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Everything posted by MadL

  1. Well, that would depend; How drunk is he, 'n is there any Rum left over?
  2. Welcome 't th' pub Doc! I be haven a RUM, 'n Lots o' it!! My Break! RACK'EM UP!!
  3. Aye, 'n Jamaica Rose just tells us that those go'n t' LORE what naught have a DDs can hang around after th' rum tasting 'n if there be enough t' go 'round we can trade them them in for a DDs. Steak and BJ with a DDs!!! Now THAT's a mouthful all 'round for Valentines Day!
  4. MadL

    2009 L.O.R.E.

    Aye indeed! Tis nice t' after a good rum taste t' ride home on a pair o' luvly DDs! So if we only bring a CC then, we can hang around after 'n trade her in fer a DD?!!? ...but what I am naught clear on here; what be th' tricky part? Do them corsets really make it that hard t' tell?
  5. Women aboard ship be Bad Luck....I'm go'n sea till it all blows over, hold me mail! (uh, we still call it 'mail', right? :angry: )
  6. Already started here on th' West Coast but th' HISTORY Channel be doing a feature on TATTOOS! Ok, so they not spoken o' pirates, nor even English sailors in particular, but they have found an Ice age man with tattoos and an ancient Peruvian woman who was covered in tattoos. It be quite interesting so ye may want t' check yer local guide. They even talking about "Sewn In Tattoos" and the example they show used a sailor's type needle (sure hope a gail don't pick up!)
  7. I like th' ones I got from Black Bear Historical Clothing. My first pair where Drop Front but I made th' mistake of trying to request a pair with leg cuffs cut for buckles, some how they did not understand and made them 'lace up' (no buttons at all), but the color was right and th' fit was fine. Recently I got me a pair o' their button front, but did not try t' have them alter anything (would still like t' have buckles thou). Their prices are fair, th' pants are built t' last, fully lined inside! Ye can choose yer colors and material (both mine are all linen). However I do not really like their choice o' pewter buttons so I ordered some bass ones, then stripped th' coating with turpentine, hung them over some ammonia overnight, then laid them on a rag soaked in white vinegar another night, then hung them over th' ammonia for a third night, now they are about 100 years old and having sailed all seven seas! (but I stole a couple fancy buttons off some rich governor after I killed him and I display them on me pant legs) Oh, and Black Bear Historical Clothing's turn around times have been fairly quick as well....but I hear they do have off times depending on th' season.
  8. M.A.d'Dogge; did ye 'add a stitch gradually' as th' bottle began t' grow? I was just reading about needle hitching over an uneven surfface and they say ye need t' either 'add' or 'remove' a hitch as th' surfface grows or shrinks. Could we see th' bottom, how ye finished it off? I have a store bought one where they used some kind of round Turk's tie t' anchor th' lines. What method did ye go for? I just finished un-tieing my first attempt at a monkey fist....actually about me 10th try, I have trouble when it comes t' tightening it, always seem t' get stuck with a few somewhere in th' middle that just will not cinch down and I get lost finding which ones they connect to. Ye know, a handle like that, braided down int' a triple braided line with a monkey fist on each end - A Pirate Bola Look Out Sea Kangaroos!!! ::Aye, I said 'Sea Kangaroos', I seen one I did, a whole school o' them!::
  9. Ahhh, B. D. Cooper, I always want'd t' get out t' Illinois for th' World Freefall Convention where a civilian can actually jump for a 747 jet! They issue every first timer a "DB Cooper Number"!! In th' older days (I say 'older' for 1990s as 'olden' pre-dates me; one old timer I learned much from made he's first jump in 1963, I was just 2year old then!) skydivers once prided themselves on their 'numbers', th' lower th' number indicated just how long ye had been at any particular 'style' or maneuver. These days th' kiddies in th' sport try t' hide from numbers. Already they have talked th' USPA into abandoning many of the mile markers we once used to tell if a new comer was able to join us or not....it has lead to some rather dangerous situations as well. We once knew that if a newbie showed up without he's Double Eagle or even his Star Crest then he could obviously NOT join us in an 8-way RW jump or a 10-way Speed Star.....the young'uns say that spending th' $10 and $15 fee t' qualify their jump for the award was "too expensive"....now they just lie in their log books and say "see, I got it logged, my drunken friends all signed me book around th' camp fire just last night!" then they go up and flounder like fish outt'a water and hurt someone..... Aye, and even coaching has become big business these days, they charge large amounts of money for "camps" rather then let coaches do freelance one-on-ones and gradually bring a newbie up t' speed with skill and confidence - just grab their money and herd them through like cattle, hope some survive t' tell about it.....
  10. Aye Joe Pyrate, I have many o' their tutorials as well a I have been spending time at Knot Heads World Wide where I found Louie Barrtos, author of "Making a Sailor's Traditional Ditty Bag and Sea Bag", be an active member in their forums. btw, I just got his book, very nice with great detail and explanations, of course it does not cover GAoP for as explained elsewhere his research appears t' conclude that actual 'ditty bags' did not occur until After th' GAoP period....still waiting for his explanation on th' Sailor Barrels that he did find however, but his description o' seams and stitches could well work with making of my next Market Wallet, also I plan t' make me a ditty bag for th' practice as well. Anyone have any good resources for Decorative Knot Supplies? Even throughout th' knot forums I have been browsing it appears t' be quite difficult t' find good twine that is not of modern material, I have a good source for hemp but they 'polish' it smooth, American Rope has some FANTASTIC tarred marlin but at a price of course and the fine stuff they only sell in hanks. Anyone know of a good place in the USA (to avoid them VAT taxes) t' find some 2 ply and 3 ply twine of jute, hemp, or even linen? I want t' do some small hitch work to some handles but the stuff I have is too large. Also any good resources for sailor needles of all sizes and shapes, I managed t' get some #14 and #17 but still need some both smaller and larger....I am finding some but mostly places what prefer t' deal with not with small purchasing individuals. I did find this like through Knot Heads World Wide: Rope Werehouse but they do not have online purchase set up, need to call them next week and find out more but they are setting up this fantastic collection of twine, rope, and tools just for the knot heads out there who be interested in decorative knots! Oh, also; Captain Skinner: I wanted t' ask, when tackling a bottle with Grafting, who do ye judge how long t' make yer Fillers? I have "The Arts of the Sailor" and "The Marlinespike Sailor" now and they give explanation of th' work itself but they do not go into any 'preparation' or even discuss how ye would finish off th' work when doing something such as a bottle? So also, how do ye finish off th' work on th' bottom - th' books assume only a straight poll or handle where one would cover th' ends of th' graft with a Turk's head....
  11. So true, so true....'n yet so sad. But then again, I suppose that be too what lead some t' piracy 'n other life o' crime on land. From that very fact where borne such stories such as Robin Hood and also th' drive o' many other such as Scarecrow and th' modern film Crow as well. I think actually what brought that whole statement t' me mind was when reading about some current events (just recently and within th' past 6 years now) of military soldiers what abandon their post upon th' current stage in effect, even ones what voluntarily join then upon completion of training they get their first duty orders then run away with such attitude of "hey, I just want th' pay, not th' responsibility..." kinda like this whole new philosophy that if kids in grade school get into fights then they must be mentally disordered so they need t' be pumped full o' controlling drugs t' make them behave....heck, when I was a kid and came home with a black eye me da said "I hope ye gave th' other guy TWO black eyes!?". One even when I was a young lad and was jumped by a gang on me way home (around th' age o' 8 I'd say), I took a good beating (heck, it twas 6 against 1!) when th' local police came, after taking th' report they gave me and me folks information on a local martial arts class, said a young man need t' learn t' stand up t' such bullies....heck, by t'days standards them officers would be stripped o' their badge for insighting such 'Stand Up For Yerself' behavior. Also playgrounds where covered in sand, not rubber, slides where made of steel, not plastic, parks had things t' climb on near two story tall, not kept close t' ground so we wouldn't "fall and hurt ourself"....we played Tug-O-War, not tug-o-peace, and ONLY ONE TEAM walked away th' winner, th' loosing team simply learned a lesson o' life and learn'd they need t' practice more. Heck, times a changing, today I suppose if someone commits murder then we should just take them out for a cup o' tea 'n a beagle and ask them "So Johnny, what made ye do it, is there something we can do t' make ye feel better 'bout yer self?" cynical ye says Michaelsbagley, I posted this not with cynical intent but with Rage in eye....
  12. 'ello, 'ello Zatara, so ye found th' pub with all th' stink'n pirates now have ye? A frock coat t' keep warm...why I be sure some o' us can can lend a hand if none o' them tailor types can help.... *squeaky voice* ...uh, might that be a dagger at me groin 'er ye just happy t' see me now??? Mission; I hope ye lads tied a good stern bowline t' them sloops in th' bay there, else at least chalk'd them tiers well so they don't roll all!
  13. The Military channel be do'n a FANTASTIC show on H.A.L.O.s!!!! They be following a class o' cadets from beginning t' graduation - them b@ stards be SO LUCKY; The Best of The Best of The Best!!! ....they air'n it AGAIN!!! ....hmm, wonder if this should have gone in th' Air Pirates forum gotta few minutes o' me own air time posted on th' PhotoBucket site: Mad L's "WILD WEEK END" video (got another 6 hour+ o' uncut video too....wish I coulda been a H.A.L.O.)
  14. Uh Oh! Look Out, Rumba Rue's dancing rainbow PC crayolas are do'n a war dance!!!! ....what I want's t' know is; Since When does 'PC' stand for 'politically correct'?? We pirates been 'round FAR LONGER then them 'PC b @ stards' and PC has always stood fer 'Piratically Correct' ever since Grace O’Malley told Elizabeth t' go F* herself....'n I naught be speak'n o' no Swan here!!!
  15. Careful what he say there Patrick, I hear th' White House be due for a new coat soon..... ...must be one o' them new 'job making' proposals.
  16. hmmm, but might she be naked when she does that jig now? That would sober me up in a might hurry....else get something Up early in th' morn it would Aye, th' world she be fall'n apart she be, lily livered pansies what think they can truly make this earth some kind o' haven with just a smile, think they can stop all crime and ugliness by tying a pink ribbon round everyone's neck, think take'n guns away from all law abiding citizens will stop crime, ones what actually believe there was once a "Wild West" with no knowledge that it really be th' East Cost what was truly wild for out East they had a ban on guns so only th' 'bad guys' had them, out West th' 'bad guys' where promptly put down and vanquished (from an article citing th' US Census Bureau comparing the number of 'deaths by gun' in East vs West during th' 1800s) Aye, when people ask me why I would dress as a "ruthless, murderous pirate" and "glorify such people" I can only tell them that "Aye, I do know there were some really bad pirates, but there also be another side, a side what not be written about. There be th' Free Men, those who where turned t' piracy out of sheer desperation t' survive where only those born int' a 'good life' could truly survive. There where those who fled t' th' sea after being sentenced t' hang merely for stealing a loaf o' bread t' feed he's starving family and children; and why where he's family starving, well because th' corrupt governments o' th' time took all he's hard earned coin, said th' taxes where t' run th' community and t' help people...while actually all th' collected taxes do where stuff further th' bellies of royalty and corrupt governors - Let Them Eat Cake - may have been spoken by just one such ruler, but was th' unspoken philosophy o' many then as it be o' many today. Still others turn'd t' piracy for after working their hands t' th' bone they one day realized just who be profiting from all their labors - it was not them! And th' list can go on regarding several o' them ruthless killers and thieves who did not turn t' piracy simply because they where some mentally unstable criminal but rather out o' shear desperation t' survive in a PC world gone mad, one what did not truly care a bilge rat's arse 'bout them or their fellow man, one where Government's Motto was Take all ye can, Give nuth'n back!." So, what does all that have t' do with th' PC madness o' today and th' ridicules re-writing of an age old traditional song t' appease th' wacked out over-liberal PC-Gestapo of today? Well, it be for th' fact that th' greedy and uncaring rulers of yesterday could not have risen t' power, could not have gotten away with what they did had it not been for th' mindless, brainwashed vermin of the lower society who fell victim t' them and supported them and 'policed' th' lower ranks of society with their vial PC philosophies and demands; unknowingly in all regards actually supporting the vary things and ideals they hated most. Aye; disarm th' "common man" and only th' criminals will have arms - during th' 1800s bank robbers flourished in th' Eastern Colonies where only they and government appointed 'law officials' had guns; but when they attempted t' Go West, they were promptly put down for out west they were greeted by entire towns that Every Citizen was armed and would not tolerate such folly. Aye, when bank robbers came t' th' so-called "Wild West" they found entire saloons of common citizens drinking and celebrating after a hard day's work, but when th' robbers pulled their pistols - th' entire saloon pulled theirs!
  17. bu'..bu'...'e has a blo-y English accent, just read it yer self 'n ye will hears it ye will! Oh Blo-y 'Ell!, bet it was them bloom'n Frenchies what wro'e it then...
  18. It be all in th' tongue mate...all in th' tongue!
  19. And now for something Completely Different - A Message from John Cleese; To the citizens of the United States of America: In light of your failure to nominate competent candidates for President of the USA and thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (except Kansas, which she does not fancy). Your new prime minister, Gordon Brown, will appoint a governor for America without the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed. To aid in the transition to a British Crown Colony, the following rules are introduced with immediate effect: You should look up 'revocation' in the Oxford English Dictionary. 1. Then look up aluminum, and check the pronunciation guide. You will be amazed at just how wrongly you have been pronouncing it. 2. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as 'favour' and 'neighbour.' Likewise, you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping half the letters, and the suffix ­ize will be replaced by the suffix ­ise. Generally, you will be expected to raise your vocabulary to acceptable levels. (look up ‘vocabulary'). 3. Using the same twenty­seven words interspersed with filler noises such as 'like' and 'you know' is an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication. There is no such thing as US English. We will let Microsoft know on your behalf. The Microsoft spell­checker will be adjusted to take account of the reinstated letter 'u' and the elimination of ­ize. You will re­learn your original national anthem, God Save The Queen. 4. July 4th will no longer be celebrated as a holiday. 5. You will learn to resolve personal issues without using guns, lawyers, or therapists. The fact that you need so many lawyers and therapists shows that you're not adult enough to be independent. Guns should only be handled by adults. If you're not adult enough to sort things out without suing someone or speaking to a therapist then you're not grown up enough to handle a gun. 6. Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to own or carry anything more dangerous than a vegetable peeler. A permit will be required if you wish to carry a vegetable peeler in public. 7. All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and this is for your own good. When we show you European cars, you will understand what we mean. 8. All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts, and you will start driving on the left with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go metric with immediate effect and without the benefit of conversion tables. Both roundabouts and metrication will help you understand the British sense of humor. 9. The Former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which you have been calling gasoline) ­­roughly $10 per US gallon. Get used to it. 10. You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call French fries are not real chips, and those things you insist on calling potato chips are properly called crisps. Real chips are thick cut, fried in animal fat, and dressed not with catsup but with vinegar. 11. The cold tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not actually beer at all. Henceforth, only proper British Bitter will be referred to as beer, and European brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred to as Lager. South African beer is also acceptable as they are pound for pound the greatest sporting nation on earth and it can only be due to the beer. They are also part of British Commonwealth ­see what it did for them. 12. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as good guys. Hollywood will also be required to cast English actors to play English characters. Watching Andie McDowell attempt English dialogue in Four Weddings and a Funeral was an experience akin to having one's ears removed with a cheese grater. 13. You will cease playing American football. There is only one kind of proper football; you call it soccer. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play rugby (which has some similarities to American football, but does not involve stopping for a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body armour like a bunch of nancies). Don't try Rugby ­­the South Africans and Kiwis will thrash you, like they regularly thrash us. 14. Further, you will stop playing baseball. It is not reasonable to host an event called the World Series for a game which is not played outside of America . Since only 2.1% of you are aware that there is a world beyond your borders, your error is understandable. You will learn cricket, and we will let you face the South Africans first to take the sting out of their deliveries. 15. You must tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us mad. 16. An official from Her Majesty's Inland Revenue (i.e., tax collector) will be with you shortly t o ensure the collection of all monies due (backdated to 1776). Until these are paid, there will be no representative government in the USA , in line with the policy: 'No representation without taxation'. 17. Daily Tea Time begins promptly at 4 PM with proper cups and saucers (never mugs), and with high quality biscuits (cookies) and cakes; Strawberries in season. 18. Some tea has gone missing ­­and we expect it back. We'll be searching Boston first. God save the Queen. ::NO, Go F * Th' Queen!!!::
  20. I object to all this sex on the telly. I mean, I keep falling off!
  21. Anyone have any good leads t' offer for those o' us seeking good Leather, raw hide, I be speaking 'Vegetable Tanned Leather" mates? I know some o' th' populars such as: Eleather, Standing Bear's Trading Post, Springfield Leather (got some scraps there once), Tandy Leather Factory. But most have very limited selection of Vegetable Tanned leather and most carry mostly full sides what can get rather expensive if ye only be wanting t' make a pouch or dagger sheath. Currently what I be seeking is a scrap (for at this time I can NOT afford a full side) of Vegetable Tanned 7oz no less then 28 inches by 6 inch. I seek ONLY Vegetable tanned for I intend t' boil it (part of a hardening treatment) and shape it and maybe even a little tooling - Oil of other tan will NOT work! Preferably un-dyed as well (th' color may run and make a mess)
  22. but, Oderlesseye! He Cut OFF Yer Beard Mate!!!! Aye, Tiger Lee does indeed do grand work, I too got one for each o' me daughters and one for me mum...kept one for meself even Best Wishes t' Tiger Lee....'n all ye best take care o' he'm or there WILL be 'ell t' pay me ye!!!! Do naught make us come down there, we will rain Fire 'n Brimstone upon ye!!!!!
  23. YESSSSSSsssss! We Wants T' See 'Em!!!! All Female Pirates, LET'S SEE THEM NOW!! POST THEM PICS!!! WHOYA!!! (post Happy Dance here!) Here be me Leather Tudor Rose Tankard. Recovered from th' Mary Rose in 1545, she has been in me family ever since. Solid leather 'n pitch lined inside, several times repaired with bee's wax. I drink from her, drop her, loose her, find her, repair her, drink from her, drop her, repair her, drink from her some more. After a good coat o' bee's wax EVERYTHING taste so GOOD from her lips! ....psst, do naught tell anyone but it really be me grand da what sank poor Mary Rose; When th' capt'n told he'm t' "Go Aloft" he thought th' capt'n said 'aloof', so while down in th' bilge he came across what he thought t' be a bung t' a mighty large rum keg, so he pulled it out...th' rest be history....
  24. I Volunteer T' Be Th' Bounded Man!!!! ...see, I be already mostly tied up too ::(practicing me knot tying)....anyone got some scissors??::
  25. So how many bottles o' rum does it take t' change a light bulb anyway? I have gone through a entire case now 'n that darn bulb still has not even began t' unscrew.... (now if only th' pole dancers at th' Booby Bar would learn t' slow down like that! )
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