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Everything posted by MadL

  1. "Holly Cripe Capt'n!! We Be Hit'n Zero t' Warp Speed 5 Nano Secs!!" Holy Sh%$... they've gone to plaid! Ye mean they be Scottish Killer Clowns From Outer Space?!!?? It's Worse Then I Thought!!!
  2. BELAY THIS BILGE! Let a real manly man adress these lassies' confusion: Because he tis naught really a man at all...else he was unix'd Now lassy, for that ye will need t' speak over with yer mum, they would toss me in jail if'n I even attempt t' answer. ....SHE TOLD ME SHE WAS 18!!! That aint no man! Have ye naught heard th' story 'bout a woman who dressed as a man?? That NOT be a 'man' indeed, that be a unic fer sure!! 'new approach' POSH says I! 'strictly platonic' BILGE says I!! Th' old way be th' Only way! Grab th' wench by her hair 'n toss her in bed! In th' morn be sure ye be miles out t' sea! ....or....perhaps he be French?? BILGE RUBUSH!! Th' only menopause us men have be when we pass'd out 'n that only last t' th' morn...sometimes naught even that long.. NONSENSE!! That be what kill'n is fer! Noth'n compliments a man nor make he'm 'feel good' then add'n another notch t' he's pistol, 'er wipe'n another man's innards from he's blade....or open' a fresh bottle o' rum...or take'n another ship...or lay'n entwined with 10 strumpets while open' a fresh bottble o' rum with he's blade what be drip'n with he's foe's innards while sail'n on ship he just took Ahhhh, Tis Grand T' Be A Pirate!
  3. Aye, I too have Gandalf th' Grey statue 'n Gandalf th' White on Shadowfax, both currently in storage for pre-emtive move, but I can attest that SlideShow does very fine detail - just P.O.ed they wait'd so long t' release this one...oh, I also have their Blackbeard articulated one...th' detail on their statues be 100% greater then any of th' articulated ones.
  4. Ah, good t' hear she's get'n better! Tell her naught t' hurt herself with none o' them 'drugs', she just needs more o' that Grog!
  5. Hold on now! I thought we was talk'n sew'n, with needles 'n thread?? Personally I like mine bright eye'd; short ones, tall ones, I like 'em all. ....break 'em with heavier wools
  6. Aye Mary Diamond, I have done that in th' past as well when sewing cloth with regular thread, actually I even used that when I did me Market Wallet so I was able t' go all way round with just one piece. But I find this hemp and marlin twine t' be rougher and as I am hitching 'fancy knots' on a hard surface rather then going through soft cloth it somehow made me think the friction may have a bad effect in the end, especially as I want a real tight hitch....good thing I reconsidered too! As it turns out, this hemp sail twine UNRAVELS on the 'loose' side o' th' eye (take a look at it in th' photo at the above link!) Capt'n Sterling; after I thought on it a while I think I see th' advantage of your 'basic" t' which Silkie speaks, however naught for this 'knotting' project as it be single line sew'n; but I still wonder - what kind of needle are ye using...for cloth now, not th' sailor's needle I am using here, for them what I have do naught have Eyes large enough t' pass a double line o' thread through!
  7. "Holly Cripe Capt'n!! We Be Hit'n Zero t' Warp Speed 5 Nano Secs!!"
  8. Hey, they got Bedrooms, with Walk in Closets! 'n Shower Curtains, 'n loofahs too! But I think th' water in their bathroom drink'n fountain has gone a might stale, could use some rum t' freshen it up....why would anyone need a drink'n fountain in th' bathroom anyway
  9. I think what Capt'n Sterling said, I think knots would also make it tough with Needle Hitching as ye would have troubles gett'n some o' them knots t' fit through small hitching and it would toss th' pattern off and be noticeable, especially when using large oversized line since I am not using modern thin stuff like some of the knotting sites use (mostly various synthetic lines). Here is what I got so far, I am getting a system down that has greatly reduced th' twisting I was experiencing last night; I find th' biggest enemy it t' pull th' line through 'loose', keeping tension on it at all times really helps a lot: 'Work In Progress' photo over in Captian Twill forum Thanks everyone for th' suggestions, they all have help emensily!
  10. Ok, now I have th' Needle Hitch down...probably not 'perfectly' straight they lay, but hey it tis me first attempt. I saw th' bamboo needle cases at FrayedKnots sight (only he use small sized synthetic line) so I went t' me local canyon 'n cut me own self some bamboo shoots (hey, only "Natural Fauna" be protected - bamboo NOT be 'natural' for it twas brought t' Southern California...but don't tell th' rangers where I got it!!). I am using 5-ply 100% hemp sail twine, started with a Constrictor knot and wrapped a few more time as I will top both ends with a Turk's Head then began th' Needle Hitch'n. I think I will only go a bit further with Needle Hitch then switch t' a French Hitch, maybe a center Turk's head too, have not decided yet Then I have t' figure out th' Star Knot t' top off th' cork and fix a lanyard t' it. It houses me sail needles up t' 5inch, still got room enough fer a tiny fid (fer tiny knots fer tiny wenches ). Th' glover's palm just be an old Navy surplus I found, but it works (not really using it for this project, but it looked cool) This line is not tarred, but I got a pint o' Stockholm com'n so I am gonna tar it when I am done. Also read somewhere that sailors use'd t' keep a wad o' hemp fiber (or other such fiber) inside what would be soaked in oil t' keep th' needles from rusting, they would wipe th' needles down before return'n them t' storage for needles in th' GAoP were expensive...somewhat like today with our new economy
  11. Also I forgot t' add; not sure if ye be a Veteran or not? If so then check with yer local Vet Rep (NOT th' EDD) for funds t' training...again not sure of your career path, but for me such a 'lul' is a perfect opportunity t' see about upgrading/updating any certs ye carry. Right now they, at least here, are all on top of taking care o' Veterans...them just coming out have it SWEET where school support is concerned, but right now there are new bills and funds for even those of us all th' way back t' Vietnam and beyond, Take Advantage Of It! Of course they will not pay for ye to go after a degree or even an update t' any degree ye may hold, BUT they will pay for 'Adult Classes' in a vast arena o' skills including business classes and classes for starting yer own business! Better then sitting around and worrying, get out, meet people, learn somthing ye been want'n to but didn't have time t' - Unemployment tis not forever, unless ye let it be
  12. Thanks everyone, looks like I have been doing just what everyone suggests even Michaelsbagley's wetting of th' line and dropping of th' needle - only I am using a much longer length, me own mum always told me t' work with a piece "arms length" but in this case as it is 4-ply hemp and I am needle hitching it around a small bamboo tube, I didn't want knots in all around my in hitch work, I am shooting for one full, solid hitch...not sure if three full arm lengths are necessary, maybe two would do but this is me first attempt at such so I didn't want t' fall short with only an inch t' go... I'll keep un-twist'n it as I go then, and be more careful as I pass th' needle through as well, I had not been thinking about that, but it is a 'curve ended' sail needle so I think that should help t' reduce such a twisting action....but maybe not, I did start this last night while partake'n in a wee night cap
  13. Ok, not really a "Thieves Market" item but not really sure if this should go t' Capt'n Twill either This is a question for those who have experience with needle 'n thread: When working with LONG threads, how do ye avoid 'twists'? I mean, I an needle stitching a bamboo needle case and using 4-ply hemp. Th' length I cut from th' ball be 3+ times me arm's length as notes state "always cut longer for it is better then coming up short" - I have also read of sailors 'pulling long length' when sewing in period...but th' issue I am running int' is that this long length tends to 'Twist' sorely as I pull it though. As I said I am using 4-ply hemp sail twine with a sailor's needle, but is there a secret to minimize th' twine from twisting as I draw it through each hitch??
  14. Well, I be no broker...but ye may want ' avoid Exxon
  15. Aye mate, t'day naught be a time t' loose yer head. Honestly, I have now been in th' very position ye describe now not once but this be me third time now - "Quote" But this was one of the few jobs that I've ever had that I really loved." Th' first time was rough, I felt really down, really really down, t' this very day I still blast them 'suits' what took that company down after th' original owner died....best damn company ever it twas, but them damn suits destroyed it in less then two year time! But then I found another (but not until after a couple crap jobs), then (without long description) it too ended and they laid us all off in 1999...I found me self at Eathlink Internet think'n it t' be just a stepping stone job but instead moved th' ladder like lightning and felt "this be home again" - great company, wonderful people, me crapy $10 per hour pay had even almost tippled in less then one year time, full benefits, I was happy again and aiming for even more - then *BAM* - 2003 struck and Sky Dayton sold th' company t' more blaggard suits who tossed it all 'over seas' 'n laid us all off. I wandered a couple more year, went back t' school, through a couple more p*ss arse jobs, then landed at Xerox...found a GREAT group there - honest workers they be! Friendly, cared about customers and company well being...welcomed me with open arms they did, like family they soon became...and still are fer that matter...but, times changed again, as ye said 'things were getting bad fast'....our corporate financial head got invited onto our new president's "civilian council"...she came back last October from their very first meeting with him (before he even took office) and (in not so many words) said "2009 is going to be CRAP for everyone!" and announced that they must lay off 3,000 people world wide, No new contracts, Hiring Freeze across the board....I was on a three long year contract with expect t' become perminante last month when me contract ended, so did me supervisor and me co-workers...but alas - Hiring Freeze meant 'hiring freeze'. Me supervisor parlayed all he could but t' no avail....now I too be in th' same shoes ye speak....yet again. Now I not be 52, I only be 48, so our positions not be that much different really....but mate - We WILL prevail, our lives not be over yet, why? Because We ARE what America be made of, we ARE what America WILL be made of. We may have t' change our view somewhat, but NEVER dismiss our values mind ye! We may have t' tighten our belts a bit t' wait th' storm, but in th' end, we Will prevail - we will find our place in th' market 'n once again have a job we can say "Honey, I am going t' work" (then do all that mushy kissy face crap 'n head fer th' door with smile on our face). Aye mate, I feel for them what be experiencing this fer th' first time, that I really do, for that 'first time' feeling not be that far off that I too can not recall it....But Buckle Up Make! We be Americans! We Can Survive! We Can Make It Again!....also we be pirates, and that be better yet!
  16. Holly CARP Man!! Take me back t' 'YER' 1960!!!! I was born in 1961 'n Capt'n Kangaroo 'n Howdy Doody wern't NUTH'n like that!!!! Grow'n up in th' 60's we didn't even have Elvira! We had Semore 'n th' Wall O' Slim (sp?? I can not even find him anymore!), it wasn't even until th' 70's that we had TRON!!! Are sure now it twasn't that brown acid ye be remember'n now? .....ahhh, now I was too young for even that but I still remember it (see'n as how we recreated it at Cal Jam 'n then again at Cal Jam II ), heck, even in th' 70's th' best they could do twas "Song Remains The Same" (ahhh, them good 'ol days) - sorry t' th' wee welps if'in we be speak'n over yer heads now, but with a statement like that ye would be say'n that "Star Wars" 'n "Jaws" had better FX then POT 4???? There be yer first mistake mate - 'Disney' has Nothing t' do with history. Disney is history, Disney makes history. Just look at Jack he'm self now, he be a character who's make'n spans across several histories all roll'd int' one; th' cut o' his vest, his drop front breeches, his dreads (now where'd them come from?!?), he's wiskers, he's hat, even down t' he's bucket boots - come now, ye expect 'history' when all them pirates be wear'n bucket boots?! Ye needs t' sit back, let go o' reality, enjoy life, enjoy th' show....it be 'Disney' naught 'Nation Geographic' fer cry'n out loud!! Think 'Yellowbeard' but with different actors - think 'Shrek' but with real actors that naught be drawn. Now do naught tell me ye gonna start in on "Beauty and the Beast" as not be'n period enough fer ye? 'n what about "Hunchback of Notradame", ye gonna say what a flog that be as it did not follow enough 'history' t' catch yer fantasy?? Aye, I too expected someth'n different after see'n them very first addies fer POTC that were air'd on TV....but after see'n th' first and realizing that it was indeed a 'Disney' movie and that it twas based around Pirates of the Caribbean, the Ride, then I was able t' sit back 'n enjoy th' ride....like watch'n a show 'bout Little Red Riddinghood, like watch'n th' movie Brothers Grimm...they be fantasy, done within a budget, for pure enjoyment, NONE where ever meant in intention t' be a Learn'n Experiance or t' Educate th' masses in history...for that ye must keep on waiting....heck, look at National Geographic's "Blackbeard - Terror At Sea"; He was flying Jack Rackham's flag fer cry'n out loud! Can't National Geo even get that right?!?! Heck, I just wish them powers t' be would stop there bicker'n 'n get on with American McGee's version o' Alice - now THAT would be a movie t' behold! Bring On American McGee's ALICE! Bring On American McGee's ALICE! Bring On American McGee's ALICE! ....ye know Jack Sparrow run's int' Alice in POTC 5 now do ye not?? He does, I saw it in a rum dream...rum dreams Never lie!
  17. MadL

    Rum Samples

    I stumble'd upon this wee mix one time when I had a bad cold, tried it again after I was better and it Still tasted GRAND! Tis a wonderful concoction on a cold rainy (or snowy) night in front o' a rage'n fire (but then again, that tis what they make wenches for ) Th' glorious fumes from this concoction tis also quite sooth'n t' inhale while too hot t' sip, great t' clear them sinuses when in battle with a cold, warms ye t' toes on a cold night when he be feel'n fine!
  18. Nay, axes will not stop them! Cold cream will not expose them! Must bring Sox, Dirty Sox! Th' smellier th' better they say! ...they need them for t' fuel their tiny Clown Ships! but beware th' Sock Gnomes, th' Sock Gnomes 'n th' Killer Clown Pirates from Outer Space have been at war fer many a generation now, each try'n t' claim control over th' Great Socky Way in space!! ...I think they both be Asian
  19. Cream Pie Cannons! Seltzer Water Flintlocks! Cotton Candy shooting Blunderbuss'! Size 34 Bucket Boots! Tiny bathtub ships that carry Dozens o' them!! KILLER CLOWN PIRATES FROM OUTER SPACE!!
  20. Aye, Hurricane is correct. I have dealt with many an 'art forum' and 'gallery' for many years now and they are all th' same if ye look into their TOS (Terms of Service), in there somewhere is something stating that anything ye post they will have full right to. Much of it does indeed stem from various issues such as Red-Handed Jill points out (thou others not as grim). I have watched as many communities have literally come'd unglued when someone brings such 'clauses in terms' up front for everyone t' read, watched as dozens upon dozens run off saying "I will never post here again" or "I will be seeking legal assistance if they use my stuff"....but as Hurricane says, they own th' playground and ye brought yer toys through th' gate. I have yet t' hear o' anyone loosing their lively hood over it thou, mostly it is th' server/service owner seeking t' cover their own arses in case something bizarre breaks out some day. I have hear many an argument over 'Fair Use' and other such laws, I have heard many people complain when they find out that their images are being used by others as 'Wallpaper' on personal computers when th' "poster" only gave permission for "personal use only" (But if ye put it on yer computer screen and someone looks over yer shoulder then ye are making it "public viewable"...seriously, someone actually stated that!) The only legal advise t' completely and 100% cover yer own self: If ye do not wants others to have it, Don't Post It! Hey, how else are th' lawyers gonna stay fed? for that matter, I have found people bundling me own wallpaper images with their various 'theme' packages and claiming me own image as their own, back 1999 I made a screen saver (stupid little thing at that) called "Halloween99 Scream Saver", somehow PC World and a couple ISPs picked up on it and PC World even proclaimed it "Editor's Pick" and posted it over on their site - but gave credit to Someone Else...apparently th' person they them selves had acquired it from, despite me contacting them and showing there that embedded in the opening screen was MY Name and My E-Mail addy they still refused t' change their written credits. About a year later I got a hate mail from someone stating that I had 'hacked into' their friend's Windows Theme and changed their name and addy with that of mine (it also had the URL to me Earthlink personal pages) - despite my explaining that it was indeed 'their friend' who had stolen My work the idiot continued for some time t' threaten me with legal action - Ya, right, knock yer self out!
  21. Black Syren, I am set'n up a Tar Kin in me kitchen now: Pine Tar Kin diagram - kitchen size So I will have a fresh batch o' this: White Pine Tar Cough Syrup for ye when ye gets outta recovery - Do NOT let Mission be given ye none o' he's snake oils now, ye be need'n only th' best!
  22. I wish I was near Florida! I can beat a duck, even with full gear on I could, been chased by many 'n naught a one catch me...well, a wee yellow one once came neigh but as I told he'm "neigh only count in horse shoes!" Here be a tip for all ye pirates partake'n in th' Duck Race - have yer self a pocket full o' corn seed, just before th' blunderbuss be fired empty it all out on th' ground, then run like heck!! Best o' luck with yer event, wish I could be there!
  23. I dunno now, why last time one o' them Rev types came t' visit me in hospital he began t' pass he's hand across he's face then suddenly let out a blood curdling holler, began t' toss buckets o' holly water at me (nearly drown me he did) then he took t' swat'n me with a bundle o' burn'n sage weed while jump'n round like a mad man...next thing I knew he had out he's dagger 'n twas tell'n th' others he had t' "cut th' demon outta me"!! I do naught know what he had in store next, I jump'd outta th' winder 'n kept on run'n, ne'er look'd back!!! ...I think he may have been one o' Mission's medical students he was, he had that 'wild-eye' look he did!! Do naught worry Black Syren, Mad L will watch o'er ye, if that saw bone take t' cut'n on th' wrong limb or pull out one o' them voodoo dolls - I will shoots he'm where he stands!! Then we will gets ye down t' New Orleans 'n find ye a proper doctor!
  24. Aye, if they make a fourth, and stick t' th' same theme with Jack as th' main character then it would be another box office hit...provided they do not go too far out with fantasy; no steam ships, no flying machines, and if they put creatures in it then they will have t' be Very careful t' choose only period ones and make them convincing (perhaps sirens, a low key sea serpent perhaps...but not much more...perhaps a mythological being what guards th' fountain o' youth at most, and then do not play too much on that throughout th' show). But if they can not get Depp back t' play Johnny then they would certainly have t' create a entire New character, a entire New plot and setting; then perhaps they would have t' draw more from true history. I think th' only problems they had with POTC 1,2&3 where hard core historians, those what thought Disney was do'n a National Geo film o' sorts; they went int' th' movie expect'n t' see Blackbeard, Calico Jack, Capt'n Avery 'n such. But them likes would have never even gone if they knew all characters where made up, them types, for th' most part, have no interest in "Treasure Planet", them types have blasted Cutthroat Island, Nate & Hayes, perhaps even Swashbuckler 'n Yellowbeard all for not being 'historically accurate enough' - - hopefully they never see Tom & Jerry's pirate toon or Scooby Doo's pirate engagement for they would surely rip them apart as well, 'n I likes them! True it be that 'fantasy' in th' days o' lore twas Sirens, Krakens, enchanted islands, cyclops', 'n such; today 'fantasy' (to th' mass' at least) be Jack Sparrow, Hobbits, 'n Capt'n Barbossa! ....perhaps Jack could run int' Bilbo Baggins! Jack on he's way t' th' Fountain o' Youth while Bilbo with th' elves on their way t' Grey Havens...A NEW chapter fer Bilbo Baggins, the Pirate!
  25. While searching for more tarred rope resources I ran across this site, she does not say 'what kind' of rope she uses, nor does she show th' soles to really see if they are all rope or not, but I wrote her and asked if she can tell and if she would consider making any out of hemp or tarred hemp. They look like the Gurkee's from page 1 of this thread but her site claims "she learned to make them from a friend": Iguana Wear Rope Sandals and then I ran across this one if anyone wants to try their hand as figuring out the weave to make your own. Some of the links to patterns are broken but the first and second pattern links still work (the second gives some details a seasoned weaver may be able to figure out): Hemp, Straw, or Rice weaved sandals
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