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Black Anne

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Everything posted by Black Anne

  1. So, I like the pirate boots, and, as I understand it, they are more (if not completely) Hollywood's creation. I would like to know, if there were boots worn by pirate/sailors of the time, and what they looked like. For some reasonI cannot access the clothing references on here, it just goes back to the main page. The reason I want tommknow is that I wiill be looking for new boots, H/A or not! Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Renee aka Black Anne
  2. Scorpion King.
  3. Welcome Nicholas!
  4. Wonderful work you did there, Sir!
  5. Happy Birthday, Mission!
  6. Aye, our weather can vary greatly up here, during the course of a season or 2!
  7. I guess I'm a mixture! I love the boots, and I need new ones. Tried some shoes this past season, and was left wanting boots!
  8. Have a Happy, Day, whether it be Thanksgiving, or just one more day!
  9. I like it!
  10. Welcome!
  11. Yeah, I remember seeing one of those streetfights! It was awesome! :)
  12. Have a Happy Birthday, Scupper!
  13. Glad you had a good trip! Looking forward to the pictures of your adventure!
  14. Happy Birthday to ya mate! Hope it was a good one!
  15. Welcome, Scratchy!
  16. Prayers being sais for ye,Lass! Wishin' you smooth sailin from here on!
  17. Thanks! You guys are the bestest!
  18. Welcome aboard, Bart! That's a mighty fine looking ship, and the sea scouts sounds like fun!
  19. Welcome back! I hope the winds do favor ye ,soon!
  20. Welcome aboard, Gibb!
  21. You've never seen Aurora Borealis? I see them all the time up here, esp. in the winter! no green flash ,tho.
  22. Nice pictures, Dragoon!
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