beverage that *sparkles*.... and i know i have alot more to learn.... kind of funny that we drink the pee of a yeast....and it is tasty{well, some more than others} so anyone got expereince? anyone have favorite recipes? anyone ever tried mead? { brewing of honey} i would like to know what your experiences have been... any recommendations...and funny stories... pax, lady constance
  19. Well, you all DO have OCD---- tis verifiable.... LOLOL!! and i am going to guess it is because that increases your chances of obtaining medications that are otherwise illegal on the streets....{ and i applaud your mighty fine efforts !!!} my OCD is sun worship {AKA sunbathing}--cannot get enough sunshine- --- so if you all can handle my OCD, then i can handle your OCD...LOL goes away thinking " WHEN will i ever stop asking DUMB questions?"- lady constance slinking away slowly
  20. Mission-- totally interesting---TOTALLY!! and what i DO wonder , is, do they sell coconut mulch GROUND into chips? salvaged as mulch from left over coconut processing---??? i bought some cocoa bean left over mulch stuff-- it takes it about 3 years to deteriorate AND for nearly 1 year it SMELLS like chocolate--- i would prefer coconut smell to chocolate---{ my kids think i am making cake or brownies--and it is the mulch outside!!LOL!!} so, Mission, do you know if they sell such a thing?{ gee--can i use you like google.com ?}.... pax, lady constance--{ now to go back ot sewing pirate shirts}
  21. ok--- how much is too much? when i asked that question at home, i got BLANK STARES from all of them like i was the odd man out---- { maybe i AM!!!??} after how many times watching POTC { all of them} is one allowed to tease their spouse/children/ family ? do i really want to KNOW an exact number? i suppose that i want assurance that OCD for POTC is acceptable... pax, lady constance
  22. today? feeling fine-- scored a HUGE 5 yard linen tablecloth at good will yesterday-- PIRATE SHIRTS galore from that baby! { WHO ever had a table that long?} while i was checking out the lady said " you know there are a few places that are a bit stained?"--and i said "yup--- make better worn look pirate shirts for my crew!"..... so now i have to decide which powder monkeys shirts i can make--- got the math to do! the math will decide! that and lots of overtime at work this weekend... just adds to the money pile for PiP festival this fall.....down side is less time with my favorite pirate/lover and powder monkeys!...... tis all in how yah look at it-- work while the money is good-- or play-- i always go for balance/moderation.... pax lady constance
  23. CONGRATULATIONS! aye, and me capn be correct....many in our crew to watch over the wee babe if ye be needin some extra hands at PiP festivities....{actually they be willing to fight for turns to hold 'im adn love the preciousness of his existance !!} as far as those who have less than nice comments, ye need to be askin 'em where do they think ye need to get permission from to be doin as ye be doin ?? whose law they think ye be breakin?--- nev'r mind that thought--- folks like that not be having much between their ears to be up to using it...... ye be not able to fix stupid.... but to ye i say, REJOICE! and CONGRATUALTIONS!! PAX, lady constance
  24. Blackbeard, ahoy fellow thriftshop hunter! look for tablecloths made out of linen to use for shirt contruction--the longer the better... and all linen can be dyed the color you want... large tablecloths can be used for garments of all kinds!!--if i see ANY linen tablecloth-- i BUY IT! stockpile knowing the projects will come!! look for wool blankets for material to use for justacorps and such... look for linen womens dresses in sizes larger{ the bigger the size, the more material you have to work with} than you are to make into sleeveless waist coat.... { the extra largeness will provide fabric you need to use } look for wool suits LARGER than you need to take in to fit better and to use extra fabric for sleeve cuffs... and vents/gore panels if you are outfitting smaller sized people, you can look for any thing that is real linen adn real wool and look carefully to see if there is enough material to cut the clothing you want out of it....smal childrens slops can be made from a womans or mans pants---- you will have to take the seams out fo the garment/ deconstruct it then recut peices into sizes needed... look for LARGE womens linen pants--- they can easily be converted into slops.....just make sure they are HUGE-- way bigger than you are, so you can cut off and peice the extra fabric into the period appropriate waist bands ..... THINK OUT SIDE THE BOX!! learn to see what you can make out of the lines of the clothing that are there.... a womans large linen dress can be cut down the middle and worked into a frock/ sleeveless justacorps...... cut off sleeves if there are any... man-- i wish i was better dowloading pics--- you could see how realtively easy it is to adjust what is there to what it can become!!!} my hubby and i have 9 kids to outift into period correct stuff--- adn good will thrift stores and ingenuity makes it easy!!!!--good luck and happy plundering the thrift stores!! PAX, lady constance
  25. Mission, actually, modern surgical instruments still have some of the very same names and some have the same functions as what you have pictured here--- the clamps that curve and have the ability to pierce and hold together we use as towel and draping clamps----{although we use them to pick up peices of fat -- fat is slippery and HARD to get ahold of and away from the field--and let me tell you, fat on the floor is slicker than bananna peels and motor oil mixed together we still have and use trocars...and sometimes you will hear them called _____scope....{ prefix choices : endo, broncho, hysto,laparo, oto,ocula} we have just made some of them flexible and they call them by latin and greek names that describe where and what they are going to look into .....{ i love them romans and greeks!!} and we STILL CAUTERIZE -- we just use electrical current to do so-- and the patient must be grounded { lovely gel pads attached to ground lead }-- where as if it were old time, the heated poker works better and needs no grounding... sometimes we laser cauterize--- there are days i hear folks ask where the smell of cooking steak is coming from---- i just can't bear to say "well, quite a bloody surgery is going on right now-- it aint dinner cooking-- it is your family member being cauterized so they dont bleed all over the place!"........... ancient medicine practices have always fascinated me and i have read up on them... it amazes me that for so long humans lost what the greeks knew for years and went back to leeches and bleeding.... infact the greeks even knew of diabetes, appendicitis and its treatment, syphilus, pancreatic and liver diseases, and seizures/epilepsy............and their treatments... anyway-- wayyyyyyyyyyyy cool medical instruments!!! glad to knowyah snagged a few beauts! bloody lady constance
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