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Everything posted by MadL

  1. *peers from the darkened corner in the rear of the pub* 'Legend' says ye...the Real thing says I!! Why ye best be warned to call legend what ye not yet seen eye-t'-eye in the fog of night! Heed the warn fer the Flying Dutchman tis no trif to be scorn. Anyways, Welcome ta the pub Captain Falkenberg, but beware the soup this night fer it too could be the death of ye....
  2. G'day to ye Rage Dragonbane, once from the southwest! Hope it the shakin ocean swells not what be driv'n off t' the frozen beyond?! Around har we just call it Dizzyland 'E ticket' ride (er, maybe twas that Bond feller demanding he's rum 'shaken, not stirred')
  3. Where might one be in finding of silken neck wear? I pilfered me self a nice large bit o' silk from Canada what makes a good head cover for t' keep me hat clean but can not find smaller bits what fer t' tie around me neck. ' I was think'n sumth'n like the piece Mr. Moon wears in 'Yellow Beard'; small, black, not bulky. Or what else might a pirate tie around the neck for t' fend off the night's chill wind? An' where might one find a good choice of rag for ta make sash with? I see lots of Jack Sparrow sash about, an' I see lots of modern cloth about, but where be the Hemp, Linen, Silk, and 100% Cotton types, preferably long enough fer two times around me wide rum filled waist?
  4. *Mad L's dream: Off in another pub, in another sea, Mad L battles an awful lot; blagards, scoundrels, and scalawags, they be...oh, and scantly clad female pirates too. Horrible fight it is, but as usual Mad L triumphs again in piss'n off them tardy-gaited giglets. Hoot'n and holler'n as he run amok and turns their party upside down....fer some day he will teach them biscuit eaters what for ta make some DECENT period 3D pirate outfits instead of them skimpy Halloween type costumes, he will! * *wakes frum th' dream* A ship aye, I can find a ship... *sneaks out th' door in search o' a ship* Git'way ye mangy flea bag...Go..Shooo!
  5. Hoist'n Me Colors High! I claim this post in th' name o' Mad L, scourge o'...er...uh...well, at least five o' the seven seas, he be! Oh, and don't ye mind me first mate thar, she be of this strange ide'r that it be good fortune what t' let the booty bask in th' sun after a good take she does. But fret ye not fer I make sure what t' follow th' forum rules and ensure she be fully cover'd, ye see, I have me second mate up in the crow's nest with musket loaded and cock'd and me canon master be at the canon ready t' fire, so covered she be no mat'r what foe may be stalk'n about! They not be a call'n me 'Mad L' fer nuthin now....
  6. er...t'hide our real arm?? ye mean's ye don't just cut that one off like a real pirate?!
  7. And ye gave it back?!!? What kind o' pirate are ye????
  8. Hurricane Rum Drinking 101: Step one: Face into the wind Step two: Open mouth, close ye eyes Step three: Hold tankard at arm's length and tip toward face slowly Step four: Once tankard is empty, fall down
  9. *Mad L, in defiance, stomps to a nearby table and mutter* It sure be look'n like some one's uncle's eye they be...they did! Barkeep! Mo'r Rum!! *begins to think how to make amends fer bring'n Jezzy a mangy bilge wharf cat inst'd o' her uncle....*
  10. Aye aye! ....I was sure a get'n mighty sea sick I was
  11. Good t'meet ye Count de Monet! (oh, I sure hope he sticks to simple add'n and subtact'n, them multiply'n tables sure gives me a right head ache they does...)
  12. Automobile accidents...cursed he who thought them beasties up!! In the 70's me first vehicle was a beautiful 1961 Triumph 350 motorcycle. When I returned from the Corps I needed wheels, my father had this one with only 9k mile and not ridden since 1961 or 2. Engine frozen from sitting in the garage none use so long, but I spent the better of the next few weeks tearing it down complete, and learning first time all the way, and then rebuilt it and for the first time in over a decade I brought that engine to roar! Oh it was a happy day when I kicked that engine over, and I became the hit of the town, even had a motorcycle cop follow me into a parking lot once...scared the heck outta me (what'd I do? what's I do?!), he just wanted to know if I would sell it.. Well, me and that bike rode fer the next year or so, turning heads everywhere...until one day, along around 1978 or 79, I was headed to some mates for a leisure day and outta no where a primer'd color Mustang drove right through a red light in front of me! I was doing around 45~50mph I would say, never had chance to even hit the break, I hit that Mustang broadside at near freeway speed, and I wore No Helmet either... I remember the sudden stop of me prized girl between me legs, and I remember my face zooming straight at a face in the rear passenger seat of that Mustang, a blank look he had, young Hispanic fellow, for a split second we stared eye to eye then I realized my day was about to end so I put me head down fer I knew that glass was going to hurt and Hurt Bad!! Everything went black.... Next I knew I was rolling up onto the corner on the opposite side of the intersection....alive...I rose to me feet with strangers rushing and telling me to sit back down - No! Where is my bike?! I turned and saw her still spinning on her foot peg just before her engine died...I tried to get to her but my legs were not none too steady and people where pulling on me....I looked down, my pants where spit open from hip to knee...but I still stood, I was alive...I didn't hit the Mustang with me noggin??? I looked around - That Blag'ard Had Fled!!! Well, after some months of therapy I healed, but me bike, I never could get her to run again. Latter when I joined the service a man came to me, offered me $2K and told me he had an antique bike/car museum and she would be well looked after....I sold my beautiful motorcycle and headed off into the Army... Accidents can indeed make you stop and think.... Again around 1993 or so, returned to civey life, purchased a brand new min-truck, just made my last and final payment and twas awaitin fer the pink to arrive...just put brand new tiers on her too, after three years of drivin her. I was headed to work one morning, heading up the freeway as I always do and sticking to the right line so I may exit two more ramps down as I always do.....Suddenly, my truck, she be steerin sorta funny now..? I tried to turn the wheel...just a tad, not to change lanes but just to see....but nothing....how odd? Now let me say, I take good care of my vehicles, never let minor things turn to major, so I knew something wasn't right, I knew something was amiss! I tried to speed up, but there was now 'Umph'...I tried to slow down, and she wasn't havin none of that...?? Then suddenly she began to turn to the right....but her movement continued to go straight!??! Now I KNEW something was no right on this morning, now I KNEW something was happening and I had to figure it out fast - fer that be a good 20 foot drop off the edge of that freeway!! It was most likely only about a quarter of a mile or less that all this took place, that was when I looked in me rear view mirror, first just wanting to get a look at surroundin traffic so's I know who to avoid as I figure out what to do next, when then I saw it....I saw....NOTHING...??? I saw....Silver, and Shiny??? I looked me other two mirros, same thing??? Now what's this I remember asking me self?? Then I saw again - It was the grill of a Eighteen Wheeler!!! She was shoving me down the freeway!??! Now fer what I would now say to be about the next half mile I began to realize that she either did Not Know I was stuck to his truck's nose, or he was a Mad Man and it was my life he was after!! -- just a reminder, remember that new head line back about 1992 or so when a trucker in California went insane and crashed several cars, fer pleasure or what not...and remember that stolen tank in California, also ran over several cars.... Well, at least twice I remember giving up and turning loose the wheel, sayin to me self "This is it, life has been a blast but this is how it will end fer sure", but then I chose to be damned if it would and again I struggled with the wheel and gas to try and break free - and break free I finally did - NOT GOOD! NOT GOOD! Fer now I be in a mad spin!! At least 5, 7, or 8 times around I would say, again I tried to stop the spin (I know how, I 'play' on mud and ice a lot, I know how!) but she wasn't respondin, she just kept spin'n round and round, again I let go of the wheel and give up, again I take the wheel and say to me self "BLAST YE, OBEY ME NOW!", I saw the center medium coming, just a short thing, I would surely go over and on into oncoming traffic or worse flip end to end with the speed I was moving...then *WHAM - BAM*....I stopped? It was over... Turned out one car, one stupid other driver opted not to stop and watch like all the others, but instead he raced his little car, he raced it right up the center curb in hopes to pass me...said he was late for work...but he wasn't fast enough, instead of passing me he became wedged between me and the center divider, he became my break and kept me from going over or from being flipped end to end... Again, a few months of therapy and I was healed, but my little red truck was destroyed, the bed nearly ripped off and crushed up higher then the cab it was, the cab itself was said to be 2 or 3 inches shorter in length, and the chassis was a bent where chassis' are not meant to bend. My little red truck went to the junk yard....and the pink slip came in the mail just 5 days later.... Yup, automobile accidents will make you think...about what was, what could have been, and what might have been. But I suppose we should think more about what is....eh? Perhaps some other day I can tell of the man who fell from a plane and hit me head broadside, both of us doing a bout 125mph....or the time me parachute did not open, at 13,000 feet (and yes, these be True)
  13. That was the idea mate to dumb it dow. . . . uh. . . . to make it simple for even those blokes which don't know their letters yet. I has lett'rs! I has lots o' lett'rs, me mum writes me quite oft'n she does! er, and is not that Big Bear Lake in that thar California rather then Ne'ada?
  14. *MadL emerges from the smoke an' fire, carry'n a mangy cat that be a fight'n an' a scratchin* Ahrrr, this dn't be lookin like a uncle Bill it dn't! Harken Jezzy lass! Thar be men trapp'd down below thar is! MORE WATER! O'ER HERE! MORE WATER!! *MadL beg'ns ta drop trow...* Ahrrr! N't Enough Rum, N't Enough Rum!! MORE WATER! O'ER HERE! MORE WATER!!
  15. *Mad L snaps outta his fanciful daze and hastens out fer a look see* Fret not Jezzy lass, thar be movement down thar, men me thinks, some o' yer crew perhaps!? *Mad L, a known risk taker and one who laughs in the face of the devil 'emself, runs into the smoke and vanishes inta the flames*
  16. Ahrrr! So thar be the West Coast dogs!! 'Nuthr check'n in har!! T'gether we can takes a whole army of Elizabethans, I says we can!!! ....er, an Elizabethan, that thar be a curvy curvy lass, right???
  17. Tis ne'er too late nor too early ta be wishin a Happy Birthday...especially if it be get'n the keg a flow'n again! Happy birthday
  18. Nice ta meet ye Black Anne. Tea eh? I knows a man what drinks the tea....Roberts I thinks he's called, nice lad he be, needs to duck around cannon balls however. ...wonder how mcdrago and Jezzy be gettin 'long wit that barbie? All this ale be mak'n me a might hungry now!
  19. hmmm, bit o' an old thread perhaps, but I not see that anyone has taken to the task of solving the puzzle: "Why was the tricorn hat shaped the way they are"? Not sure it be true but read somewhere that it was more a choice of convenience. The way I heard it be that the cocked tricorne came about when large wigs became fashionable on the gents. Fer ye see the tricorn did not fit too very well o'er them big fuzzy wigs but as no proper gent would be wit'out he's hat they took ta carry'in them under thar arms, thus it became easier to do so ifin the brim be folded o'er and that be bring'in about the various shapes of the Tricorn as we be know'n them today. Well, that least be what I read on some parchment somewhar...
  20. Aye, This A Wonderful Tale Indeed!! an' wit the new world ripe fer the pick'n, it'wont be 'alf bad neither
  21. The wench looked good ta me, good ta me She look'd like Pyrate Annie after Nine Coronas.... errr, now whar'd that come fr'm? Thar be a banshee on winds t'night thar be!
  22. *snif snif* That be a hell'va halibut roast me smells?? hmm, must be bout supper time...
  23. eh? So then when ye says 'dress be a metter of comfort' ye still meanin 'dress' as in dress then ye be? So must be either the garb or the civies....k ...supposin be bet'er ta be stoned wit some clothes on then wit'not *Markin Me Wall! Gonna learnt sumtin I will!!*
  24. Good ta meet Silkie McDonough! 'an why not anoth'r round it be! :Another Drink All Round It Be!: mcdrago, Jezzy The Butcher; Aye them flyboys be a odd lot indeed, why ye knows they even stay IN them birds when they come down?? they gots some much more nerve then this har bird, dn't mind them taken me up but then js't shows me th' plank fer I can come down on me own just fine thankye!!!
  25. *falls off kegger, obviously had fallen asleep* Uh? Eh? Wench On Th' Table!! Aye, now this th' way to wake up, brew in hand and dancin pirates!! Hay, congrats on ye promotion thar Jezzy! *nuh? coulda swern thar be tiny faerie sized pyrates run'in round har..? musta been th ale...*
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