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lady constance

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Everything posted by lady constance

  1. Lady snow..... you DO understand.... my heart reaches out to yours..... i take every patient that has the same as you tubal pregnancy or miscarriages... they need some one who has been thru the same for whatever they want or need to discuss/cry/moan .. no feeling is wrong.... there are no words, are there? we must let another rest in our hearts and arms for consolation....be whatever they need us to be for them.... thank you for your kind words.... our babies play together!!! awaiting us to join them in the eternal city--tugging at God to attend to our needs down here..{ that is wht i beleive} thank you, lady constance
  2. aye!! me bein simple minded used me birth name as me pirate name.... truly the lady part is TRULY make beleive... because in real life i do have lady like attributes{my body alone}, but mostly i am drill sargent, i cut to the chase , explainer of logic and reason to those who seemingly have little or none, take no prisoners, accept no bullshit, making others realise that THEY ARE personally responsible for their behaviour..and my assurance thatYOU will be held responsible-- no blaming accepted-- only personal responsibility here! reality enforcer! constance... not sure of meaning except constant, faithful... although i can attest ta hearing "constant pain" " constant compulsive" and even " constant pain in the arse"..... even " constantly cleaning and not paying attention to the things that really matter { true, but i am getting better!} most folks call me connie { ok the kids call me mom } if i hear my formal name, some one knows me not or i be ready to be getting a grillin... { an easy clue}
  3. Reading all these stories...... i realise my life has been covered with grace.... i can think of many moments that death could have been possible... yet it did not happen--and my immense gratitude to God .. and learning not to take anything for granted..... years ago{in nov '04}my husband and i had a still born child, Marie Elizabeth at 31 weeks.. she was perfect in every way, blue eyes...... cause--a 2 vessel umbilical cord { normally they have 3}... the stillness inside of me, where there should have been excited life ... the ultrasound i saw and knew immediately it should not be still in there-- i diagnosed it out loud before the nurses and docs could mention it..... and the process of delivering a still born was almost too much for me and my beloved husband... but moments of grace from above held us together...how there can be anguish and yet peace within the soul can only be a work of grace ..... life is precious at every age.... it can be taken away at any time for any reason, or no reason at all... we can either be raging against another Will... or we can look and see adn be grateful for all that we have currently--taking nothing for granted.... loving every moment... and facing that every moment could possibly be the last with another... do you want to be right or do you want to be loving?--what memory do you choose to leave for a legacy after you are gone? adn if it is another who dies, leave youself with the comfort of having your last words and actions be the most loving you can---- that was my eternal lesson... and i t has not been lost upon me -- not for a minute since................. i know the other side of the coin...being a recovery room nurse by trade.... how often i get called into work for a trauma case... i pray on the way to work to be what i need to be for my patients-- mercy, kindness, loving ,caring, tender... and for their life.... truly i tell you 24 years of my trade has taught me life is held together by a mere golden thread......it can be cut at any moment.. lucky are those who know it is coming and make good choices and surrender to the almighty....there is no finer place to lay but within mercy itself....facing ones self as we truly are---God already knows and loves us anyway.... the more we have done that is so dreadfully wrong{ and my life is full of that sort of stuff}, the more rights we have to His Mercy... that paradoxical reality!! He longs to be merciful... but mercy cannot be given unless it is requested-- that math equation !! asked and it is given... no end, the ocean itself is not as deep as Gods mercy for those who desire it! when i consider the mercy bestowed upon me all of my life , i am merciful to those around me.... for i should give what i myself have been given... boundless mercy and love!--- enough--- me be sayin too many words.... lady constance
  4. Lady cassandra, i shall pray! and a few chaplets of divine mercy... " oh blood and water that gushed forth from the side of Jesus as a fountain of mercy, i trust in thee !" love and prayers, lady constance
  5. me hails from btween 2 mighty rivers..mississipi and missouri rivers... me a wife-loveslave domestic goddess to me cap'n me be a part time drug pusher by trade { recovery room nurse} and mum to 10... yee reads that right.... and to make it even worst, me homeschools all of the likes... and how could i be missin me manners ??.. had ye ben to me house, i would have assaulted ye with me charitable flow of liquids... { aye, an yur gullets too} serve all ye mates long island tea... gets yur tongues a waggin.. i be then knowin what resides between yore ears...the treasures to plunder within ye .... treasure that can be plundered without pain on yore parts... me be quite the talkin kind... me be quite the listenin kind.... and when yee be needin some counsel , me gives it freely i 'ave bin readin aplenty... likes all that i sees... the lot of yur kind enchants me.... though i intends to cast a spell of me own thank yee for the warm welcome enjoy the tea me mateys....tis bottomless at me house... lady constance
  6. salutations! aye, once was of aristocratic stock, but me fall from grace has perhaps brought out the better wit'in me....the glory of grace.. be it never endin'.... found it in me captain...a true pirate--he took if from me... aye, but me was awillin it too! been flying under him for years... and got the little ones to prove it... feelin i do b'long 'ere got the boats in the back land all the deck sqaubs needed{ be needin to tie a few to mast occasionally}{and few ready t' feed to the sea beasts occasionally} nothin like a frolick and hoistin' wit yur matey....in all life tosses yur way lady constance dare me spill me thinkin and knowin who me cap'n is? me more the likes of torture of mind i can hold over the rest... bewars. me cap'n abounds the likes of these parts....
  7. aye ,thee be not hiding from the countess surely... the wench that flies under ye laughs... can i tease thee? how about count thee progeny... how about count the "o's"... lady constance
  8. if the captain i fly under { quite literally and metaphorically , OH how i FLY} has already mapped us out, need i be doin' the like? benot wantin to confound the rest... lady constance
  9. Katherine, YES! all of this information helps tremendously...!!!-- i have to say that i prefer a more period accurate garment... because history is involved and the more learning the better....! { the kids learn, i learn, the husband learns...could it be any better?} i think too, it gives opportunity to think critically about what life would have been like in those days... actually it causes gratitude for all the blessing we take for granted with modern life.... my family gets all excited about the fun of piracy, til i serve them period approprite food....... so-- would the 2 pieces of rectangular fabric be more historically accurate?.... or would that be dependant upon what class of people i would be representing....{ i would prefer to think i came from a bit of aristocratic stock, fell in love with a pirate and my life changed for the better since i would know about the high life but live the real life of love with my man as my captain--we would import from our different worlds to eachother ---the finest we had to offer --LOL} i HAVE read quite a few history books on fashion/garments for the period and am searching for a few art/painting books of the era for ideas about clothing.... i believe i am wanting something in between holly wood and history.....but if see it, i can sew it!!! all i need is a picture to do the reconstructing the garment in my head and taking it to fabric.... then there enters in the type of fabric used back then.... finding some thing that resembles it... the majority of the problem that i run into alot ,is that my husband desires the sexy look of the pirate wench... which is not really a problem... is a pirate wench even historically accurate? ... or did they just call them whores ??? which i would think i could then choose to dress myself any way i please, taking into account fashion at the time.... and never have i heard of steel boning??? nor reed boning... suppose i will google it... my thanks and appreciation for your answers and guidance... i be needin to make a d'cision... pax, lady constance
  10. __ got 2 questions.... 1.has anyone ever tried to take a store bought lace( or other wise} bustier and simply cover it with fabric? that way the boning is already inserted and if the bustier fits you, it goes pretty quick..... you can use the iron on stiffening that is double sided and then simply sew it all together with bias tape on the edges..... actually i have quite a bit of luck finding clothing at good will, opening seams and adjusting things... my kids arethe best costumed !!! LOL!! and the husband..... 2. can some one reccommend a skirt pattern? i have bought a pattern or two from vogue that are ladies under garments and was planning to use them for skirts.....just going to modify the waist and grommet it in the back { or front} lady constance, wife of the magnificent bob, mother to many
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