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Black Anne

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Everything posted by Black Anne

  1. Bummer that ye didn't make it! We saw 2 of the 3, and I could just about move into the Niagara,I liked it that much! I didn't remember me camers, will see if I can snag some pics from someone else!
  2. The guiness fairy brings it ta me!
  3. I bought it at a bead shop in Grand Rapids, Mn., called Terra Relfections. Little bugger set me back six bucks...but I had to have it! I don't know if they do online sales or not..If I find out they do, I'll p.m. you... if'n yer interested.
  4. Beautiful work!
  5. That's a thin hemp cord. Standard, walmart stuff, nuttin special . And thanx!
  6. Will be there sunday, with Morgan Drake, and both our hubbies. No kids, they will be at Grammas!
  7. Welcome Lass.. *raise a guiness in toast* Here's to ye!
  8. Here's some of my crafting projects,the necklace I plan to wear with my garb,maybe the bracelet, too. necklace closeup to show the different colored beads.... bracelet
  9. Happy Birthday, Bess!
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy Birthday, May you have much rum, and plenty O' plunder!
  13. :angry: Happy Birthday,Lass!
  14. Thanks, Lady Barbossa, and Red Cat Jenny, for you compliments! The purse is from Full Moon Imports, in Duluth. The Coat is custom, made by Lady Kathleen of Olmsted, from R/F.com. If anyone would like to see her work, here's a link! Lady K's sewing
  15. ooh, shiny...pretty.... piratey! That's nice, eye!
  16. Here is the most recent one..at Olde World Ren Faire, near Duluth.. So far, the only constant things in my garb are the boots, hat... and unless it's really hot, me new coat! Photo, courtesy of DeadBishop, of R/F.com I still can't get the hubby to pick out/order some garb, may need to have Mad Jack talk to him again!
  17. Why, it be Clover! This round's on me!(aka renren)
  18. Welcome, Lad! Make mine a pint "o guiness! And how'bout play "rollin' down to old maui"?
  19. I guess I'd be on the other side of the story, I've only met 3! 1. Morgan Drake (cuz we grew up together,and are best friends) 2. Mad Jack (happened to hear someone say"Mad Jack" at MNRF,walked up and introduced meself!) 3. Rage(also met at Mnrf!) oh yeah..4. Deadbishop is on here too, ain't he?
  20. ya read my mind! Was just gonna ask that!
  21. Aye, I plan on attending, will post here as to which weekend. Due to the nature of the spouse's job, we don't decide very far ahead of time! Usually, we attend one of the last weekends, in hopes that it's cooler!
  22. See... that's why we're pyrate's! Them jobs is tricky things!
  23. Welcome bootstrap!
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