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Black Anne

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Everything posted by Black Anne

  1. Yeah,the article's kinda not specific..but we'll see when it comes out. I'm looking forward to it!
  2. And there's nothin more fun that being kidnapped by pyrates!
  3. Thanks Rage! I'm not very "savvy" with posting pics! That's me,in the top pic,wearing bluish green(aqua?) Before I bought me pyrate coat!
  4. Why, thank ye,Lad.. Say, is this the start of a RF.com pyrate migration to this forum?
  5. welcome! I'll even buy you the first round, whatcha havin?
  6. I hail from the frozen north too. I've seen you at fest, and I met your lovely fiance' this year, but I don't know if we actually met! On r/f.com,I go by renren,ring a bell?
  7. Leave it to Jack... Hey we could make a song out of this! lalalala laRumba *ready to duck flying objects*
  8. Have a Happy Birthday!
  9. *blushes* Ooops, ok! Thanks Jill!
  10. If I remember correctly, Barrabossa means "red beard"!
  11. How about "we worship a dancing peanut, for corn's sake!"
  12. Hmm.... Count, eh? *curtseying* Welcome,welcome!
  13. Minnesota is in a state of,to borrow a phrase,"instantaneously booger freezing cold!"
  14. Well, It looks as though I'll be taking a "friends of" role,as I'm not able to travel too much (young kids and hubby that works ALOT) but I do look forward to meeting some or all of you! As for the questions... I have a leopard tattoo, above the right,err,breast.. I left me home port O Bristol,after I killed my fiance' (arranged marriage, need I say more?) I have all me teeth M'lady, be they somewhat crooked. Never could get enough of the,even as a wee lass,but,being as me family was..umm..not poor..I was kept away from the sea, in the confines of the family home.. So, once the "incident" with with the fiance, I thought it best to leave town..
  15. *takes off hat and bows* Anne Marie Roberts,at your service,M'lady.
  16. Might ye be looking for a scribe? I'm an educated woman,can read and write. And as for rum,I'll pass and have tea..
  17. Aww,Jack that is a sweet picture! What a lovely(and piratey) couple you make!
  18. Welcome MadL! I'll buy the next round.. Whatever their having,and a tea for me,If'n ya please!
  19. Welcome Hana!
  20. Hmm.. that's different. Ah well, to each his (or her) own, I always say!
  21. Welcome, welcome.. Come on in.. and buy us a round! Then we'll buy you one!
  22. Welcome, Lady!
  23. Oh,Well, as long as yur offering, I'd just love a guiness! Thanks,luv!
  24. Thanks,luv , for the welcome!
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