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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. just got graces pics. once i edit out the stinky/ leatherback/ mad dogge files i should be able to get them onto one disk. no worrries mates i'm still leaving some of you three. archangels- the deltaville pics will be on your disks as well. i have the sorissseeseess addy, but need the rest. same as silas, you didn't need to be there to get a disk. just let me know.
  2. i believe cousin robbie is still tryin to get fidels autograph.
  3. "I know that for the most part it's unlikely that anyone will have such large ticket items lying around and the means to easily transport them" *snicker* should we send the little trailer or the big trailer with sterling?
  4. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2006/07/...dio-interactive got to meet capt. temple in november. neat guy.
  5. oh no we would NEVER want to look silly...................... i was thinking about the leather coasters, uh vent stalls, er um medallions that the Bonies issued out. It would only take a second to stamp them -of course then we gotta figure out how to clearly wear them. I know i mentioned this earlier in another thread, but cascabels blackpowder 101 booklet is available through himself and NQG- it is a wealth of great information and well worth picking up.
  6. thank you bo. its funny how items change hands. One of the bone islanders needed a sling that morning for his new boom stick. I was not shooting that day so I gave him the one i hand wove- figured I'd just make another later. bought the box of goodies- mostly for the buckles and got a new hand made sling!!! Even though we have never met, now knowing where it came from means even more.
  7. from a secondary source by 1690......the rich forests remained practically untouched, Virginians and Marylanders preferring to import their chairs, tables, chests, cart-wheels, and even their birchen brooms. -philip a bruce Economic History of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century- 1895. Based on this and notes from a class i took in williamsburg last winter on 18th century woodworking which in short points this out untill F&I era. I would be comfortable to say that furniture could easily be aboard a prize ship. now wether kept, traded, burned, sold,used for target practice, who knows. *edit- now as for careening. cargo would want to be unloaded in port then careened. an emergency careening for repairs requires everything possible to go over.
  8. oy mission, taint january 14th yet. who's getting nackered off? whoever donated the tin box full of buckles, webbing and leather. thank you. i just made a new sling for my buss, repaired a belt and still have plenty left for garters and other projects. the copper bracelet kicks arse as well!
  9. as my friend Edward the nuclear operator says- DOH!!! robbie said it. i just had to reword it to reflect that. I would never say such things about you.
  10. i would lean more towards a stain or oil than paint. turpentine and linseed oil most likely, maybe a bit of pine tar for the right smell.
  11. robbie would say youre a posting hog. poor bugger, sterling should not have confused him like that towards the end. heck, hes probably standing at the gate waiting for his beloved cousin to return for him. "just wait right here Robbie, we have to go to the fort for a sec. we'll be right back....
  12. ***
  13. wow, the lid open puts it all into perspective. the lock is actually not that big or out of proportion for the box. the hinges are of the variety jim showed. notice how the till lid was used to keep the box lid from falling. a dangerous move and is the reason why so many remaining boxes tills do not have lids.
  14. crap!!! bestill my heart!!! i did not see the interior shot and had to go back to find it. ah now were talking!!!! i'm gonna go drool a while- i'll post later.
  15. anyone ever notice when cheeky posts its always in multiples instead of.... say putting everything in one entry.... bumps her posting rating it does, maybe she's compensating for something?????
  16. it looks to be dovetailed. if you look very carefully at the right and left front edge i think i can make out board thickness' (the end grains stained and aged differently) and on the opposing 90 degree right side, indicating dove tails. on the back right if you use the white as a contrast, it seems to have spaced differences in the wood. this could come from that corner knocking into things over time and different pieces of the joints and tennons chipping off or upon really close view, pixal distortion. what an intersting box. domed lid, unique lock. for such a sizeable and prominent lock compared to box size something is not matching. The hinges. I can see darker color spots on the back side of the lid evenly spaced from the ends, but thats about it.
  17. the flag was in retaliation for numerous inner crew squabblings- but was indeed well deserved!!!!!! as to the barrels, pern if i had my way i'd give them every last one of those heavy miserable oversized things and be done with them! Don't even get me started- actually good point- i'll bring it up AGAIN at the next meeting. now onto important stuff. Jim, i had not seen that one before. she's a sweetie!!!!! oh to have that in the camp!!
  18. "Well, apparently when I got home. All those supposedly ‘dead’ batteries worked. Every last one! I didn’t have a dead one in the bunch! Odd…very odd." pssst Cheeky.... the batteries, they have little plusses and minuses....... the camera has em too........
  19. oh i can see cousin johnny and robbie on the gate now. YOU KNOW ME???? I KNOW YOUUUUU!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHE
  20. well thank goodness cousin robbie cant spell else we'd never get any peace and quiet. good night
  21. reenacting is indeed enjoyable for all and PIP is a great venue for every one to get together and appreciate the comradery. Mickey, i love you like a brother, but i'm going to politely disagree with you on this one. From a gun nuts point of view- Its not a matter of who can or cannot play in the field. its a matter of enabeling everyone who wishes to, to SAFELY take the field and be comfortable knowing that the person next to them has some competence with powder and weapon. As the festival grows, obviously so does the number of shooters, with that goes the risk of injury and accident and we all know that one "oops- i didn't know" could cost Harry his job and end our days at the fort. Have faith- having safeguards in place is a good thing, but please don't feel overwhelmed. I'm certain that it can be done with minimal intrusion to those that are already squared away or those willing to learn.
  22. dogge- just funnin ya mate. that darned trailer needs to be beefed up. we were well below the safe weight, but the springs on that thing aren't for beans. at one point the tires were riding on the wells. i'm ordering a new set the first of the year. hopefully that shall resolve our issues.
  23. pm headed to you
  24. hunting season is still on. i'll make some calls
  25. there are 15 users on line... do we not have lives????????? i'm getting ready for work and am a Pub-aholic. whats your excuse???????
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