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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Arrr! I know what this lad be askin' Shanty Claws fer this X-Mas!
  2. Aye! That be a fyne site fer me sore eye.
  3. I didn't hear about that...shows how out o' touch I be these days. That sucks...I'll ask around and see if there's anythin' I kin do. Oop! Wait a minute...just checked the Tiburon Cafe...didn't Talesofthesevenseas post this on the 12th? Is there new developments? I'll do what I can ter help smooth things over if it be needin' smoothin'. -Redd
  4. Oh...one more thing....I might....MIGHT just be at Faire next year....wit me own booth. It be only in the "hey...that's a neat idea!" phase...but we'll see how things progress! (Current "life issues" not withstanding) Arrr!
  5. Well...as many oh ye folk might know...Redd be havin' family yonder way o' the Nor Cal Ren Faire at Casa de Fruta...he even be designin' t-shirts fer the faire (It be the one with the dragon and the faire logo on it! Thar be one weekend left, mates...support the cause!) Redd and his wife went out thar this weekend ter get away from the mess which seems to have invaded both our lives...and it was a pleasant escape fer once...let me tell ye. I even met with a kindly, white-bearded gent who be runnin' a "pirates' supply" booth called "The Pirates Cove"...Ye kin visit his website HERE. Tell him "An Overstreet" sent ye, and mention the Pyracy Pub...he be very interested in meetin' all o' ye! Fer those o' ye faire folk in the California area...and those who be curious as to how well this particular faire be doing (after shaking off the oppressive yolk of the RenFaire Co. in NY)...the answer be: "Quite Well...considerin' it be the first year away from RenCo." Aww heck...I'll let me uncle Steve speak fer himself...here be a review he wrote, and I be proud ter share: Dear shire folk, I m proud of the efforts and the accomplishments that have kept our village together. Attendance started out about like it was last year and has grown each weekend. I'm seeing more people coming back for another visit. Though we are by no means, out of the woods yet, our progress is substantial and I am convinced that we have a living, viable Renaissance Faire on our hands. The layout is much improved. people are wandering and discovering rather than being pushed through the shire like a bran muffin through the descending colon. As I walk the faire, I see a happy village. That's the kind of village our patrons are paying for (and paying they are--no comp tickets were given out). I see a village where people are beginning to test the limits again without fear of being slapped down by a corporate culture overly concerned with the moral issues of those who were never our core audience anyway. I see a breeding ground for foolishness(*NOTE: That be a GOOD thing. - From Redd). I see a faire that doesn't take itself so damn seriously that it can't take a joke. As I talk to our patrons about what they think of our show they speak mostly of feelings: "It feels so different --like the old days" or "Everybody here seems so happy". I think feelings are key to our continued success and to preserving our common ground - -a place for our community to gather and strengthen the bonds that make each of us important to the rest. Our tribe can still meet at the oasis to water our camels, trade some goods, play some poker, seduce each other and generally run rampant in the streets. The spirit of creativity and the sense of belonging that have spurred the community to form the Village Co-op, to join the Fools Guild and to take over this faire, are manifestations of the deep abiding love that we have for each other. Now, despite the difficulties, the rancor and the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, we have this place to celebrate that love. The Playground is open. ---Steven Overstreet Sorry fer the long post...but I was proud of what I saw...considering me uncle and his "faire kin" were thrown out on their ear this time last year by RenCo. If'n ye haven't gone...the weather be lookin good fer this final weekend. Play faire! Arrr!
  6. HAHA! I had some young louts visit me recently wit thar Lego pirates...and one of the skeleton heads found their way into...uh...me underwear drawer. Don't ask.
  7. Tis true. I still find random things on the beach, no less (bones...shells, etc.) and always find mesself wonderin' "Hmmm...how might that work on me garb?"
  8. At parts? At least Hook admits he's a scoundrel...Pan kidnaps innocent children and yanks them off to Neverland where they face terrible perils all for HIS enjoyment (that, plus the leaf-wearin' kid has got some serious abandonment issues...I've never met such a mama's boy in all my life...I mean...Wendy's supposedly his squeeze, and he's got a cluster of "Lord of the Flies" rejects going along with him to call her "mother"?) Good lord! Long live Captain Jas. Hook! Sorry...I'm off my soapbox now... :-)
  9. I dunno...me wife did it an' she wound up as Barbossa.
  10. I've read the book...and I love Dave Barry...but I've said this before on Hook/Pan related topics before...and I'll say it again... DEATH TER PETER PAN!! Sorry...me non-pirate name be Peter too...and e'en when I were a little urchin, I hated the leaf wearin' cannibal. But that's just me.
  11. Aye, tis true. When I usualy get me mates tergether...it's either fer pirate paintball or cuthroat poker!
  12. Aye, he'll be so scared...he'll suffer "Barnicular Torsion"!
  13. Just got a sneak peek at Johnny as Willy Wonka...very interesting...But I know one thing fer certain...that figure won't nearly be as cool as Jack.
  14. Monetary issues seems ter be one o' me great quibbles....I'm happy with wot I got as far as summer gear goes...need ter sew me up a winter coat, though.
  15. My superiors here at work got me some of these cute little gems. They be absolutely adorable. Now...if'n only some o these lubbers be willin' ter play wit me o'er here!
  16. Just visited me uncle Steven out at Ren Faire this weekend. The faire be going through some dramatic improvements this year...all of them good, in my humble opinion. Anyway....all, and I mean ALLL of the staff there be lookin' forward ter the pirate raids! ARRR! Tell yer friends! If this faire pays off well fer all involved, it may change the way things are done for MANY Ren Faires out there...again, for the good. (For those of you who don't know, this is a unique faire, because it's springing from the ashes of the Renaissance Pleasure Faire...which was taken over and destroyed by a rather ruthless entity that would make Barbossa shudder...PLUS, it's run entirely by the participants and vendors...allowing the heart to be put back into it...all you Northern California Ren Faire types will know what I mean...I still miss Black Point *sigh*) Can't wait ter see ye all out thar!
  17. Arrr! Now if only all the wenches in our lives had an inkling ter things piratical.
  18. It'll probably be like the Master & Commander "Deluxe Set"...really worth it only to BIG BIIIIIGGGG FANS (like us).
  19. By the way, Ace. My forearms be sore somethin' fierce...my practice goes well...I'm starting to feel them juggling clubs move the way I want 'em to.... ...except when Domino gets his horrible little monkey hands on 'em *WHACK!*
  20. Oooo! That I shall..I be needin' a new drinkin' horn fer me "Sailor under Drake" outfit.
  21. I sent the lubber a polite email that basically warned him that he will, indeed, be in serious trouble if'n he doesn't listen ter the other "polite" emails from me fellow pirates. Especially since I've been working my connections with eBay...They tell me "Well, it IS buyer beware...but we'll look into it...." So we'll see. This is just more amusing now, than anything.
  22. AHhh...if only me doubloons were flowin' freely these days...I wants one fer me office.
  23. I be designin' t-shirts fer the faire's guest concession stands. Should be neat...but then again, I grew up at Faire (literally) and most of the older participants there are practically family (and one or two actually are family).
  24. Male attire...only smaller and taken in in certain areas (and let out in others).
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