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Cap'n Coyote

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Everything posted by Cap'n Coyote

  1. Cheers, Mate! An' many more years o' plunder t' ya!
  2. That's just beautiful. *wipes tear away* um..oh...Arrr! Damn powder smoke! That reminds me a lot of the 'Master of the House' number in Les Miserables. And Plunkett & Macleane. And a whole bunch of other stuff. You say the whole play's like that? Tres Groovy.
  3. Thanks, Hawkyns. That's really interesting. I'll try and track those down. Unless you can recommend something as good or better. Used to be pretty fair at geometry. Hmmm. Where's the best place to mount a swivel on a Mercury Sable?
  4. Ditto. To all of it.
  5. Aye, I'll grant ye all that...but I wield sarcasm better than me cutlass, an' if ye be sayin' "Do you feel lucky?" wi' sarcasm, all the rest just ain't necessary. 'tis self-evident.
  6. I believe th' correct term be 'Vampyrate'.
  7. Welcome back Rae, an' congrats on th' weddin'. Check out the 'Pirate-y Language' thread in Rabble Rousing. That'll get ye started, at least. Ye may also want ta plunder th' 'Captain Twill' forum an' see if anyone else 'as brought it up.
  8. Does anyone else get this image?: Some unfortunate would-be pirate, stapled to the bulkhead with hot brass screws, and Gary standing in front of him saying "Do you feel lucky, punk?"
  9. Or at least for Meet the Feebles. Remember: Hell hath no fury like a hippo with a machine gun.
  10. Royaliste, Is there an address that contributions can be sent to? If I were to pay to get out there, I wouldn't have enough left to contribute! I've heard enough WWII stories from my family about fires on water, and would love to help the cause. CC
  11. Wow. Sure ya' weren't expectin' that one; but ye prevailed, an' yer richer fer th' experience. Glad yer back in th' pub, Lass. Great tale!
  12. Ah, yes. That's the set where the corvette is up on blocks and the dream home is a double-wide. That 'un's reeel pop'lar here in th' hollers. ummm, coastie? It'd be kinda hard convincin' her that the 80's are extinct, since I can't get out of 'em myself. What can I say? Them's my formative years. *goes off to watch Knight Rider*
  13. Cap'n William. Take a look at this link, it's got a nice breakdown of cannon size, range, etc. Cannon and Carronades
  14. Stynky, Excalibur Leather has Captain Sparrow's leather tricorn now.
  15. Hmmm. What I was looking for I guess was a fill-in-the-blank answer. Something along the lines of “I have a barquentine. She’s a ______-rigged vessel.” But I see where that would be kind of hard to do. I just kind of put a peg down at random to start learning about the different terms and ships; you know, starting to sort them out according to some kind of classification. Perhaps it would be better to pick a single type of ship, and totally deconstruct it, then move on to another and note the similarities and differences. Or maybe I’ll have a neural shunt installed and cram it in Matrix-style. :angry: Thanks to all of you for the feedback. I do appreciate your patience with the swabbie/newbie stuff.
  16. I hope she does grow out of the Barbi phase soon.... My wee wench is just getting into Barbie. We managed to avoid the Barney phase by explaining extinction to her, but there's no getting away from the Evil Pink. :angry: she's everywhere
  17. *drags soapbox to middle of floor* What is the purpose of Hollywood? To entertain. How do they measure their success? In revenue. Why is it that every year, the movies that make millions upon millions of dollars are ignored, while 'important' and 'artsy' films take home all of the shiny statues? *crickets* Wolfy, you're right. Baz was ripped off. I was really ticked off when Andy Serkis didn't even receive a nomination for Gollum/Smeagol in Two Towers. To date it has made 920 million dollars worldwide (that's by itself, without the first one), but it gets Best Sound and Best Visual Effects. Thpppt! What hypocrites! BTW: PotC has made 566 million dollars to date. *jumps off soapbox, orders a rum for parched throat* Hey, I work at a theater, too. I'm into this stuff.
  18. Old computer tech joke: Have you heard about the programmer's wife? She's still a virgin, but every night he sits on the edge of the bed and tells her how wonderful it's going to be. Ye do have some right purty stuff there. I may be sendin' some doubloons yer way as soon as I get some more plunderin' done.
  19. Would a barquentine be considered a square-rigged or a gaff-rigged vessel? It's got both, but two masts are gaff-rigged, and one square-rigged. Just curious if it's a 'Majority rule' when it comes to classification, or if it's classified according to what's on the fore-mast. Thanks.
  20. Th' Chumbucket Echoes the zombie aspect of undead pirates, but is kind of a funny word, to indicate that it's just for kicks. Or is that WAAYY too deep? Yarrr!
  21. An' it works th' other way as well... Arrr! What pirate c'n resist a long-legged wench in a pair o' tight, form-fittin' boots? Especially if that be th' whole of th' outfit. Much boardin' ensues. Seriously, though. This echoes a thread (in Captain Twill?) about accuracy vs. fun. The great thing about historical hobbies is that you can emphasize either option. Pirates have attitude, and a good-looking pair of boots makes you swagger despite yourself!
  22. Actually, I be about an hour's drive...er...sail from Cinci. I be docked in Lexington fer the time bein'. Unfortunately, me vessel be scuttled wi' a faulty transmission. Nice to have another wayward pirate soul in KY, tho'.
  23. Ahoy, John Young (and any others who may have an opinion). Which, if any, of these RPG's have you found to be most authentic in terms of accurately depicting the equipment, conditions, and general lifestyle of our favorite Golden Age?
  24. Oh...my...god. I swear, Weaver...ya must 'ave a pentagram wi' a smiley face in it in yer livin' room where ya be receivin' th' faxes from th' funnier demons in Hell.
  25. Course, we be more than willin' ta get our 'ands dirty, an' we usually go 'round armed. Let the bastards try an' take us down. "Some people fear the night because the rules of the day do not apply." Old magazine ad...appropriately enough, it was Bacardi's Dark Rum. :)
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