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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. fingers are crossed and hoping!!!
  2. outlook is good, fine governing skills. pew thanks for posting this. i see a field version of this in the works.
  3. not sure about the actual style, but it looks to be wool cold weather gear. and i agree with mike on the closures. if you look at the maniquins right side just above the closed section, there appears to be a hook, might be the eye. spaced about six inches above that is another faint thingy that looks like the first. then there is that thing at the collar- i have no idea. where did you run across this picture? hey cj, ive got the pieces cut out for you- i'll have it ready by pip.
  4. dag diosa, hadn't heard about the misfortune. hope you are on the recovery track- in the meantime we'll coerce robbie into carrying you around. not smart but a strong little fellow.
  5. i should find a pic of my traveling with grace bed. . . . . . . . .
  6. hugs and prayers from grace and myself.
  7. MORGAN!!!! I thought you said it went together easily!!!! Egads, the line setting must have taken hours!!!! otherwise damned fine job!!! hats off to ya mate
  8. well yes grace DID lift the bits out..... now as far as freeing them, well thats a different story...................
  9. UPDATES!!!! grace on the bow. her right leg is where the bits came out. the lines in the hold mark the new main hatch the new captains quarters is hiding under that quarter deck somewhere Ben next to the new planks, ben is six foot four for reference port side, the whiskey plank is in!!!!! from the starboard side the new gaff boom various oak logs destine to be cut to various pieces 16 inches by by eight to ten feet long
  10. hey better late than never. i missed this with all the excitement elsewhere. happy birthday. i sent robbie out to find flowers for you. I told him you like poison ivy. I'll make sure he looses it before pip.
  11. nah lets leave it. i'm enjoying watching my pleas for sanity and offers of help get burried as people just plow over the original intent.
  12. I seem to recall at recent events people regaling stories of learning to row or being asked to be on a gun crew. heck there are even pictures of people in this very thread that are climbing ships ladders without helmets or netting under them. OH MY GOSH what if something happened? If you don't need insurance or are not interested in working with other groups thats your kitty. In a nutshell, we (as in CSF)must have insurance because of the boat, we decided to have one blanket policy for all that we do. Its based in Hampton because well, thats where we are. Nothing is stopping anyone from doing what we did. I will be more than happy to help anyone walk through the four months of paperwork. No one is asking or telling anyone they must join up, but as others have stated, venues are getting harder and harder to deal with so pardon me for offering to see if there was a way to help small or new groups or individuals that may need assistance with either insurance or resources to enable them to take the field. Heck I dont even know if the insurance will ride in some states, but we will never know unless someone asks. edit* i enjoy my yearly encounter with the insurance agent AND the fire marshal who are standing on shore next to out representative at the BB festival. Both of them cringe as the guns go off almost on top of each other, pirates cross over and eventually one ends up in the drink. You can literally hear the Fire Marshall pucker up until the man is safely aboard the chase boat. That is trully the best show in the house.
  13. so let me get this straight. a crews dream is to have a ship. that crew goes forward with the dream, does the paperwork and legwork to ensure it will be feasible, offers its services and is now "elite"????????????? I don't get it. well call me silly, but i'd rather go forward with a dream and be considered elite than sit and stagnate.
  14. happy birthday
  15. i'm trying to figure out where "elite" keeps popping up.
  16. lady b, yes that is correct aboard ship as cargo net and could have been used as hammoc. Although I have no documentation, I suspect that could have been a common seaman's cheap hammoc and there may not be an example of such because as it wore it may have been recycled as gun wadding, turned into baggy wrinkle, or face it- its just old and worn completely out and tossed over. Now, from personal experience on a 3/4 inch manila cargo net with approximately nine inch squares, you cant get out of it quickly, a free hand or foot get fowled while sleeping and you try to turn over, your body weight against the line cuts off circulation and your limbs fall asleep. The splices lay where it is most uncomfortable- no matter how many times you adjust, I was scared to death my head would fall through the gaps as the ship rocked. With all that said, modern hammocs are great. obviously, smaller gaps and your thoughts of softer line are the way to go. I would love to see pictures of a work in progress.
  17. blackbeard has members who have been doing various reenactment periods for forty years on down, the crew has only been together 11. The foundation for two, but we have a much larger stake in the pot that necessitated us organizing a bit differently than others. Blackbeards crew was already established and running just fine so we did not want to mess with it by adding in a major project. We had to do it from the start and do it right, not as a knee jerk to an after thought. As a result of that, we have the nonprofit status and the mythical insurance that gets folks all nutted up. Quite simply, we are all volunteer members who pay annual dues. If someone has an idea for or we are invited to attend an event, provided we have the manpower and it adheres to the mission statement of the foundation, we go. The board does not dictate anything at this level, we are all there for a common cause, and simply do what is in the best interest of the foundation. No fuss no muss- common sense really.
  18. hey mates. as i stated i don't want to tell any group what to do if they are already doing what works for them. I'm thinking of a way for groups to have resources normally not available to them because of size/ location/ what have you. Those resources include extra manpower from neighboring groups, reference materials, and yes the ever increasingly demanded "I" word. Here is my thought, lets say hurricane and crew are flying to virginia- they need tents, but everything else is covered. I've got two spares and duncan has one. that covers hurricane. hurricane et all are members of the Foundation so they are covered under the insurance for the event. In return the following winter, Hurricane discovers at the last minute half the crew is down with bird flu for an event. he calls up to virginia and we are on the way- he collects his resources on that side to ensure we have the proper clothing because it is set 80 years earlier than what we normally do. Its currently done to some degree between groups and individuals now. CSF, BBC, Vigilant, Devilmen, and Archangel. This just enables us all to have one outlet for help.
  19. gee thanks folks. unfortunately, i'm alergic to alcohol (yeah no kiddin I miss my rum) so will fresh oysters and crab do instead?
  20. well history is written by the victors and then we come along and find information about the loosers that messes up the victors story. so history is reenacted by those who do the research. I certainly don't want a governing body telling me how to do things that work for my group and i would not want to tell others what ot do either. i think an umbrella would be good for insurance and resources, but the crews would definitely need to be individual. thats what makes us all unique. The biggest concern would be over all safety, not who is doing what. as long as all agree to accurately portray what ever it is that they are portraying from boucaneers to jean lafitte. If we loose the insurance over a bonehead oops, we'll not get it back and wont float.
  21. not wanting to pull this too far off topic, but I think were in a pretty unique situation here. Instead of being a crew, we're set up as a 501c3 foundation, which has members, volunteers, and staff but is governed by a board of directors. the directors are the only ones that vote, but we rely heavily on the opinion of staff and volunteers, because if they aren't happy, we have seven board members and a pile of toothpicks. I only know of one other "pirate" reenacting group who has insurance and that is Blackbeards- our sister. We have a set of standards that we follow for safety and history/education. In theory, if a "crew" were to join the foundation, the insurance would follow them provided they followed the foundations guidelines and if any chance for shameless marketing on behalf of the foundation provided itself, donations came back to the ship. This could also be a central house for loaner supplies and reference materials. the problem would then be, the crew would loose some of its individuality because, well its our rules. and eventually everything would end up being the same, just a different venue. any thoughts?
  22. well food is an iteresting venue. town only has one grocery store and two gas stations. the closest wal-fart is about half an hour out. folks would be welcome to pack their food in and cook in site. the museum has a cafe(read grills for dogs and burgers) we can easily add breakfast stuff to the menu and charge per meal to cover the cost. we would need to supply the manpower though. Saturday night is going to be fun. How about dinner and a concert. this is going to be the big money draw. I think i've convinced the local orchestra to revist pirates of penzans (sp?) and do a sea chantey night. the dinner would be a period bbq with the public purchasing tickets for dinner and show or just show. provided we could pre sell enough tickets, free for us all the way around. if not, the concert free and a reduced meal price to cover cost. Sorry, its hard to make money when i hate gouging friends. porto-lets extras will be on site at the end of the month for another event. the pots cost the same for one weekend as one month. I'm arguing to split the bill with the other event. not winning though for some reason.
  23. well so far the only true expenses will be porta poties, fire wood and advertising. recoverable costs are ice and food, which will need upfront money. no permits for fires or fire power, but i'm inclined to limit open fires out of respect for the efforts the gardeners have done to put the fields to a natural habitat. brazers in site and one or two communal pits for atmosphere. its going to be warm so its really hard to justify leaving charred ground. The local sherriff and fire marshal are old friends so no worries about blowing stuff up. Biggest concern is safety afloat for small boats. will need to remind people to just stand up if they fall over. Fees for venders and participants... I hate to even think it, but something will need to be collected. Its going to cost $$ to get to nowhere land. I'm thinking vendors do a % of sales and participants a donation with the understanding that once costs are covered it all goes to construction of luna, which will benefit us all. any suggestions? edit* oops, located at the deltaville va maritime museum. about an hour east of richmond or an hour north of hampton. fire arms consistent with your groups portrayal. jamestown to rev war. as long as its maritime related im thinking.
  24. woo hoo, i'm off that weekend. might be able to pull it off. hmmm I feel a business trip coming on. hey sterling, reggie, animal, think i might need help to conduct business.
  25. hey uh reggie...... dude. the head is to port side mate. ya know, the best way to break em in is to wear them to work on luna.
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