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Everything posted by Dutchman

  1. without sounding simple- one that floats. It depends on whats available, the region and era. If you can capture a better suited vessel for your needs you did, or you had what worked for your tactics and stole a new one when yours wore out. Dampier recalls ships being captured laying at harbor by nothing more than a couple of dug out canoes. The Whydah and Queen Anne were captured and refitted slavers which suited ocean raiding well, but did not do so well around coasts and shallow water. For that something along the lines of a sloop would work well. If you were a raider on the Chesapeake bay a couple of long boats working together out of back creeks with nothing more than swivel guns and muskets would work. Its 430 and i'm trying to think this out, if i just plugged in the wrong name someone help me out please. I can only think of one ship that was built for pyracy and that was Steede Bonnets Revenge. He was a plantation owner who turned to piracy and had his own ship built. Turns out he wasn't much of a mariner though. Sorry to be so vague, but its a wide range of possibilities. *edit* tell ya what, give us a time frame and a description of what you vision- or maybe a drawing and I bet a slew of pictures and ideas from the pubsters will start pouring in.
  2. awsome! Greg Hudson, Scarlet Scarab and a friend of mine who makes period reproduction furniture have all just confirmed they are coming! The orchestra is up to 30 members in attendance now. This is going to be a grand time.
  3. one up north from maine somewhere, one from the dismal swamp of carolina, and one from south america. I believe all three were tried and sold into slavery.
  4. i have three counts of native american
  5. hey!!!!! happy birthday from all of us at the funny farm.
  6. ya know bob, cousin robbie- bless his missing soul, has an interesting philosophy on straw hats. He gets the tightest weave that can be found for his. The rationalle is pretty simple, of course so is he, but make it nice and tight when its dry and when its wet it will swell and seal itself. I pointed the obvious flaws of this to him where he said not to worry, pulled some saw dust and cotton out of his pockets and began to pay the seams. i think he spent too much time in the yards.
  7. sounds like you need to come to a sewing party, maybe robbie will surface by the next one. Dont worry about the lace or buttons on your shirt. just put one at the top and let it go, the rest just ping off after time. send me a pm with your ## for tomorrow.
  8. I nominate cousin robbie
  9. for clarification- the "duncan" he is refering to is NOT Duncan Mcguyver of the Crewe of the Vigilant.
  10. http://pyracy.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=viewimage&img=2717 http://pyracy.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=viewimage&img=2716 http://pyracy.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=viewimage&img=2715
  11. is blighs journal on line? maybe we can post a link to it?
  12. ohhhhh, so its ok for Foxe to have embroidered flowers and is complimented by you yersef- but oh no just one snide comment about your beloved cousin robbie and i'm damned to have poison ivy embroidery.
  13. so what if were not interested in your dandy fopishness. now we have to be interested just to reply to your statemented question of if we were interested in the first place, which I weren't. Thank you for adding yet another dilema to my day! I'm going to go back to my drug enduced state now. thanks
  14. wait, who had the parasol and cutlass?
  15. i've got silkies stuff to! in the overflow shop in Richmond.
  16. he's comfortable there. Nice view of Luna. one room upstairs, one downstairs- but that one is a bit muddy.
  17. he got it back. i checked the nail in the privy where is coat and puddin cap normally hang and they are both gone.
  18. Elizabeth II http://roanokeisland.com/ Friends good will http://www.friendsgoodwill.net/ Sultana www.sultanaprojects.org/ Virginia www.schoonervirginia.org Spirit of South Carolina http://www.scmaritime.org/boat.html amistadamerica.org
  19. let's list the old girls. add the sites in as we run across them and i'll pin them into one thread. http://www.kalmarnyckel.org/ http://sealionprojectltd.com http://www.santamaria.org/index.php http://www.halfmoon.mus.ny.us/ http://www.tallshipbounty.org/ www.ussconstitutionmuseum.org www.historicships.org (constelation homepage)
  20. hey, she has been out of the news for a while. last i heard, she was left on the bottom for a while to help keep her intact. does anyone know anything about her? http://sealionprojectltd.com/sealiondirect.html
  21. ok i'll admit it. i miss him. i haven't had anyone to kick around or yell at since he headed out. no phone calls, no e-mail, no postings here- he hasn't even logged on lately. I must have really upset him this time. has anyone seen him yet? Sort of like the old "where's waldo" pictures.
  22. oh I've seen sterlings garage. Its not pretty. amazing yes, pretty no. I had a great little barn with an old Ford N8 tractor, some chickens and a nice little workshop. quite homely and quiet, was gonna put a yurt out back. Then ship happens and that was the end of that- now its full of wood and rigging, dust and blueprints, the occasional small project because there are always other things on the bench now oh and a 360 lb cannon that we have to move to work on the boat.... Mark, tell me a story please! Whats it like to have a finished, floating boat?
  23. hey willoughby!! sorry i couldn't make it out today. Henricus wen't longer than expected. I know we had talked about you roving around on Saturday, but a workshop on Friday would be great. Can you do something like what you did at Pyratecon?
  24. oh, it was a perfect description of him. didn't realize you were funnin.
  25. orrr- bring him and the missis along if they are into events. there is plenty of room on the grounds to set an encampment and run free.
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