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Everything posted by MadL

  1. That be lit'le Bo Popett on deck, see her shepherd's crook...er hook
  2. Ahrrrr, this har be a little diddy I whipped up fer ta put me little grandlasses ta bed with. Thought I be share'n them har too fer any others with little bilge rats which don't go down easy Now it be told that these be some of the Real story, not them store bought ones which be watered down, but the real rum o' the story. I hear from reliable sources that the original copies be found hidden inside a teddy bear of which be pulled from Davey Jone's Locker, right from old Blackbeard's own cabin!! So kiddies, send yer parents ta the hold and lock'em in chains fer now be yer time ta party on deck! Now pull up a fluffy pilla and poor yerself some warm milk n' grog then click the link: Mad L's Nursery Rhymes - the True stories be told the file be 3.8meg in size so dialup users may have ta wait fer it ta load, and turn on yer speakers oh, an set yer browser fer Full Screen: click VIEW then Full Screen ta do so... (note: me site be limited to just one gig per month, so if'in ye have little ones then ye be obliged ta save the swf file from yer cache to yer hard drive for re-play)
  3. No, th' Queen she has put a ban on runnin' wit' cutlasses she has. Nah a single death by blade o' cutlass since. However I did hear that ole Jim th' tailor was runnin' wit' scissors when he tripped on a cannon ball 'n did die.
  4. Happy Easter One An' All!!! ...now ta go find all them eggs before they spoil. One would think if'n them rabbits be layin so many they would at least stick 'round and sit on them!!
  5. Them be some might fine eggs indeed! But with them jagged shells I bet the momma bird be glad fer ta be rid of them! Oh, and Happy Easter ta ye all!! ...now off ta check me rabbit traps. darn bloody critters be leavin their eggs everywhere this time o' year. don't even stick around fer ta sit on them they don't!
  6. Aye, pretty birds indeed! I gives up on the feathered beasts for I once brought back a fine lesser sulfur crested cockatoo from Germany with me, once in the States she chose she liked it so much she flew away!! So then I found me a nice miniature type macaw, named him Frodo I did, he was a fine bloke....for about two year, then he too took out to seek Samantha an' make port without me..... Darn bloody birds! As a youth I had a might fine cockatiel, fine lad he was, went by the name o' Ringo. Ringo would follow me everywhere, meet me at the door when I come home, he never try to fly away. But one day, whilst at the Pomona county fair (me folks was fair people an' had set camp at the local park there) it twas the very day he first learn ta speak him name aloud! I was a proud young lad that day, we had just set in the go-cart prepair'n ta go inside when ta me surprise he Spoke!! Then just moments later a mangy trailer cat come out of no where and snatched Ringo right off me knee!! I chased that flea bag beast thought the lot til I could hear Ringo's cry's no more....an' Ringo was gone. Darn bloody cats! Nay, no more birds fer me.... Now Godzilla (above), he be liken the local cats much, he would just love the day he can get close enough ta one for which ta Catch'em....in his jaws! (me thinks perhaps Godzilla seeks revenge fer the cockatiel he never knew)
  7. Aye, but I had hoped fer a pair to wear this year. An' I do not know about the "EXACTLY" part ye mention fer ye not be seeing what I calls a 'stitch in time'. Tis true enough I once got in trouble whilst in the Army fer sowin on me own 8th Infantry Path Finders patch, got in trouble I did not fer bein' sloppy but fer bein' so neat they thought it surely 'glued' on. Why the stitches was so well concealed an' the patch laid so flat with no edge curl that they was convinced it could not be thread. But when the Sargent he tried to 'blow' that thar patch off, it dang nar blew the entire sleeve right off!! But alas, days of late as I stated me time be limited fer such pleasures. Five day a week I am up before the sun an' hit'in the road fer work, I do not return until well after the sun has set beyond Dead Man's ridge. Currently I be only contracted by these Cor-pirates an' they now have tasked me with some courses to pass before end of year (contract) to choose if they keep me er not, so I be much with me face in a book er a CD ROM durin me spare times. True I do not have much of the time I once had fer such pleasures, fer also I be prep'in fer to move as well an' have much to put into trunks and sacks, an I still be seekin port fer which to sail to at that. So fer now I not be in a situation fer ta layin out cloth and patterns then sit and stitch it all together, even time taken ta attend fair an' gatherin takes away from important duties such a have before me now....but then 'all work and no play' make Mad L a very unpleasant beast fer ta be near now, right? ....hmmm, I wrotes to Ghostforge but have not heard back, perhaps I give them a call this next week. Again even that be a chore fer I got no access to personal phone while in the laboratory and cell phones do not work inside. Hopefully their noon time is in a different zone then mine, fer that makes phone calls at least feasible...
  8. Aye, now I will not get lost no more fer I be on the map! er, now if'in I can just remember where I parked me ship...
  9. Aye, welcome ta the pub Lady. *ftinging* BULLSEYE! ahrrr, pesty mosquitas...
  10. I see ye have seven, but where be the other eleven??
  11. The military took away me first name an' only left me with me last name: Madl Spoken like a model ship in a bottle. But since most can not figure that out they just call me Mad L. Tis a German name, me family was so notorious the whole county rallied together and ran them out. They settled in Kansas, USA where once again their reputation got the best o' them and now we be scattered across the continent. So best ye beware for ye never may know when ye may cross paths with a Mad L! Before the military stripped me o' me first name I be called: Jeffery So I guess that makes me a God. BOW DOWN ER BE KEEL HAULED!
  12. I knew this guy last year, he just died mildly. .....we're still waiting for him to take his last breath and shut up about it!
  13. The pictures are a bit old for he be about 9 or 10 years old now: Godzilla's Web page Photo Album An' ifn he behaves then he may live ta see another year too: Bad Dog! Bad!! Ahrrrr, one o' these days I be teachin the crazy bird ta sit on me shoulder proper....one o' these days
  14. Died like a man (i.e. lead poisoning from a bullet) hmmm, perhaps I should be thinkin bout having this thing removed soon....
  15. 'mail-order brides'?? Ye mean likes in 'snail-mail'?? Why didn't pirates have Internet access on them ships??? Ye be pullin our legs now Why without Internet access then just how ye explain them be gettin all that exotic rum and weaponry?? Aye, I had season 1 and 2 a couple year ago but could not find season 3 until last fall when they did the whole thing into a single set. But now I suppose ye be tellin us they not have DVD players on their ships either, eh? Perhaps 8-tracks and lava lamps?
  16. Mmmm, crab omelette! With them lit'le cheese squares too?? How bout fer the next episode we go with Oyster Rockefeller, or perhaps shark stake on a pike!!! ....now I'm hungry, and I just ate!
  17. errrrr, I reads the whole bloody offer but see not where they mention what be on the menu?? Some o' us pirate be havin delicate stomachs an' can nay be eatin just any ol' thing just t' hop in bed with a couple o' wenches!! What be on this 'breakfast' menu???
  18. Thankye Kathyrn Ramsey, but I checked and the Flying Canoe has no flights in me direction I just checked with Kass and she say they be booked for the whole year so now I am lookin into GhostForge. Fer shoes I just dropped a note to Loyalist Arms, I have dealt with them before and they are nice folk.
  19. Only if we can Push A Penny so I can gets me boots back after and what be this about 'no dragons'??? I think ye be beatin ta a different drum once Barbossa Leather git me my new baldric, Iron Bess
  20. Slow an' Gen'le? Nawww, mor like Wham Bam thankye Ma'm, now kindly be a giv'n back me dagger an' pistol balls....
  21. Then gimme back me shirt! It be cold out here!
  22. Aye! I will walk their plank any day!! (but I really hate landing inside them things!)
  23. dye them? I wants ta Kill'em!!! The pair I have how where a light brown shade, I soaked in a weak vat o' black dye, then hung in the sun fer a week, then rinsed, then back in the sun, then dragged through the dirt (cleaned a wood fence while I was at it) then hung in the rain a few days, rinsed, and back in the sun fer a week. Now they don't look new no more. But the legs still lace fer there be button holes on both sides Thanks, I will call them both and see what they says. Question about measurements people ask fer: When they ask fer 'Inseam', do they want to know how far measuring from where the legs come together without testicals, or do they want from where me boys hang then down then to the cuff??
  24. Ok, now that me first 'bad experience' in Pirate Shopping online is over (well, second, but who's counting). I am on the hunt once again for a pair of: brown Linen Knee Breeches I want to have them custom made so they fit me right, I prefer brass buttons but pewter is fine as I can at least sew button (don't much know if I do it right but when I sticks'em they tends ta stay Stuck!), I would prefer Buckles on the leg cuffs, and I suppose I will go with French button instead of Drop Front fer I be told that Drop Front taint PC, besides, I now have a pair of drop front with lace up legs and No buckle (NOT what I ordered but at least I can cover me bum fer now). So, now I am wonder'n just where ta go? The wool ones I just returned I was told "We dont line linen for linen stretches and continues to stretch and that is why no one lines linen"; but the one I has, with the laced legs, is 'lined', and the one who tells me this has "Linen - cotton lined" in their catalog? So why would they say they don't line linen? From the ones I have and the wool ones I returned I would think lined would be bett'r fer they look sturdier? Don't know if 'lined' is PC or not but if I can I think I would prefer them lined. I know of Jas Townsend, I have some non-clothing stuff from them and they are always nice but are theirs 'lined'? I have been to that Canoo trader place but not heard of anyone who had purchased there, nor if they are lined? I have seen the ctraders site but they show no photos, but do mighty fine drawings....does the ink run on theirs much? I have been recommended to Ghostforge but they appear to only do Drop Front (First Base!). Any thoughts, suggestions, experiances....? I am looking for a brown linen, or even a brown and ?? mix that will look well once faded and weathered. Me frock is kind of a molted medium brown and weathered look, me shirt be white, me hat be black, me boots be black (as will be me shoes once I get to them as well), me baldric is weathered brown and custom tooled (thanks Barbossa Leather!) and a one of a kind.
  25. Aye, I know of www.firemountaingems.com, me folks had been in the rubber stamp business doing trade shows fer the past several yar, known as StampWorks they were, until recent when they sold it and went into retirement. Me mother, bless here heart, enjoyed doing much paper craft and playin' with beads an' such. She still get the FireMountain catalog too. I do not recall seein' any bone bead there however, and I know they have no shell with holes large enough fer me leather....unless they have added new since last summer....?
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