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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. ahoy folks here it is, the complilation CD to benefit the Colonial Seaport Foundation and the Luna project. A great big thank you goes to Cindy Warner at hysterically correct productions for putting this together for us. Artists include our very own Brigands, Clan MacCool, Blackbeard's Crew, Skip Henderson, Tom Lewis, Bob Zentz, Jane Meneely, Kimber's Men, Ships Company, Rusty Cutlass and lots more to make up an amazing 20 tracks (well 21, but my plea for help doesn't count) To order, please visit our web site- www.colonialseaport.org give us a couple of days to get it up and running. I was just so excited I wanted to post it a little early.
  2. I.C.- we can put you to use, but there are some requirements....... first, master carpentry skills are not needed, but are appreciated and used. so being able to read a ruler is a great start. we do a lot of OJTing with new folks- and we also do a lot of learning as we go. second- be able to laugh at yourself. if not we'll do it for you. Third- lots of research, CSF is more than a ship. We spend a lot of time doing research and educational programs. thinking outside the box is good. Fourth- do you like to eat?? The big Luna news...... (i'm going to repost this part in the market when we get set for paypal)We have our new compilation CD , loaded to the gunwales, out!!! Its an amazing 20 tracks of original and traditional sea chanties from artists on two continents. Willoughby Caught, the Brigands, Rusty Cutlass, Skip Henderson, Bob Zents to name a few. Proceeds go to the Foundation. and the really big news- we landed our second major financial anchor. We have a long way to go, but we wont be stopping work any time soon!!
  3. @#%^%$%% coal tongs and cedar spills. back to the shop i go thanks mickey. who'da thought all those cedar shaving from the boat would surface here. I've got a barrel of spills waiting to go to the burn pit. guess i'll pull em out now.
  4. so over time i've run across references that refer to people carrying credentials that say they are a property owner in such and such colony or a member of a parish or various other form of identification to keep them from being arrested as a run away indentured servant or other such inconveniences but i cannot find a written description or picture of one of these get out of jail free cards. anyone ever run across one of these various items?
  5. we were using some nice cannon fuse that spike had at pip. it was white paper wrapped with a light thread around it. does anyone know where it came from and how to get more of it?
  6. maybe.. I don't know how much is needed. you end up with an ember about the size of a worn #2 pencil tip that last for around ten seconds with some blowing. of course it depends on the ammount of tinder loaded into the tip of the piston. an interesting note here- too much tinder will not combust- a little dab will do ya.
  7. not exactly period weapons, but man i love my job sometimes!!! M3 with silencer- never fired! ak47 as used in an unidentifeid asian country that the US never occupied- note the third position on the safety on the second pic rpk *sorry had to edit this one, got part of a face in it by mistake. i'll get another one taken.
  8. huzzah!!! congrats mate- hope all are happy and healthy.
  9. from ember to tinder to sustainable flame in thirty seconds!
  10. so i picked up a fire piston at pip and it works like a charm. no rum charlies pop was showing one off at the fudge stand and i happened to catch it. he had an extra he was gracious enough to sell. it takes a bit to figure out the right ammount of compression, but once you do a glowing ember comes out each time. amazing!
  11. grace and i are in. more than likely constable and pern as well. i'll let cross speak for himself- can he do that?
  12. i'll load up what i have here, but its only been down a couple of months so it will be a slow burn. i'll also toss in some heart knots. they will go for ever.
  13. yeah- or something like that...... regardless the bloody thing is fixed and headed to florida............ of course cousin you know who has it...............
  14. noooo, i believe it was found durring the unload. I have no need to tote broken things around the coast. I have plenty of my own- even in my most scatterbrained state I KNOW I don't need more broken stuff. As I recall I was most concerned that something had followed us home, other than coral and sand, and had been broken en-route and some of us felt bad about it, as opposed to the unnamed ship captain of the captain of the marines whom the lantern belongs to that pointed out who it belonged to and said to just throw it in the pile with his steel pissoir helmets and let em rust! Thump, thump, beep beep beep beep, thump, thump- that was the bus running you over, backing up and running you over again- Grace
  15. oh its not an extra lantern- its yours ddogge. It will be back to you in time for a ghost walk- count me in. of course its in much better shape than I found it, which still remains a mystery to me. How did a prized mad d'dogge broken lantern end up in the trailer anyhow? Its not like Stynky offed with it.......... or did he????????????
  16. dogge is right. the stuff they make for babies bottoms is great. heck, in my more athletic days of backpacking on the A.T., i always made sure there was a pack of baby wipes in the same bag as the TP. that stuff and a bit of cream is a life saver on humid days to keep the monkey arse at bay. hmmmm hey jack, is your wee one comin? maybe between she and hamish well have a good supply of antifowlant on hand.
  17. tolietries, extra socks- or get some from greg, baiting suit- we are at the beach ya know, eating gear, meds and extra glasses if you use them. now go through the gear you have packed, leave half of it behind because you wont need it and pack twice as much money.
  18. glass lenses were also used. There was an art to being able to safely transport embers and keep them live enough to be used at the end of a days travel. I think its Dampier who describes a bamboo tube with a piston in it used by a pacific tribe. a bit of tinder is placed at the bottom of the bamboo tube and the piston is slammed down on top of it. the sudden compression causes a spontaneous combustion of sorts, from how i understand it. I think its pretty slick, but have never seen it done.
  19. oh don't make me send robbie in after you to show you how its done!
  20. and for those who have everything........ http://cgi.ebay.com/17th-Century-Scadidinavian-Nordic-Hand-Cannon_W0QQitemZ150389986482QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2303f114b2
  21. hmmmm as if crewing on board Mika with two wasn't bad enough, now a full weekend of doubledutch. lord help their souls.
  22. hey mates, i know various pieces of clothing have been discussed in prior threads but i dont recall any discussion on the shirts. from what i can see arounfd the collars and cuffs, it looks like four have paterns of checks or stripes. anyone else seeing it? edit* as it pertains to the above picture
  23. luna updates... hmmph. just flip the pictures around- voila starboard side. find a picture of a frame, any frame, look at it again, and again, and again. hey look were making progress. unfortunately, thats what it looks like in pictures about as much fun as watchin the grass grow. I was hoping to see someone elses headac.... er um heartach..... no wait- heart throb.
  24. You're in NOVA right?? In stock, where you can take your time and see and try would be williamsburgs prentics' store as a good bet, but you will be hard pressed to find one for under $75 or so. Again, the advantage is they have lots in stock and you can take your time finding one. plus its a cool store- i have to go in with specific items in mind and leave else i break the bank. edit, i think there is a similar ship in fredericksburg that their folks use, but i have never been to it nor know the name of it.
  25. pictures to follow???? how about now!!!
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