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Black Anne

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Everything posted by Black Anne

  1. You'll be in me thoughts and prayers, dear!
  2. Congrats to ye mates! Ya know, I think that Sparrow owes me some money, too! LOL!
  3. *whew* Glad the pub is back!
  4. O course, Jenny!
  5. Sorry to hear of this, William. ((hugs))
  6. I don't mind the smell at all. I like it, in fact!
  7. Yay for Ray! *Passes a bottle of rum around*
  8. I told him we already got one!
  9. Yes, I'm sure its just for the potassium. edit: I really want to post another pic for you ladies but it may be too much. Don't want to offend any delicate flowers. *looking around for the "delicate flowers"* LOL
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. I just feel more at home in the company of pirates, than nobles..The pirates I've met at MNRF are some of the friendliest I've ever met at faire! I don't care if my hat, or boots aren't period..I may in the future..but will do my best not to judge others, on their garb. Just me 2 pence.
  12. Aye! That Nell, she be a wise woman! Listening intently for more flattery,or bribery, as the case may be...
  13. No one ask'd ye 'bout yer boyfriend 'o th' moment - What Ye Be Pour'n Down Yer Gullet?? ...ohhhhhhhh n'er mind.... MadL~ I love your sense of humor! :)
  14. Welcome to the pyracy pub! Take a look around, there's plenty of pictures of garb, links to info, patterns, ect!
  15. Glad to hear you weren't seriously hurt! Black ice is scary, scary stuff!
  16. Could use some Ice Cream! Here's some rum!
  17. Wishin' all a Happy New year! I know what you mean Rumba, we have all been sick, off and on, for over a week!
  18. A link! I learned how!
  19. I saw that! Never been on it myself, but would love to , someday!
  20. This is my Chloe. If she traveled better, I'd try to take her to a faire once,cuz she'll sit on my shoulders forever! And here's Dory, she's funny, doesn't like to be held much.
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